Toward Healthy Aging is a definitive, comprehensive source for health promotion and health maintenance in gerontologic nursing education. Noted for its use of Maslows hierarchy of needs, this resource has been praised for its:: wellness-based and holistic approach; comprehensive coverage of common, as well as not-so-common, conditions in the older adult; accuracy of content; and pedagogic aids that promote student understanding. This text provides a solid understanding of how to effectively provide holistic care, promote healthy lives, and addresses end-of-life issues and concerns for todays older adults and their families/caregivers.
Part One: Foundations of Healthy Aging 1. Geriatric Nursing and an Aging Society 2. Theories of Aging 3. Health and Wellness 4. Age-Related Changes 5. Laboratory Values and Diagnostics
Part Two: Basic Biologic Needs 6. Basic Physiologic Needs 7. Biologic Maintenance Needs 8. Common Chronic Problems 9. Pain and Comfort 10. Geropharmacology 11. Herbs and Supplements NEW! 12. Sensory Function 13. Mobility
Part Three: Safety and Security Needs 14. Environmental Safety and Security 15. Economic, Health Care, and Legal Issues 16. Frailty, Vulnerability, Neglect, and Abuse
Part Four: The Need to Belong 17. Intimacy, Sexuality, and Aging 18. Relationships, Roles, and Transitions
Part Five: Self-Esteem 19. Gender and Culture 20. Rural Aging NEW! 21. Cognition 22. Stress and Crisis 23. Mental Wellness and Disturbances
Part Six: Self-Actualization 24. End-of-Life Issues NEW! 25. Self-Actualization, Spirituality, and Transcendence