Occupational Therapy and Mental Health, 3rd Edition, provides a comprehensive introduction to the role and work of the occupational therapist in the fields of mental health and learning disability. The structure of the book presents a logical sequence for learning and is also an easy reference book for qualified occupational therapists.
Section 1. PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY BASE A short history of occupational therapy inpsychiatry. Health,wellness and occupation. The knowledge base of occupational therapy. Research and professional effectiveness. Section 2. THE OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PROCESS Approaches to practice. Assessment. Treatment planning and intervention. Record keeping. Clinical governance and clinical audit. Section 3. THE CONTEXT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Roles and settings. Ethics. Section 4. MEDIA AND METHODS Developing physical fitness to promote mental health. Cognitive approaches. Groupwork. Creative activities. Life and social skills training. Therapeutic play. Section 5. CLIENT GROUPS Acute psychiatry. Long-term illness. Rehabilitation. Older people. Child and adolescent mental health services. Learning disabilities. Community. Occupational therapy in primary care. Working in a transcultural context. Forensic psychiatry. Substance misuse. Loss and grief. Section 6. ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT Management. Budgeting. Fieldwork. Glossaries.