This comprehensive clinical reference uses a quick-reference tabular format to present the major diseases and conditions traditionally seen in the practice of obstetrics and gynecology as well as general medical conditions commonly seen in women. More than 200 topics and over 300 Netter illustrations are included.
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Section I Vulvar Disease 1 Bartholins Gland: Abscess/Infection 2 Bartholins Gland: Cysts 5 Contact Vulvitis 7 Dyspareunia: Insertional 9 Female Circumcision 12 Hidradenitis Suppurativa 15 Hymenal Stenosis 17 Hyperplastic Vulvar Dystrophy (Squamous Cell Hyperplasia) 19 Imperforate Hymen 21 Labial Adhesions 23 Lichen Planus 25 Lichen Sclerosus 27 Vulvar Cancer 29 Vulvar Hematoma 31 Vulvar Lesions 33 Vulvar Vestibulitis 39Section II Vaginal Disease 43 Cystocele/Urethrocele 44 Enterocele 47 Fistulae: Gastrointestinal and Urinary Tract 49 Rectocele 52 Sarcoma Botryoides 54 Transverse Vaginal Septum 56 Vaginal Cysts 59 Vaginal Dryness 61 Vaginal Lacerations 63 Vaginal Prolapse 65 Vaginitis: Atrophic 68 Vaginitis: Bacterial (Nonspecific) and Bacterial Vaginosis 70 Vaginitis: Monilial 73 Vaginitis: Trichomonas 75Section III Cervical Disease 77 Abnormal Pap Smear: Atypical Squamous or Glandular Cells of Undetermined Significance 78 Abnormal Pap Smear: Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion and High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion 81 Carcinoma In Situ (Cervix) 84 Cervical Cancer 88 Cervical Erosion 91 Cervical Eversion 93 Cervical Polyps 94 Cervical Stenosis 96 Cervicitis 98 Nabothian Cysts 101Section IV Uterine Pathology 103 Adenomyosis 104 Ashermans Syndrome (Uterine Synechia) 106 Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding 108 Endometrial Cancer 111 Endometrial Hyperplasia: Simple and Complex 114 Endometrial Polyps 116 Endometritis 118 Hematometra 121 Intermenstrual Bleeding 124 Irregular Menstrual Periods 126 Menorrhagia 128 Postmenopausal Vaginal Bleeding 131 Sarcoma (Uterine) 134 Uterine Anomalies: Bicornuate, Septate, and Unicornuate Uterus 136 Uterine Leiomyomata 139 Uterine Prolapse 142Section V Obstetrical Conditions 145 Abnormalities of Placental Implantation 146 Abortion 149 Active Management of Labor 153 Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy 155 Amniotic Fluid Embolism 158 Antepartum Fetal Testing 161 Breech Birth 163 Caput Succedaneum 166 Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy 168 Cervical Incompetence 171 Cholecystitis in Pregnancy 174 Contraction Stress Testing 177 Depression: Postpartum 179 Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy 182 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 185 Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 188 Gingivitis in Pregnancy 191 HELLP Syndrome 193 Hepatitis in Pregnancy 195 Intrauterine Growth Restriction 198 Oligohydramnios 201 Placenta Previa 204 Placental Abruption 207 Polyhydramnios 210 Preeclampsia and Eclampsia (Toxemia of Pregnancy) 212 Puerperal Infection 216 Rh Incompatibility 219 Trauma in Pregnancy 222 Uterine Atony (Postpartum) 225 Uterine Rupture 228Section VI Adnexal Disease 231 Adenofibroma 232 Clear Cell Carcinoma 234 Dermoid Cyst 237 Dysgerminoma 240 Ectopic Pregnancy 242 Endometriosis 246 Epithelial Stromal Ovarian Tumors 250 Germ Cell Tumor 253 Granulosa Cell Tumors 256 Hydrosalpinx (Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) 259 Krukenberg Tumor 262 Mucinous Ovarian Cysts 264 Ovarian Cancer 267 Ovarian Cysts 271 Ovarian Fibroma 273 Ovarian Torsion 276 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 278 Pseudomyxoma Peritonei 281 Serous Ovarian Cysts 283 Sertoli-Lydig Cell Tumor 286 Transitional Cell (Brenner) Tumor 288Section VII Breast Diseases and Conditions 291 Breast: Accessory Nipples 292 Breast: Cancer 294 Breast: Cysts 298 Breast: Duct Ectasia 300 Breast: Fat Necrosis 302 Breast: Fibroadenoma 304 Breast: Fibrocystic Breast Change 307 Breast: Galactocele 310 Breast: Intraductal Papilloma 312 Breast: Mondors Disease 314 Breast: Nipple Discharge 316 Breast: Pain (Mastodynia, Mastalgia) 318 Breast: Postpartum Engorgement 321 Breast-Feeding (Lactation) 323 Galactorrhea 325 Mammography 328 Mastitis (Lactational) 330 Pagets Disease of the Breast 332Section VIII Genetic and Endocrine Conditions 335 Abortion: Recurrent 336 Amenorrhea: Primary 339 Amenorrhea: Secondary 342 Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome 344 Anovulation 347 Assisted Reproduction 350 Down Syndrome 354 Gonadal Dysgenesis 357 Hirsutism 360 Hyperprolactinemia 363 Infertility 367 Menopause 370 Polycystic Ovarian Disease 373 Puberty: Abnormal 375 Puberty: Normal Sequence 378 Sexual Ambiguity 380 Sheehans Syndrome 383 Turners Syndrome 385 Uterine Anomalies: Uterine Agenesis 388 Vaginal Agenesis 390 Virilization 392Section IX Womens Health/Primary Care 395 Abuse: Physical and Sexual 396 Acne 400 Alzheimers Disease 403 Anemia 406 Anorectal Fistula 408 Anxiety 411 Asthma 414 Cholelithiasis 417 Constipation 420 Crohns Disease 422 Depression (Unipolar) 424 Diverticular Disease 427 Dysmenorrhea: Primary and Secondary 430 Dyspareunia: Deep Thrust 433 Dysuria 436 Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia 439 Gastritis 442 Gastroesophageal Reflux 445 Hair Loss 447 Headache: Tension, Cluster, and Migraine 450 Hematuria 456 Hemorrhoids 459 Hyperthyroidism 462 Hypothyroidism 465 Infertility: General Considerations 468 Irritable Bowel Syndrome 471 Low Back Pain 474 Melanoma 477 Myofascial Syndromes 480 Obesity 483 Osteoporosis 486 Pessary Therapy 491 Postcoital Bleeding 493 Premenstrual Syndrome 495 Pruritus Ani 498 Rape and Rape Trauma Syndrome 500 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Chancroid 504 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Chlamydia Trachomatis 506 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Condyloma Acuminata 509 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Gonorrhea 512 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Granuloma Inguinale 515 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Herpes 517 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Human Immunodeficiency Virus 520 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Lymphogranuloma Venereum 523 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Molluscum Contagiosum 525 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Parasites 527 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Syphilis 529 Sexually Transmitted Infections: Trichomonas Vaginalis 534 Thrombophlebitis 537 Toxic Shock Syndrome 541 Ulcerative Colitis 544 Urinary Incontinence: Bypass, Overflow, Stress, and Urge 547 Urinary Tract Infection 555 Urodynamics Testing 559 Varicose Veins 563