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Practical Tips for Practitioners in Obstetrics & Gynecology
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This book is a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and management of obstetric and gynaecologic disorders.
Divided into three sections, the text begins with obstetric disorders. This section is further divided into antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum, operations and procedures, and emergencies. Each of these subspecialties covers numerous conditions and topics.
The second section discusses gynaecologic disorders and surgical procedures including laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.
The final section covers associated topics including blood components, medicolegal issues, record keeping, and medical insurance.
The practical text is further enhanced by clinical and surgical images and diagrams.
Key points
- Comprehensive guide to diagnosis and management of obstetric and gynaecologic disorders
- Obstetrics section subdivided into different stages of pregnancy
- Includes in depth discussion on laparoscopy and hysteroscopy
- Highly illustrated with clinical and surgical photographs and diagrams
Data sheet
- Publication date
- 2021
- Issue number
- 1
- Cover
- paperback
- Pages count
- 450
- Dimensions (mm)
- 171.00 x 241.00
- Antepartum
- Persistent vomiting, hyperemesis gravidarum
- Persistent cough, recurrent URTI
- Aches during pregnancy - back, leg, body
- Pruritus during pregnancy
- Threatened abortion - choriodecidual hemorrhage
- Recurrent pregnancy loss - basic tips
- Preterm labour
- Moderate & severe anemia
- Gestational hypertension
- Preeclampsia, atypical preeclampsia
- Diabetes in pregnancy - GDM
- Antepartum fetal surveillance
- Postdate pregnancy
- Oligohydramnios
- Polyhydramnios
- Cord round the neck
- Induction of labour
- Intrapartum & postpartum
- Failure of induction
- Slow progress in first stage of labour - augmentation of labour
- Slow progress in second stage of labour/cut short second stage of labour
- Vaginal breech delivery - parous patient
- Fetal surveillance in labour
- Intrapartum fetal distress
- TOLAC - trial of labour after cesarean section
- Twin labour
- AMTSL - active management of third stage of labour
- Pain relief in labour
- Lactation troubles
- Managing occipito posterior
- Obstetric operations/procedures
- Cervical encirclage - rescue cerclage
- Version - ECV, IPV
- Episiotomy - episiotomy hematoma
- Tips for successful forceps delivery
- Tips for successful vacuum delivery
- Cervical tear, vaginal tears
- Third degree perineal tear
- Cesarean section
- General tips to avoid complications
- Previous cesarean section
- Elective premature cesarean section
- CS in floating head/deeply engaged head
- CS in malpresentation
- Urgent cesarean section
- Cesarean myomectomy
- Obstetric hysterectomy
- Hysterotomy
- Craniotomy
- Obstetric emergencies
- Cord prolapse
- Shoulder dystocia
- Eclampsia
- Retained placenta - tips for MRP
- Severe atonic PPH
- Correct use of uterotonics
- Manipulative methods - uterine tamponade
- Compression sutures
- Surgical procedures
- Broad ligament hematoma
- Placenta previa
- Placenta accrete
- Severe abruption
- DIC in obstetrics - effective treatment
- Pulmonary embolism - early recognition
- Rupture uterus
- Gynecologic disorders
- Recurrent leucorrhoea
- Recurrent UTI
- Pruritus vulva
- Recurrent bartholin cyst
- Medical management of ectopic/scar ectopic
- Troubles of medical MTP
- Managing pelvic pain
- Ovarian cyst
- Primary amenorrhoea
- Secondary amenorrhoea
- Abnormal uterine bleeding
- Heavy irregular bleeding
- Metrorrhagia
- Polymenorrhoea
- Post-menopausal bleeding
- Fibroid - medical management
- Endometriosis - medical management
- Adenomyosis - medical management
- Displaced CuT
- Infertility - basic workup
- Menopausal symptoms
- Screening recommendations
- Cervical cancer
- Breast cancer
- Ovarian cancer
- Best contraception
- Adolescents
- Young adults
- Lactating mothers
- Perimenopausal women
- Gynecologic operations
- Difficult cervical dilatation
- N D V H - Tips
- Tips for abdominal hysterectomy
- Abdominal myomectomy, adenomyomectomy
- Metroplasty operations
- Conservative operations for prolapse
- Operations for vault prolapse
- Diagnostic laparoscopy
- Diagnostic hysteroscopy
- Operative hysteroscopy
- Operative laparoscopy, total laparoscopic hysterectomy
- Post-hysterectomy problems
- Blood components
- Tips to avoid medicolegal problems
- Documentation & record keeping
- BMW management tips
- Licenses for private nursing homes/hospitals
- Insurances
- Punishment under various ObGyn acts
- Antepartum
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