The second edition of Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology will build on the strengths of the first edition to bring the reader the most up-to-date information on every clinical condition encountered in nephrology in one concise but comprehensive, clinically focussed volume.
Every chapter has been fully revised and updated, with new chapters on renal disease in the elderly, management of renal diseases in septic shock or the ICU setting, and urologic conditions of relevance to the nephrologist. There is much greater coverage of the surgical management of renal stone disease, the management of renal disease in the ICU, acute pancreatitis and Leptospirosis as causes of acute renal failure, renal, bladder and prostate malignancy, and much more.
Clinically focussed and highly illustrated in full colour throughout, Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology is an invaluable bedside resource for the trainee or practicing clinician in nephrology, internal medicine or critical care.
Section 2: INVESTIGATION OF RENAL DISEASE 3. Assessment of Renal Function 4. Urinalysis 5. Imaging 6. Renal Biopsy
Section 3: FLUID AND ELECTROLYTE DISORDERS 7. Disorders of Extracellular Volume 8. Disorders of Water Metabolism 9. Disorders of Potassium Metabolism 10. Disorders of Calcium, Phosphate, and Magnesium Metabolism 11. Normal Acid-Base Balance and Metabolic Acidosis 12. Metabolic Alkalosis 13. Respiratory Acidosis, Respiratory Alkalosis, and Mixed Disorders
Section 4: ACUTE RENAL FAILURE 14. Clinical Evaluation, Management, and Outcome of Acute Renal Failure 15. Causes of Acute renal Failure 16. Hepatorenal Syndrome 17. Myeloma Kidney
Section5: GLOMERULAR DISEASE 18. Introduction to Glomerular Disease: Pathogenesis and Classification 19. Introduction to Glomerular Disease: Clinical Presentations 20. Minimal Change Disease and Primary Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis 21. Secondary Focal Segmental Glomerulosiclerosis 22. Membranous Nephropathy 23. Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis and Cryoglobulinemic Glomerulonephritis 24. IgA Nephropathy and Henoch-Schonlein Nephritis 25. Antiglomerular Basement Membrane Disease and Goodpastures Syndrome 26. Renal and Systemic Vasculitis 27. Lupus Nephritis 28. Glomerular Disease Associated with Infection 29. Renal Amyloidosis and Glomerular Diseases with Monoclonal Immunoglobulin Deposition 30. Other Glomerular Disorders 31. Thrombotic Microangiopathies including Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
Section 6: DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY 32. Clinical Manifestations and Natural History of Diabetic Nephropathy 33. Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy 34. Management of End-stage Renal Disease in Diabetes
Section 7: HYPERTENSION 35. Normal Blood Pressure Control and the Evaluation of Hypertension 36. Pathogenesis and Clinical Course of Essential Hypertension 37. Nonpharmacologic Treatment of Hypertension 38. Pharmacologic Treatment of Hypertension 39. Renovascular Hypertension 40. Endocrine Causes of Hypertension 41. Neurogenic Hypertension Including Following Stroke and with Spinal Cord Injury 42. Hypertension in African-Americans
Section 8: PREGNANCY AND RENAL DISEASE 43. Renal Physiology in Normal Pregnancy 44. Renal Complications in the Normal Pregnancy 45. Pregnancy with Pre-Existing Renal Disease
Section 9: HEREDITARY AND CONGENTIAL DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY 46. Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease 47. Other Cystic Kidney Diseases 48. Alport and Other Familial Glomerular Syndromes 49. Inherited Disorders of Sodium and Water Handling 50. Fanconis Syndrome and Other Proximal Tubule Disorders 51. Sickle Cell Disease 52. Congenital Abnormalities of the Renal Tract
Section 10: URINARY TRACT INFECTION 53. Urinary Tract Infections in Adults 54. Tuberculosis of the Urinary Tract 55. Fungal Infection of the Urinary Tract 56. Urinary Schistosomiasis
Section 11: UROLOGICAL DISORDERS 57. Nephrolithiasis and Nephrocalcinosis 58. Urinary Tract Obstruction 59. Urological Issues for the Nephrologist
Section 13: VASCULAR DISEASE 63. Atheromatous Renovascular Disease 64. Renal Vascular Thrombosis and Occlusion 65. Aging and the Kidney
Section 14: CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE AND THE UREMIC SYNDROME 66. Progression of Chronic Renal Failure 67. Clinical Evaluation and Manifestations of Chronic Renal Failure 68. Bone and Mineral Metabolism in Chronic Renal Failure 69. Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic Renal Failure 70. Anemia in Chronic Renal Failure 71. Platelet Dysfunction and Coagulation Defects 72. ß2-Microglobulin-derived Amyloid 73. Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease 74. Nutrition in Chronic Renal Failure
Section 15: DIALYSIS 75. Selection and Preparation of Patients for Dialysis 76. Vascular Access for Hemodialysis 77. Interventional Nephrology 78. Hemodialysis: Mechanisms, Outcome, and Adequacy 79. Acute Complications of Hemodialysis 80. Peritoneal Dialysis: Principles, Techniques and Adequacy 81. Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis 82. Other Dialysis Modalities 83. Plasma Exchange
Section 16: TRANSPLANTATION 84. Immunologic Principles of Transplantation 85. Immunosuppressive Agents used in Transplantation 86. Evaluation of Renal Transplant Donor and Recipient 87. Renal Transplant Surgery 88. Prophylaxis and Treatment of Renal Transplant Rejection 89. The Medical Management of the Renal Transplant Recipient 90. Chronic Transplant Rejection 91. Recurrent Disease in the Renal Transplant 92. Outcomes in Renal Transplantation 93. Pancreas and Islet Transplantation 94. Renal Disease in Liver, Cardiac, Bone Marrow Transplantation
Section 17: DRUGS AND THE KIDNEY 95. Poisoning and Drug Overdose 96. Principles of Drug Dosing and Prescribing in Renal Failure