Provide top-level obstetrics and gynecology telephone triage that is safe, efficient, and effective, with
Telephone Triage for Obstetrics & Gynecology, 3rd Edition.This at-your-fingertips guide offers a wide range of current, evidence-based protocols, backed by proven patient-questioning techniques, quick-reference charts, and real-life patient scenarios. Adaptable to private practice, hospital, clinic, or call center, this invaluable guide will help ensure that your telephone triage standards stay high, while your practice serves individual patient situations with empathy and accuracy, right from the start.
Be expertly guided through the telephone triage rigors of data-gathering, protocols, and patient education, with these vital features::- NEW chapter on incorporating internet research into advice on specific protoc
NEW and expanded protocols that offer updated content on preconceptual screening, infectious disease impacts on pregnancy, infertility management, and emergency contraception
Quick-reference sections that arrange protocols alphabetically for fast locating
Easy-to-follow, data-gathering, flowchart format that helps you quickly determine the nature and urgency of the callers problem, and choose the appropriate intervention
Easy-to-explain patient-education sections after each protocol
Basic Triage Assessment Forms that address specific problems and require vital patient data
Guidance on developing telephone charisma and the power of sympathetic listening
Effective patient questioning techniques -pertinent questions to ask, types of questions, time management, getting clarification
Real-life call scenarios that point out problems with not listening fully to the patient, skipping relevant questions, or exerting judgments
Covers telephone triage basics, including logistical and legal considerations, assessments, telephone communication basics and challenges, and more
Offers obstetric protocols, including overviews of preconceptual and infertility, early management of unintended pregnancy, fetal prenatal screening, early pregnancy evaluation and surveillance, and more
Offers gynecologic protocols, including overviews of abnormal bleeding and spotting, amenorrhea, barrier contraceptives, breast complaints, emergency contraception, injectable contraceptives, intrauterine contraception, menopausal concerns, and more
Vital guidance for all gynecologic nurses, obstetric nurses, certified nurse midwives, OB/GYN nurse practitioners, all triage nurses, and health professionals at call centers
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- The ability to download the digital version on multiple devices at one time-providing a seamless reading experience online or offline
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- Multiple viewing options that enable you to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity, as well as responsive design
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About the Clinical EditorsVicki E. Long, DNP, RN, CNM, is an Assistant Professor at the School of Nursing, University of South Carolina Aiken.
Patricia C. McMullen, PhD, JD, WHNP-BC, RN, FAANP, FAAN, is a Professor and Dean of the School of Nursing, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC.