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This workbook allows students to practice and record the mastery of skills found in Taylors Clinical Nursing Skills, Third Edition by providing checklists designed to record every step of each procedure. This set of checklists is valuable as a self-assessment tool for students and a means for faculty to record student performance.
Data sheet
List of Skills by Chapter
Chapter 1 Vital Signs Skill 1-1:: Assessing Body Temperature 1 Skill 1-2:: Monitoring Temperature Using an Overhead Radiant Warmer 5 Skill 1-3:: Using a Cooling Blanket 6 Skill 1-4:: Assessing a Peripheral Pulse by Palpation 8 Skill 1-5:: Assessing the Apical Pulse by Auscultation 9 Skill 1-6:: Assessing Respiration 10 Skill 1-7:: Assessing Brachial Artery Blood Pressure 11 Chapter 2 Health Assessment Skill 2-1:: Performing a General Survey 14 Skill 2-2:: Using a Bed Scale 16 Skill 2-3:: Assessing the Skin, Hair, and Nails 18 Skill 2-4:: Assessing the Head and Neck 20 Skill 2-5:: Assessing the Thorax and Lungs 23 Skill 2-6:: Assessing the Cardiovascular System 25 Skill 2-7:: Assessing the Abdomen 27 Skill 2-8:: Assessing the Neurologic, Musculoskeletal, and Peripheral Vascular Systems 29 Chapter 3 Safety Skill 3-1:: Fall Prevention 32 Skill 3-2:: Implementing Alternatives to the Use of Restraints 34 Skill 3-3:: Applying an Extremity Restraint 36 Skill 3-4:: Applying a Waist Restraint 38 Skill 3-5:: Applying an Elbow Restraint 40 Skill 3-6:: Applying a Mummy Restraint 42 Chapter 4 Asepsis and Infection Control Skill 4-1:: Performing Hand Hygiene Using Soap and Water (Handwashing) 43 Skill 4-2:: Performing Hand Hygiene Using an Alcohol-Based Hand Rub 44 Skill 4-3:: Preparing a Sterile Field Using a Packaged Sterile Drape 45 Skill 4-4:: Preparing a Sterile Field Using a Commercially Prepared Sterile Kit or Tray 46 Skill 4-5:: Adding Sterile Items to a Sterile Field 48 Skill 4-6:: Putting on Sterile Gloves and Removing Soiled Gloves 50 Skill 4-7:: Using Personal Protective Equipment 52 Chapter 5 Medications Skill 5-1:: Administering Oral Medications 54 Skill 5-2:: Administering Medications via a Gastric Tube 57 Skill 5-3:: Removing Medication from an Ampule 60 Skill 5-4:: Removing Medication from a Vial 62 Skill 5-5:: Mixing Medications From Two Vials in One Syringe 64 Skill 5-6:: Administering an Intradermal Injection 66 Skill 5-7:: Administering a Subcutaneous Injection 69 Skill 5-8:: Administering an Intramuscular Injection 72 Skill 5-9:: Administering Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion:: Applying an Insulin Pump 75 Skill 5-10:: Administering Medications by Intravenous Bolus or Push Through an Intravenous Infusion 78 Skill 5-11:: Administering a Piggyback Intermittent Intravenous Infusion of Medication 81 Skill 5-12:: Administering an Intermittent Intravenous Infusion of Medication via a Mini-infusion Pump 84 Skill 5-13:: Administration Set 87 Administering an Intermittent Intravenous Infusion of Medication via a Volume-Control Skill 5-14:: (Intermittent Peripheral Venous Access Device) 90 Introducing Drugs Through a Medication or Drug-Infusion Lock Using the Saline Flush Skill 5-15:: Applying a Transdermal Patch 93 Skill 5-16:: Instilling Eye Drops 95 Skill 5-17:: Administering an Eye Irrigation 98 Skill 5-18:: Instilling Ear Drops 100 Skill 5-19:: Administering an Ear Irrigation 102 Skill 5-20:: Instilling Nose Drops 104 Skill 5-21:: Administering a Vaginal Cream 106 Skill 5-22:: Administering a Rectal Suppository 109 Skill 5-23:: Administering Medication via a Metered-Dose Inhaler (MDI) 111 Skill 5-24:: Administering Medication via a Small-Volume Nebulizer 113 Skill 5-25:: Administering Medication via a Dry Powder Inhaler 115 Chapter 6 Perioperative Nursing Skill 6-1:: Providing Preoperative Patient Care:: Hospitalized Patient 117 Skill 6-2:: Deep Breathing Exercises, Coughing, and Splinting 120 Skill 6-3:: Leg Exercises 122 Skill 6-4:: Providing Preoperative Patient Care:: Hospitalized Patient (Day of Surgery) 123 Skill 6-5:: Providing Postoperative Care When Patient Returns to Room 125 Skill 6-6:: Applying a Forced-Air Warming Device 128 Chapter 7 Hygiene Skill 7-1:: Giving a Bed Bath 129 Skill 7-2:: Assisting the Patient With Oral Care 132 Skill 7-3:: Providing Oral Care for the Dependent Patient 134 Skill 7-4:: Providing Denture Care 135 Skill 7-5:: Removing Contact Lenses 136 Skill 7-6:: Shampooing a Patient’s Hair in Bed 137 Skill 7-7:: Assisting the Patient to Shave 139 Skill 7-8:: Making an Unoccupied Bed 140 Skill 7-9:: Making an Occupied Bed 142 Chapter 8 Skin Integrity and Wound Care Skill 8-1:: Cleaning a Wound and Applying a Dry, Sterile Dressing 144 Skill 8-2:: Applying a Saline-Moistened Dressing 147 Skill 8-3:: Applying a Hydrocolloid Dressing 149 Skill 8-4:: Performing Irrigation of a Wound 151 Skill 8-5:: Collecting a Wound Culture 153 Skill 8-6:: Applying Montgomery Straps 155 Skill 8-7:: Caring for a Penrose Drain 157 Skill 8-8:: Caring for a T-Tube Drain 159 Skill 8-9:: Caring for a Jackson-Pratt Drain 162 Skill 8-10:: Caring for a Hemovac Drain 164 Skill 8-11:: Applying Negative Pressure Wound Therapy 166 Skill 8-12:: Removing Sutures 169 Skill 8-13:: Removing Surgical Staples 171 Skill 8-14:: Applying an External Heating Pad 173 Skill 8-15:: Applying a Warm Compress 175 Skill 8-16:: Assisting With a Sitz Bath 177 Skill 8-17:: Applying Cold Therapy 178 Chapter 9 Activity Skill 9-1:: Assisting a Patient With Turning in Bed 180 Skill 9-2:: Moving a Patient Up in Bed With the Assistance of Another Nurse 182 Skill 9-3:: Transferring a Patient From the Bed to a Stretcher 184 Skill 9-4:: Transferring a Patient From the Bed to a Chair 186 Skill 9-5:: Transferring a Patient Using a Powered Full-Body Sling Lift 188 Skill 9-6:: Providing Range-of-Motion Exercises 190 Skill 9-7:: Assisting a Patient With Ambulation 192 Skill 9-8:: Assisting a Patient With Ambulation Using a Walker 194 Skill 9-9:: Assisting a Patient With Ambulation Using Crutches 196 Skill 9-10:: Assisting a Patient With Ambulation Using a Cane 198 Skill 9-11:: Applying and Removing Antiembolism Stockings 199 Skill 9-12:: Applying Pneumatic Compression Devices 201 Skill 9-13:: Applying a Continuous Passive Motion Device 203 Skill 9-14:: Applying a Sling 205 Skill 9-15:: Applying a Figure-Eight Bandage 206 Skill 9-16:: Assisting With Cast Application 208 Skill 9-17:: Caring for a Cast 210 Skill 9-18:: Applying Skin Traction and Caring for a Patient in Skin Traction 212 Skill 9-19:: Caring for a Patient in Skeletal Traction 214 Skill 9-20:: Caring for a Patient With an External Fixation Device 216 Chapter 10 Comfort Skill 10-1:: Promoting Patient Comfort 218 Skill 10-2:: Giving a Back Massage 222 Skill 10-3:: Applying and Caring for a Patient Using a TENS Unit 224 Skill 10-4:: Caring for a Patient Receiving Patient-Controlled Analgesia 226 Skill 10-5:: Caring for a Patient Receiving Epidural Analgesia 228 Skill 10-6:: Caring for a Patient Receiving Continuous Wound Perfusion Pain Management 230 Chapter 11 Nutrition Skill 11-1:: Assisting a Patient With Eating 232 Skill 11-2:: Inserting a Nasogastric (NG) Tube 234 Skill 11-3:: Administering a Tube Feeding 237 Skill 11-4:: Removing a Nasogastric Tube 240 Skill 11-5:: Caring for a Gastrostomy Tube 241 Chapter 12 Urinary Elimination Skill 12-1:: Assisting With the Use of a Bedpan 243 Skill 12-2:: Assisting With the Use of a Urinal 245 Skill 12-3:: Assisting With the Use of a Bedside Commode 247 Skill 12-4:: Assessing Bladder Volume Using an Ultrasound Bladder Scanner 249 Skill 12-5:: Applying an External Condom Catheter 251 Skill 12-6:: Catheterizing the Female Urinary Bladder 253 Skill 12-7:: Catheterizing the Male Urinary Bladder 256 Skill 12-8:: Removing an Indwelling Catheter 259 Skill 12-9:: Performing Intermittent Closed Catheter Irrigation 260 Skill 12-10:: Administering a Continuous Closed Bladder Irrigation 262 Skill 12-11:: Emptying and Changing a Stoma Appliance on an Ileal Conduit 264 Skill 12-12:: Caring for a Suprapubic Urinary Catheter 266 Skill 12-13:: Caring for a Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter 268 Skill 12-14:: Caring for a Hemodialysis Access (Arteriovenous Fistula or Graft) 270 Chapter 13 Bowel Elimination Skill 13-1:: Administering a Large-Volume Cleansing Enema 271 Skill 13-2:: Administering a Small-Volume Cleansing Enema 273 Skill 13-3:: Administering a Retention Enema 275 Skill 13-4:: Digital Removal of Stool 277 Skill 13-5:: Applying a Fecal Incontinence Pouch 279 Skill 13-6:: Changing and Emptying an Ostomy Appliance 280 Skill 13-7:: Irrigating a Colostomy 282 Skill 13-8:: Irrigating a Nasogastric Tube Connected to Suction 284 Chapter 14 Oxygenation Skill 14-1:: Using a Pulse Oximeter 286 Skill 14-2:: Teaching Patient to Use an Incentive Spirometer 288 Skill 14-3:: Administering Oxygen by Nasal Cannula 290 Skill 14-4:: Administering Oxygen by Mask 291 Skill 14-5:: Using an Oxygen Tent 292 Skill 14-6:: Suctioning the Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal Airways 293 Skill 14-7:: Inserting an Oropharyngeal Airway 296 Skill 14-8:: Suctioning an Endotracheal Tube:: Open System 298 Skill 14-9:: Suctioning an Endotracheal Tube:: Closed System 301 Skill 14-10:: Securing an Endotracheal Tube 304 Skill 14-11:: Suctioning the Tracheostomy:: Open System 307 Skill 14-12:: Providing Tracheostomy Care 310 Skill 14-13:: Providing Care of a Chest Drainage System 313 Skill 14-14:: Assisting With Removal of a Chest Tube 315 Skill 14-15:: Using a Handheld Resuscitation Bag and Mask 316 Chapter 15 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid–Base Balance Skill 15-1:: Initiating a Peripheral Venous Access IV Infusion 318 Skill 15-2:: Changing an IV Solution Container and Administration Set 322 Skill 15-3:: Monitoring an IV Site and Infusion 325 Skill 15-4:: Changing a Peripheral Venous Access Dressing 327 Skill 15-5:: Capping for Intermittent Use and Flushing a Peripheral Venous Access Device 329 Skill 15-6:: Administering a Blood Transfusion 330 Skill 15-7:: Changing the Dressing and Flushing Central Venous Access Devices 333 Skill 15-8:: Accessing an Implanted Port 335 Skill 15-9:: Deaccessing an Implanted Port 337 Skill 15-10:: Removing a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) 339 Chapter 16 Cardiovascular Care Skill 16-1:: Obtaining an Electrocardiogram (ECG) 340 Skill 16-2:: Applying a Cardiac Monitor 343 Skill 16-3:: Obtaining an Arterial Blood Sample From an Arterial Line–Stopcock System 345 Skill 16-4:: Removing Arterial and Femoral Lines 347 Skill 16-5:: Performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 349 Skill 16-6:: Performing Emergency Automated External Defibrillation 351 Skill 16-7:: Performing Emergency Manual External Defibrillation (Asynchronous) 353 Skill 16-8:: Using an External (Transcutaneous) Pacemaker 355 Chapter 17 Neurologic Care Skill 17-1:: Logrolling a Patient 358 Skill 17-2:: Applying a Two-Piece Cervical Collar 360 Skill 17-3:: Employing Seizure Precautions and Seizure Management 362 Skill 17-4:: Caring for a Patient in Halo Traction 364 Skill 17-5:: Fluid-Filled System) 366 Caring for a Patient with an External Ventriculostomy (Intraventricular Catheter–Closed Skill 17-6:: Caring for a Patient With a Fiber Optic Intracranial Catheter 368 Chapter 18 Laboratory Specimen Collection Skill 18-1:: Testing Stool for Occult Blood 369 Skill 18-2:: Collecting a Stool Specimen for Culture 371 Skill 18-3:: Obtaining a Capillary Blood Sample for Glucose Testing 372 Skill 18-4:: Obtaining a Nasal Swab 374 Skill 18-5:: Obtaining a Nasopharyngeal Swab 376 Skill 18-6:: Collecting a Sputum Specimen for Culture 378 Skill 18-7:: Collecting a Urine Specimen (Clean Catch, Midstream) for Urinalysis and Culture 380 Skill 18-8:: Obtaining a Urine Specimen From an Indwelling Urinary Catheter 382 Skill 18-9:: Using Venipuncture to Collect a Venous Blood Sample for Routine Testing 384 Skill 18-10:: Obtaining a Venous Blood Specimen for Culture and Sensitivity 387 Skill 18-11:: Obtaining an Arterial Blood Specimen for Blood Gas Analysis 390 List of Skills in Alphabetical Order Skill 2-7:: Abdomen, Assessing the 27 Skill 9-7:: Ambulation, Assisting a Patient With 192 Skill 9-10:: Ambulation Using a Cane, Assisting a Patient With 198 Skill 9-9:: Ambulation Using Crutches, Assisting a Patient With 212 Skill 9-8:: Ambulation Using a Walker, Assisting a Patient With 194 Skill 9-11:: Antiembolism Stockings, Applying and Removing 199 Skill 16-4:: Arterial and Femoral Lines, Removing 347 Skill 10-2:: Back Massage, Giving a 222 Skill 9-1:: Bed, Assisting a Patient With Turning in 000 Skill 7-9:: Bed, Making an Occupied 142 Skill 7-8:: Bed, Making an Unoccupied 140 Skill 12-1:: Bedpan, Assisting With the Use of a 243 Skill 12-3:: Bedside Commode, Assisting With the Use of a 247 Skill 7-1:: Bed Bath, Giving a 129 Skill 2-2:: Bed Scale, Using a 16 Skill 12-10:: Bladder Irrigation, Administering a Continuous Closed 262 Skill 12-4:: Bladder Volume Using an Ultrasound Bladder Scanner, Assessing 249 Skill 1-7:: Blood Pressure, Assessing Brachial Artery 11 Skill 18-9:: Blood Sample for Routine Testing, Using Venipuncture to Collect a Venous 384 Skill 16-3:: Blood Sample From an Arterial Line–Stopcock System, Obtaining an Arterial 345 Skill 18-11:: Blood Specimen for Blood Gas Analysis, Obtaining an Arterial 390 Skill 18-10:: Blood Specimen for Culture and Sensitivity, Obtaining a Venous 387 Skill 15-6:: Blood Transfusion, Administering a 330 Skill 6-2:: Breathing Exercises, Deep:: Coughing, and Splinting 120 Skill 16-2:: Cardiac Monitor, Applying a 343 Skill 16-5:: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Performing 349 Skill 2-6:: Cardiovascular System, Assessing the 25 Skill 9-17:: Cast, Caring for a 210 Skill 9-16:: Cast Application, Assisting With 208 Skill 12-5:: Catheter, Applying an External Condom 251 Skill 17-6:: Catheter, Caring for a Patient With a Fiber Optic Intracranial 368 Skill 12-13:: Catheter, Caring for a Peritoneal Dialysis 247 Skill 12-12:: Catheter, Caring for a Suprapubic Urinary 266 Skill 18-8:: Catheter, Obtaining a Urine Specimen From an Indwelling Urinary 382 Skill 12-8:: Catheter, Removing an Indwelling 259 Skill 12-9:: Catheter Irrigation, Performing Intermittent Closed 260 Skill 15-10:: Catheter (PICC), Removing a Peripherally Inserted Central 339 Skill 12-6:: Catheterizing the Female Urinary Bladder 253 Skill 12-7:: Catheterizing the Male Urinary Bladder 256 Skill 15-7:: Central Venous Access Devices, Changing the Dressing and Flushing 333 Skill 17-2:: Cervical Collar, Applying a Two-Piece 360 Skill 14-13:: Chest Drainage System, Providing Care of a 290 Skill 14-14:: Chest Tube, Assisting With Removal of a 315 Skill 8-17:: Cold Therapy, Applying 178 Skill 13-7:: Colostomy, Irrigating a 282 Skill 10-1:: Comfort, Promoting Patient 218 Skill 8-15:: Compress, Applying a Warm 175 Skill 7-5:: Contact Lenses, Removing 136 Skill 1-3:: Cooling Blanket, Using a 6 Skill 16-6:: Defibrillation, Performing Emergency Automated External 351 Skill 16-7:: Defibrillation (Asynchronous), Performing Emergency Manual External 353 Skill 7-4:: Denture Care, Providing 135 Skill 8-10:: Drain, Caring for a Hemovac 164 Skill 8-9:: Drain, Caring for a Jackson-Pratt 162 Skill 8-7:: Drain, Caring for a Penrose 157 Skill 8-8:: Drain, Caring for a T-Tube 159