A high proportion of adults with end-stage renal failure are suffering from an inherited disorder of the kidneys. This is the first book to present a practical approach to the investigation and management of people with inherited renal disorders. Taking an international perspective, it covers the dramatic clinical and scientific advances that have been made in the past decade.
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Data sheet
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hard cover
Pages count
Dimensions (mm)
174 x 248
Weight (g)
Part 1 - Applications of clinical genetics to renal disease; Chapter 1 - Developmental anatomy & physiology; Chapter 2 - Gene structure & regulation, and the application of laboratory techniques; Chapter 3 - Computers & genetic diseases; Chapter 4 - Genetic counselling; Chapter 5 - Pre-natal diagnosis of inherited; renal tract disorders; Chapter 6 - Growth, development and management for renal failure in children; Part 2 - A systematic approach to inherited renal disorders; Section A - Structural disorders; Chapter 7 - Chromosomal & developmental anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract; Chapter 8 - Cystic diseases of the kidney; Chapter 9 - Familial & genetic aspects of primary vesico-ureteric reflux; Section B - Glomerular disorders; Chapter 10 - Congenital nephrotic syndrome; Chapter 11.1 Disorders of basement membrane:: Hereditary nephritis; Chapter 11.2 - Disorders of basement membrane:: Thin glomerular basement membrane syndrome and nail patella syndrome; Chapter 12 - Genetic aspects of primary glomerular diseases and haemolytic uraemic syndrome; Section C - Tubular disorders; Chater 13.1 - Functional disorders:: Amnioaciduras and the fanconi syndrome; Chapter 13.2 - Functional disorders:: Nephrogenic diabetes:: insipidus; Chapter 13.3 - Functional disorders:: RTA and miscellaneous disease; Chapter 14.1 - Bardet-Biedl Syndrome; Chapter 14.2 - Structural tubulointerstitial disease:: Nephronophithisis; Chapter 14.2 - Structural tubulointerstitial disease:: Multicentric osteolysis with nephropathy; Section D - Metabolic disorders; Chapter 15 - Fabrys disease and the lipidoses; Chapter 16 - Lethicin-cholesterol Acyltransferase deficiency and the kidney; Chapter 17 - Nephropathic cystinosis; Chapter 18 - Glycogen storage diseases (Von Gierkes disease); Chapter 19 - The amyloidosis and familial mediterranean fever; Chapter 20 - Genetic aspects of diabetic nephropathy; Chapter 21 - Sickle cell disease; Section E - Disorders associated with renal calculii; Chapter 22 - The primary hyperloxurias; Chapter 23 - Purine metabolism; Section F - The Phakomatoses; Chapter 25 - Renal manifestations of neurofibromatosis and tuberous sclerosis; Chapter 26 - Von-Hippel Lindau syndrome; Chapter 27 - Wilms tumour; Chapter 28 - Mitochondrial cytopathies and other rare inherited diseases;