AACN Procedure Manual for Pediatric Acute and Critical Care is a comprehensive resource for nurses working with pediatric patients in acute and critical care environments. Sponsored by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, this unique product is an invaluable resource that focuses on the unique aspects of caring for infants and children. Over 200 procedures, including everything from basic to the advanced level of practice, are included. Each procedure is presented in a richly illustrated step-by-step format, and includes state-of-the-art information, a strong evidence base, and supporting rationale for each step of each procedure.
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Unit I: Respiratory System SECTION ONE: Airway Management 1. Cricothyroidotomy: Assist 2. Endotracheal Tube: Care and Suctioning 3. Endotracheal Tube: Taping 4. Extubation: Assist 5. Intubation: Assist 6. Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal Airway: Insertion and Care 7. Nasopharyngeal Suctioning 8. Noninvasive Oxygen Delivery Devices 9. Postural Drainage with Percussion and Vibration 10. Tracheostomy Tube: Stoma Care and Tie Change 11. Tracheostomy Tube: Change 12. Tracheostomy Tube: Suctioning 13. Cricothyroidotomy: Perform, AP 14. Extubation: Perform, AP 15. Intubation: Perform Including Laryngeal Mask Airway, AP 16. Tracheostomy Tube: Decannulation, AP SECTION TWO: Pulmonary Monitoring 17. Arterial Blood Gas Analysis 18. End Tidal Carbon Dioxide Measurement: Continuous Monitoring 19. Indices of Oxygenation and Ventilation 20. Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation: Continuous Monitoring 21. Negative Inspiratory Force Measurement 22. Pulse Oximetry 23. Respiratory Rate: Obtaining an Accurate MeasurementSECTION THREE: Ventilatory Management 24. Auto-PEEP Calculation 25. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation 26. High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation 27. Manual Ventilation Devices 28. Mechanical Ventilation: Conventional Modes 29. Negative Pressure Ventilation 30. Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (CPAP, BiPAP) 31. Pronation Therapy 32. Weaning from Ventilatory SupportSECTION FOUR: Thoracic Cavity Management 33. Chest Tube Placement: Assist 34. Chest Tube Removal: Assist 35. Closed Chest Drainage System: Set up and Management 36. Pleural Catheter: Care 37. Thoracentesis: Assist 38. Chest Tube Placement: Perform, AP 39. Chest Tube Removal: Perform, AP 40. Needle Thoracostomy: Perform, AP 41. Thoracentesis: Perform, APUnit II: Cardiovascular System SECTION FIVE: Cardiac Emergencies 42. Emergency Medication Preparation and Administration 43. Open Sternotomy: Assist 44. Pericardiocentesis: Assist 45. Cardioversion, AP 46. Defibrillation: External , AP SECTION SIX: Cardiac Pacemakers 47. Atrial Electrogram 48. Atrial Overdrive Pacing 49. Electrocardiogram: Obtaining and Monitoring a 12-Lead Electrocardiogram 50. Implantable Cardioverter/Defibrillator 51. Permanent Pacemaker: Assessing Function 52. Transcutaneous Pacing: Initiation and Monitoring 53. Transesophageal Pacing: Assist 54. Transvenous and Epicardial Pacing: Monitoring 55. Epicardial Pacing Wire Removal: Perform, AP 56. Transvenous Pacemaker Insertion: Perform, APSECTION SEVEN: Circulatory Assist Devices 57. Intraarotic Balloon Pump: Management 58. Ventricular Assist Device: ManagementSECTION EIGHT: Hemodynamic Monitoring 59. Flow Directed Pulmonary Artery Catheter: Cardiac Output Measurement 60. Flow Directed Pulmonary Artery Catheter: Insertion Assist 61. Heart Rate and Blood Pressure: Obtaining an Accurate Measurement 62. Left Atrial Intracardiac Line: Care and Management 63. Pressure Transducer Systems 64. Pulmonary Artery Intracardiac Line: Care and Management 65. Right Atrial Intracardiac Line: Care and Management 66. Left Atrial Intracardiac Line Removal: Perform, AP 67. Pulmonary Artery Intracardiac Line Removal: Perform, AP 68. Right Atrial Intracardiac Line Removal: Perform, APSECTION NINE: Special Cardiac Procedures 69. Arterial and Venous Sheath Removal 70. Pericardial Catheter: Management 71. Pulmonary Hypertension: Management 72. Staple Removal 73. Pleural Pigtail Catheter: Insertion , AP Unit III: Neurologic System SECTION TEN: Neurologic Monitoring 74. Cerebral Tissue Oxygenation Monitoring: Insertion Assist, Monitoring and Care 75. Intracranial/Intraparenchymal Catheter: Insertion Assist, Set-up and Care 76. Intracranial Pressure Monitoring 77. Intraventricular Catheter: Insertion Assist, Monitoring, and Care 78. Jugular Venous Saturation Monitor: Insertion Assist, Monitoring and CareSECTION ELEVEN: Special Neurologic Procedures 79. Cerebral Spinal Fluid Drainage: Assessment 80. Externalized Ventricular Shunts and Drains: Catheter Management 81. Lumbar Puncture: Assist 82. Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Tap: Assist 83. Cerebral Spinal Fluid Sampling from Ventriculostomy/External Ventricular Drain, AP 84. Lumbar Puncture: Perform, AP 85. Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Tap: Perform, APSECTION TWELVE: Immobilization 86. Cervical Traction Maintenance 87. Halo Traction: Application and Care 88. Cervical Collar: Placement and Management, APUnit IV: Gastrointestinal System SECTION THIRTEEN: Gastrointestinal Procedures 89. Abdominal Paracentesis: Assist 90. Balloon Gastrostomy and Low-Profile Balloon Gastrostomy: Reinsertion 91. Bowel Irrigation 92. Closed Surgical Drain: Care and Management 93. Decompression Tube: Insertion and Care 94. Esophagogastric Tamponade Tube: Care and Management 95. Gastric Lavage 96. Gastrostomy and Jejunostomy Tubes: Care and Management 97. Intra-abdominal Pressure Monitoring 98. Ostomy Appliance: Change 99. Percutaneous Peritoneal Lavage: Assist 100. pH study: Care and Management 101. Abdominal Paracentesis: Perform, APUnit V: Renal System SECTION FOURTEEN: Renal Replacement 102. Apheresis: Assist 103. Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies 104. Hemodialysis: Assist 105. Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Exit Site Care 106. Peritoneal Dialysis: Pass Management SECTION FIFTEEN: Special Renal Procedures 107. Continuous Bladder Irrigation 108. Indwelling Urinary Catheter: Insertion and Removal 109. Indwelling Urinary Catheter: Irrigation 110. Indwelling Urinary Catheter: Urinalysis Collection 111. Urine Culture: Indwelling Catheter or Suprapubic Tube 112. Urine Culture: Intermittent Catheterization 113. Urine Culture: Suprapubic Aspirate, AP Unit VI: Oncology/Hematology System SECTION SIXTEEN: Oncology/Hematology Procedures 114. Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy: Assist 115. Red Cell Exchange Transfusion: Manual and Automated 116. Whole Blood Exchange Transfusion 117. Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy: Perform, AP Unit VII: Musculoskeletal System SECTION SEVENTEEN: Musculoskeletal Procedures 118. Brace and Splint Application 119. External Fixation Device: Pin Care 120. External Fixator Lengthening Device: AdjustmentsUnit VIII: Skin SECTION EIGHTEEN: Burn Wound Management 121. Burn Wound Care 122. Donor Site Care 123. Skin Graft CareSECTION NINETEEN: Special Integumentary Procedures 124. Intra-compartment Pressure Monitoring 125. Skin Assessment TechniquesSECTION TWENTY: Wounds 126. Cleansing, Irrigating, Culturing and Dressing Wounds 127. Drain Removal 128. Dressing Wounds with Drains 129. Fistulous Wounds: Care and Management 130. Vacuum Assisted Closure (V.A.C.) System: Management of Negative Pressure Therapy 131. Suturing Wounds, APUnit IX: Fluid and Electrolyte Management 132. Blood and Blood Component: Administration 133. Blood Glucose Monitoring 134. Fluid Administration: Rapid Infusion 135. Hydration and Rehydration: Fluid Calculations 136. Transfusion Reaction: ManagementUnit X: Vascular Access 137. Arterial Catheter: Insertion Assist and Management 138. Arterial Catheter: Blood Sampling 139. Central Venous Catheters for Hemodialysis or Hemofiltration: Blood Sampling 140. Central Venous Non-tunneled Catheter: Insertion Assist 141. Central Venous Non-tunneled Catheter: Care and Management 142. Central Venous Non-tunneled Catheter: Central Venous Pressure Monitoring 143. Central Venous Tunneled Catheter: Care and Management 144. Central Venous Tunneled Catheter: Permanent Catheter Repair (Broviac® or other brand) 145. Intraosseous Needle: Care and Management 146. Peripheral Intravenous Line: Insertion 147. Peripherally Inserted Central Venous Catheter: Care, Management and Removal 148. Skin Puncture for Blood Sampling: Fingerstick and Heelstick 149. Totally Implantable Central Venous Port: Accessing, Management and Deaccessing 150. Venipuncture for Blood Sampling 151. Arterial Catheter Insertion: Perform, AP 152. Arterial Puncture: Perform, AP 153. Central Venous Non-tunneled Catheter Insertion: Perform, AP 154. Intraosseous Needle Placement: Perform, AP 155. Peripherally Inserted Central Venous Catheter (PICC) Insertion: Perform, APUnit XI: Medication Administration 156. Aerosolized Medication: Metered Dose Inhaler 157. Aerosolized Medication: Nebulized Medication 158. Continuous Intravenous Medication Infusion 159. Intradermal Injection 160. Intramuscular Injection 161. Intranasal Medication 162. Intravenous Medication: Drip Method 163. Intravenous Medication: Heparin Lock Method 164. Intravenous Medication: Syringe Pump Method 165. Ophthalmic Medication 166. Oral Medication 167. Otic Medication 168. Rectal Medication 169. Subcutaneous InjectionUnit XII: Pain Management and Sedation 170. Bispectral Index Monitoring 171. Epidural Catheter: Care and Management 172. Locally Administered Anesthetic Infusions 173. Pain Assessment Scales 174. Patient Controlled Analgesia 175. Peripheral Nerve Stimulator 176. Sedation Assessment Scales 177. Sedation for Procedures, APUnit XIII: Nutrition 178. Breast Milk: Administration, Collection, and Storage 179. Enteral Nutrition: Administration 180. Enteral Nutrition: Selection of Formulas and Fortification 181. Growth Assessment: Obtaining Anthropometric Measurements 182. Orogastric/Nasogastric Tubes: Insertion, Care and Management 183. Parenteral Nutrition: Administration 184. Transplyoric Feeding Tube: Insertion 185. Enteral Nutrition: Initiation and Advancement, AP 186. Parenteral Nutrition: Initiation and Advancement, APUnit XIV: Thermoregulation 187. Hypo/hyperthermia Blanket, Including use of BAIR Hugger® Warming Unit and Warming Cover 188. Obtaining an Accurate Temperature Measurement 189. Warming Devices: RadiantUnit XV: Neonatal Issues 190. Neonatal Thermoregulation 191. Neonatal Positioning 192. Phototherapy 193. Skin to Skin Contact/Kangaroo Care 194. Umbilical Vessel Catheter: Care and Management 195. Umbilical Vessel Cannulation and Removal: Perform, APUnit XVI: Safety and Transitioning of Pediatric Patients 196. Admission 197. Discharge 198. Intrahospital Transport 199. Outside Facility Transport 200. Protective/Restraint Devices: Application and Monitoring 201. Providing a Safe Environment