Although examinations have been the traditional method for evaluation of learning outcomes, a variety of alternate evaluation methods are now used, predominantly in graduate education and increasingly in undergraduate education. Written for nurse educators, this book is unique in its provision of rigorous rubrics to promote objective grading. It examines a variety of alternative evaluation methods, discusses how to design them, and best practices for using them. The book comprehensively addresses the evaluation of learning outcomes, examines different types of assignments and teaching strategies, and tracks the development of grading rubrics. It describes how to design effective assignments for evaluation, and examines in detail specific evaluation methods including best practices for their use and exemplar analytic scoring rubrics. Evaluation methods covered include papers, presentations, concept maps, case studies, and portfolios, and others. Key Features:: Provides rigorous rubrics for objective grading Describes best practices for a variety of teaching/learning strategies Includes guidelines for writing clear assignment descriptions Discusses papers, presentations, concept maps, case studies, portfolios, and more