American Journal of Nursing (AJN) Book of the Year Award 2009 in the category of Maternal and Child Health /BBR/> This telephone triage book is designed for use by professional nurses assessing and advising patients over the telephone on topics related to obstetric and gynecology. It is designed to crystallize the professionals existing knowledge base and to provide clear guidance on handling a wide variety of patient situations which the triage nurse might need to work through. The introductory section outlines the key medical/legal, counseling, and practical aspects of telephone triage and includes a new chapter on the use of online information retrieval. Subsequent sections present specific protocols for selected obstetric, gynecologic, and womens health problems. New and expanded protocols in this edition include updated infertility management and medications, additional contraceptive methods such as NuvaRing and Implanon, current abnormal Pap smear management, hormone therapy advice, and emergency contraception options.
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soft binded
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4516 x 5806
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Part I:: TELEPHONE TRIAGE BASICS Chapter 1:: Telephone Triage in Womens Health Care:: Logistical and Legal Considerations Chapter 2:: Assessing the Obstetric/Gynecologic Patient by Telephone Chapter 3:: Counseling Basics and Challenges in Telephone Triage Chapter 4:: The Use of Online Information Retrieval in Telephone Triage Part II:: OBSTETRIC PROTOCOLS Chapter 5:: Preconceptual and Infertility Basic Triage Assessment Formfor an Obstetric Patients Exposure to Environmental and Household Chemicals Basic Triage Assessment Form for an Obstetric Patients Exposure to Communicable Diseases Exposure to Selected Communicable Diseases in Pregnancy (Table) Cleaning Agents Cord Blood Banking Food Safety in Pregnancy Hair Dye and Permanent Wave Exposure Paint Exposure Pesticide Use Common 30-Day Female Infertility Work-up for Women With 28- to Basic Triage Assessment Form for Pregnancy Chapter 6:: Prenatal ScreeningEarly Prenatal Genetic ScreeningCystic Fibrosis ScreeningChapter 7:: 1st Trimester Overview1st Trimester Abdominal Pain1st Trimester Ambivalence/Depression1st Trimester Bleeding1st Trimester Constipation1st Trimester Dizziness/Fainting1st Trimester Fatigue1st Trimester HeadacheChapter 8:: 2nd Trimester2nd Trimester Abdominal Pain2nd Trimester Ambivalence/Depression2nd Trimester Backache2nd Trimester Bleeding2nd Trimester Constipation2nd Trimester Decreased Fetal Movement2nd Trimester Fatigue2nd Trimester Headache
Chapter 9:: 3rd Trimester 3rd Trimester Abdominal Pain3rd Trimester Ambivalence/Depression3rd Trimester Backache3rd Trimester Bleeding3rd Trimester Constipation3rd Trimester Decreased Fetal Movement3rd Trimester Headache3rd Trimester Indigestion3rd Trimester Inverted Nipples
Chapter 10:: Postpartum and Neonatal Basic Triage Assessment Form for the Postpartum PeriodCommon Questions After DeliveryPostpartum Breast PainPostpartum Sore or Inverted NipplesPostpartum Depression/BluesPostpartum HemorrhoidsPostpartum Care of Incision form Episiotomy or Cesarean SectionPostpartum Vaginal Bleeding (Lochia)Newborn Bottle-Feeding
Part III:: GYNECOLOGIC PROTOCOLS Chapter 11:: Abnormal Bleeding and SpottingBasic Triage Assessment Form for Abnormal BleedingChapter 12:: AmenorrheaBasic Triage Assessment Form for AmenorrheaSecondary AmenorrheaChapter 13:: Barrier ContraceptivesBasic Triage Assessment Form for Barrier Contraceptive MethodsAllergy to LatexChapter 14:: Breast ComplaintsCommon Presentation of Various Breast Nodules (Table)Basic Triage Assessment Form for Breast ComplaintsChapter 15:: Emergency ContraceptionChapter 16:: ImplanonChapter 17:: Injectable ContraceptivesChapter 18:: Intrauterine ContraceptionChapter 19:: Hormone Replacement TherapyChapter 20:: Natural Family PlanningChapter 21:: Pelvic ComplaintsChapter 22:: Systemic Hormonal Contraception
Part IV:: OTHER WOMENS HEALTH PROTOCOLS Chapter 23:: Other Womens Health Issues
Appendix A:: Selected Important Community Resources