Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) presents standardized terminology and measures for nursing-sensitive patient outcomes that result from nursing interventions. Developed by a research team at the University of Iowa, the classification can be used by clinicians, students, educators, researchers, and administrators in a variety of clinical, educational, and research venues. The comprehensiveness of the outcomes, and the inclusion of specific indicators that can be used to evaluate and rate the patient in relation to outcome achievement, make this book an invaluable resource for both practicing nurses and students.
PART ONE Nursing Outcomes Classification: Background, Testing, and Use in Clinical and Educational Settings 1. Outcome Development and Significance 2. The Current Classification 3. Testing the NOC Outcomes with Clinical Data 4. Using NOC in Clinical Settings 5. Using NOC in Education and Research PART TWO NOC Taxonomy PART THREE The Outcomes PART FOUR Health Patterns-NOC Linkages NANDA International - NOC Linkages PART FIVE Core Outcomes for Nursing Specialty Areas PART SIX: Appendixes A. Outcomes: New and Revised Since the Second Edition B. NOC Outcomes Placed in the NNN Taxonomy C. Selected Criterion Tools with Psychometrics for NOC Outcomes D. Reliability and Validity Estimates for all NOC Outcomes Tested in 10 Sites E. Implementation Examples in Practice Settings F. Application Examples in Educational Settings G. Guidelines for Submission of a New or Revised Outcome H. Selected Publications