Lius Labour Ward Manual has for many years been the standard work for all personnel working on the labour ward. It gives instruction on the best application of technical procedures employed in the labour ward whilst promoting the ethos that the labouring mother and the unborn child must be the prime focus of attention.
1 Attitudes and conduct 2 Legal considerations 3 Maternal and perinatal mortality 4 The birthing environment 5 Admission to labour ward 6 Admission emergencies 7 Normal labour and delivery 8 Intrapartum nutrition and electrolytes 9 Analgesia and anaesthesia 10 Intrapartum fetal surveillance 11 Episiotomy and tears 12 The Newborn 13 Preterm labour and preterm rupture of membranes 14 Abnormal labour 15 Induction and augmentation of labour 16 Assisted delivery and shoulder dystocia 17 Caesarean section 18 Emergencies in the immediate puerperium 19 Malpresentation and malposition 20 Breech 21 Twins and multiple deliveries 22 Medical complications 23 Fetal and maternal misadventure 24 Drills in labour ward management
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