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Enhance your airway management skills and overcome clinical challenges with Benumof and Hagbergs Airway Management, 3rd Edition. Trusted by anesthesiologists, residents, and nurse anesthetists, this one-of-a-kind anesthesiology reference offers expert, full-color guidance on pre- and post-intubation techniques and protocols, from equipment selection through management of complications.
Data sheet
Part 1 Basic Clinical Science
1 Functional Anatomy of the Airway
2 Airway Imaging: Principles and Practical Guide
3 Ultrasonography in Airway Management
4 Physics and Modeling of the Airway
5 Physiology of the Airway
6 Airway Pharmacology
7 Physiologic and Pathophysiologic Responses to Intubation
Part 2 the Difficult Airway: Definition, Recognition, and the ASA Algorithm
8 Definition and Incidence of the Difficult Airway
9 Evaluation and Recognition of the Difficult Airway
10 The ASA Difficult Airway Algorithm: Analysis and Presentation of a New Algorithm
Part 3 Preintubation-Ventilation Procedures
11 Preparation of the Patient for Awake Intubation
12 Aspiration Prevention and Prophylaxis: Preoperative Considerations
13 Preoxygen
Part 4 The Airway Techniques
14 Oxygen Delivery Systems, Inhalation Therapy, Respiratory Therapy
15 Nonintubation Management of the Airway: Airway Maneuvers and Mask Ventilation
16 Indications for Endotracheal Intubation
17 Laryngoscopic Orotracheal and Nasotracheal Intubation
18 Blind Digital Intubation
19 Fiberoptic and Flexible Endoscopic-Aided Technique
20 Retrograde Intubation Techniques
21 Intubating Introducers, Stylets, and Lighted Stylets (Lightwands)
22 Laryngeal Mask Airway
23 Non-Laryngeal Mask Airway Supraglottic Airway Devices
24 Upper Airway Retraction: New and Old Laryngoscope Blades
25 Video Laryngoscopes
26 Separation of the Two Lungs: double-Lumen Tubes, Endobronchial Blockers, and Endobronchial Single-Lumen Tubes
27 Esophageal-Tracheal Double-Lumen Airways: The Combitube and EasyTube
28 Percutaneous Translaryngeal Jet Ventilation
29 Performance of Rigid Bronchoscopy
30 Percutaneous Dilational Cricothyrotomy and Tracheostomy
31 Surgical Airway
32 Confirmation of Endotracheal Intubation
Part 5 Difficult Airway Situations
33 Prehospital Airway Management
34 Disaster Preparedness, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and Airway Management
35 The Patient with a Full Stomach
36 The Difficult Pediatric Airway
37 The Difficult Airway in Obstetric Anesthesia
38 Anesthetic and Airway Management of Microlaryngeal Surgery and Upper Airway Endoscopy
39 The Difficult Airway in Conventional Head and Neck Surgery
40 Anesthesia for Laser Airway Surgery
41 The Traumatized Airway
42 The Difficult Airway in Neurosurgery
43 Obesity, Sleep Apnea, the Airway, and Anesthesia
44 Airway Management in Burn Patients
45 Regional Anesthesia and the Difficult Airway
46 Airway Management in Intensive Care Medicine
Part 6 Postintubation Procedures
47 Endotracheal Tube and Respiratory Care
48 Mechanical Ventilation
49 Monitoring the Airway and Pulmonary Function
50 Extubation and Reintubation of the Difficult Airway
51 Complications of Managing the Airway
Part 7 Societal Considerations
52 Teaching Airway Management Outside the Operating Room
53 Airway Management Instruction in the Operating Room
54 Effective Dissemination of Critical Airway Information: The MedicAlert Foundation National Difficult Airway/Intubation Registry
55 Medical-Legal Considerations: The ASA Closed Claims Project