The most complete and authoritative benchside reference text on the pathological interpretation and diagnosis of blood and bone marrow disease.
This new title covers all of the pathological conditions that are likely to be encountered in daily practice such as anaemias, bleeding and coagulation disorders, leukaemias. It incorporates the latest knowledge on the molecular basis of inherited red cell and coagulation disorders.
The book is generously illustrated with high quality colours images depicted throughout. For ease of use, each chapter has been organised into a consistent format, giving details of incidence/epidemiology, pathogenesis, brief clinical presentation, histological and cytological appearance, testing techniques and diagnosis. There is also a section on clinical behaviour and possible outcomes.
SECTION 1: Normal blood and bone marrow cells and hematopoiesis
Chapter 1: Normal blood cells Chapter 2: Normal bone marrow cells: Development, cytology and ultrastructure Chapter 3: Normal bone marrow: histology, histochemistry and immunohistochemistry Chapter 4: Regulation of hematopoiesis
SECTION 2: Pathology of the marrow
Chapter 5: General considerations
SECTION 3: Disorders affecting erythroid cells
Chapter 6: Investigation and classification of anaemia Chapter 7: Abnormalities of the red cell membrane Chapter 8: Inherited abnormalities of red cell enzymes Chapter 9: Abnormalities of the structure and synthesis of haemoglobin Chapter 10: Acquired haemolytic anaemias Chapter 11: Iron deficiency anaemia, anaemia of chronic disorder and iron overload Chapter 12: Macrocytic anaemia Chapter 13: Aplastic anaemia Chapter 14: Sideroblastic anaemias Chapter 15: Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemias Chapter 16: Polycythaemia (the erythrocytoses)
SECTION 4: Disorders affecting leucocyte lineages
Chapter 17: Abnormalities in leucocyte morphology and number Chapter 18: Disorders of phagocyte function Chapter 19: Myelodysplastic disorders Chapter 20: Acute leukaemias Chapter 21: The chronic lymphoid and myeloid leukaemias and systemic mastocytosis Chapter 22: Lymphoma Chapter 23: Abnormalities in immunoglobulin synthesising cells
SECTION 5: Abnormalities of hemostasis
Chapter 24: Hemostatis: Principles of investigation Chapter 25: Disorders affecting megakaryocytes and platelets: inherited conditions Chapter 26: Acquired disorders affecting megakaryocytes and platelets Chapter 27: Inherited disorders of coagulation Chapter 28: Acquired bleeding disorders Chapter 29: Natural anticoagulants and thrombophilia
SECTION 6: Immunohaematology
Chapter 30: Blood groups on red cells, platelets and neutrophils Chapter 31: Transfusion medicine for the pathologist Chapter 32: Histocompatibility: HLA and other systems