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This market-leading textbook provides just the right amount of maternity and pediatric content in an easy-to-understand manner. Divided into two sections, the first part of the book includes 28 chapters on maternity nursing and the second part contains 27 chapters covering pediatric nursing. Numerous illustrations, photos, boxes, and tables clarify key content and help you quickly find essential information. And because its written by market-leading experts in maternity and pediatric nursing, you can be sure youre getting the accurate, practical information you need to succeed in the classroom, the clinical setting, and on the NCLEX® examination.
Data sheet
Unit 1: Introduction to Maternity Nursing
Unit 2: Reproductive Years
Health Promotion and Illness Prevention Health Assessment Common Health Problems Infertility, Contraception, and AbortionUnit 3: Pregnancy
Genetics, Conception, and Fetal Development Assessment for Risk Factors Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy Nursing Care During Pregnancy Maternal and Fetal Nutrition Pregnancy at Risk: Preexisting Conditions Pregnancy at Risk: Gestational ConditionsUnit 4: Childbirth
Labor and Birth Processes Management of Discomfort Fetal Assessment during Labor Nursing Care During Labor and Birth Labor and Birth at RiskUnit 5: Postpartum Period
Maternal Physiologic Changes Nursing Care During the Fourth Trimester Transition to Parenthood Postpartum ComplicationsUnit 6: Newborn
Physiologic Adaptations of the Newborn Nursing Care of the Newborn Newborn Nutrition and Feeding Infants with Gestational Age-Related Problems The Newborn at Risk: Acquired and Congenital ProblemsPART 2: PEDIATRIC NURSING
Unit 7: Children, Their Families, and the Nurse
Contemporary Pediatric Nursing Community-Based Nursing Care of the Child and Family Family Influences on Child Health Promotion Social, Cultural, and Religious Influences on Child Health Promotion Developmental Influences on Child Health PromotionUnit 8: Assessment of the Child and Family
Communication, History, and Physical and Developmental Assessment Pain Assessment and Management NEW!Unit 9: Health Promotion and Special Health Problems
The Infant and Family The Toddler and Family The Preschooler and Family The School-Age Child and Family The Adolescent and FamilyUnit 10: Special Needs, Illness, and Hospitalization
Chronic Illness, Disability, and End-of-Life Care Cognitive and Sensory Impairment Family-Centered Home Care Reaction to Illness and Hospitalization Pediatric Variations of Nursing InterventionsUnit 11: Health Problems of Children
Respiratory Dysfunction Gastrointestinal Dysfunction Cardiovascular Dysfunction Hematologic and Immunologic Dysfunction Genitourinary Dysfunction Cerebral Dysfunction Endocrine Dysfunction Integumentary Dysfunction Musculoskeletal or Articular Dysfunction Neuromuscular or Muscular DysfunctionAppendixes
A Relationship of Drugs to Breast Milk and Effect on Infant
B Developmental/Sensory Assessment
C Growth Measurements
D Common Laboratory Tests
E Pediatric Vital Signs and Parameters