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Conn's Current Therapy 2007

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When youre considering a therapeutic approach, theres nothing like a quick consult with an expert to verify that youre on the right track. Thats why so many physicians consult Conns! More than 300 leading practitioners from over 15 countries describe their preferred techniques for managing hundreds of common disorders affecting every organ system. For each condition, youll not only find todays best treat¬ments, but also the clinical thought processes of subspecialists well known for their exper¬tise in that particular approach. They clarify when a given therapy is most effective...when to avoid it...and what to watch out for. The 2007 volume offers the latest thinking on everything from insomnia and hypertension to smallpox and toxic chemical agents and access to the complete contents of the 2006 and 2007 editions onlinefully searchable!
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  • Section I. Syptomatic Care Pending Diagnosis

    01. Pain- Alan Douglass
    02. Nausea and Vomiting- Chad M. Braun
    03. Gaseousness and Indigestion- Ram Dickman and Ronnie Fass
    04. Hiccups- Michael J. Pollack
    05. Acute Infectious Diarrhea- Martin S. Wolfe
    06. Constipation- David E. Beck
    07. Fever- Ian M. Paul
    08. Cough- David G. Hill
    09. Treatment of Insomnia- Martin L. Reite
    10. Pruritus- Louis J Rusin
    11. Tinnitus- Claus-Frenz Claussen
    12. Low Back Pain- Michael T. McCann

    Section II. The Infectious Diseases

    13. Management of the Patient with HIV disease- Surendra K. Sharma and Tamilarasu Kadhiravan
    14. Amebiasis- Rashidul Haque and William A. Petri, Jr.
    15. Giardiasis- David E. Katz and Alfred DeMaria, Jr.
    16. Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock- Steven Zgliniec and Robert A. Balk
    17. Brucellosis- Javier Solera
    18. Varicella- Charles Grose
    19. Cholera- Eduardo Salazar-Lindo
    20. Food-Borne Illnesses- Evangelista Sagnelli
    21. Necrotizing Skin and Soft Tissue Infections- James S. Tan
    22. Toxic Shock Syndrome- Robert L. Deresiewicz
    23. Influenza- Kenneth J. Smith
    24. Visceral Leishmaniasis- Pierre Marty and Eric Rosenthal
    25. Leprosy (Hansens Disease)- Winnie W. Ooi
    26. Malaria- Monica Parise and Melto James Eliades
    27. Bacterial Meningitis- Gary D. Overturf
    28. Infectious Mononucleosis- Leonard R. Krilov
    29. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- Steven Reid and Simon Wessely
    30. Mumps- Mobeen H. Rathore amd Ayesha Mirza
    31. Plague- Douglas A. Drevets
    32. Anthrax- Jon B. Woods
    33. Psittacosis (Ornithosis)- Mark Woodhead
    34. Q Fever- Pere Domingo
    35. Rabies- Alan C. Jackson
    36. Rat Bite Fever- Liane K. Freels
    37. Relapsing Fever- Diego Cadavid
    38. Lyme Disease- Arthur Weinstein and Shobha Wani
    39. Rubella and Congenital Rubella- Michael T. Brady
    40. Measles (Rubeola)- Katalin I. Koranyi
    41. Tetanus- Ramesh Khurana and James P. Richardson
    42. Whooping Cough (Pertussis)- Michael E. Pichichero
    43. Office-Based Immunization Practices- Robert M. Jacobson
    44. Travel Medicine- William F. Miser amd Katherine G. Gerges
    45. Taxoplasmosis- Thomas T. Ward
    46. Cat Scratch Disease- Michael J. Smith
    47. Salmonellosis- Arvid E. Underman
    48. Typhoid Fever- Zulfiqar Bhutta
    49. Rickettsial & Ehrlichial Infections- David H. Walker
    49a. Smallpox- Ian M. Baird

    Section III. Diseases of the Head and Neck

    50. Vision Correction Procedures- Kraig S. Bower
    51. Conjunctivitis- Sandra Y Cho and Michael Goldstein
    52. Optic neuritis- Andrew G. Lee amd Steven L. Galetta
    53. Glaucoma- Misha F. Syed and Nicolas P. Bell
    54. Otitis Externa- Jeffrey T. Vrabec
    55. Otitis Media- J. Scott McMurray
    56. Episodic Vertigo- Lorne S. Parnes
    57. Menieres Disease- Ted A. Meyer and Paul R. Lambert
    58. Sinusitis- Richard R. Orlandi
    59. Non-Allergic Rhinitis- Phil Lieberman
    60. Hoarseness and Laryngitis- Robert Thayer Sataloff
    61. Streptococcal Pharyngitis- John Brusch

    Section IV. The Respiratory System

    62. Acute Respiratory Failure- William Henderson and Sean Keenan
    63. Atelectasis- Craig Michael Schramm
    64. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease- Juan Armando Garcia and Stephen G. Jenkinson
    65. Cystic Gibrosis- Robert L. Zanni
    66. Sleep Apnea- Teofilo L. Lee-Chiong Jr
    67. Primary Lung Cancer- Christopher S. George and Teresa M. George
    68. Coccidioidomycosis- Nancy F. Crum
    69. Histoplasmosis- Linus H. Santo Tomas and Ralph M. Schapira
    70. Blastomycosis- Robert Bradsher and Anupama Menon
    71. Pleural Effusion and Empyema Thoracis- Robert L. Thurer and Jeffrey Rentz
    72. Primary Lung Abscess- Scott Swanson and Virginia Litle
    73. Acute Bronchitis- Ralph Schapira and Susan Davids
    74. Bacterial Pneumonia- Maria C. Rodriguez-Barradas
    75. Viral Respiratory Infections- Surendra Kumar Sharma and Alladi Mohan
    76. Viral and Mycoplasmal Pnuemonias- Burke A. Cunha
    77. Legionellosis (Legionnaires disease and Pontiac Fever)- Jorge Roig
    78. Pulmonary Embolism- C. Gregory Elliott
    79. Sarcoidosis- Marc Judson
    80. Silicosis and Asbestosis- Akshay Sood and William S. Beckett
    81. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis- Michael C. Zacharisen
    82. Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases- Christopher J. Lahart

    Section V. The Cardiovascular System

    83. Acquired Diseases of the Aorta- R. Clement Darling III and W. John Byrne
    84. Angina Pectoris- Charles R. Lambert
    85. Cardiac Arrest: Sudden cardiac death- Robert W. Rho
    86. Atrial Fibrillation- Robert W. Rho and Richard L. Page
    87. Premature Beats- Prakash C. Deedwania and Enrique V. Carbajal
    88. Heart Block- Albert A. Del Negro
    89. Tachycardias- Nora Goldschlager and Richard Hongo
    90. Congenital Heart Disease- William S. McMahon
    91. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy- AJ Marian
    92. Mitral Valve Prolapse- Charles F. Wooley and Harisios Boudoulas
    93. Congestive Heart Failure- John P. Cheatham and Stephen C. Cook
    94. Infective Endocarditis- Navin M. Amin
    95. Hypertension- Edward D. Frohlich
    96. Acute Myocardial Infarction- Stephen Kopecky and Kevin Bybee
    97. Pericarditis- Brian D. Hoit
    98. Peripheral Arterial Disease- Jason T. Lee, Maisie M. Fung, and E. John Harris, Jr.
    99. Venous Thrombosis- Anthony J. Comerota and Santiago Chahwan

    Section VI. The Blood and Spleen

    100. Aplastic Anemia- Abdo Haddad and Jaroslaw P. Maciejewski
    101. Iron Deficiency- William B. Solomon
    102. Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia- Charles J. Parker
    103. Nonimmune Hemolytic Anemia- Stella T. Chou and Mitchell J. Weiss
    104. Pernicious Anemia and Other Megaloblastic Anemias- Dan L. Longo
    105. Thalessemia- Susan P Perrineand Serguei A. Castaneda
    106. Sickle Cell Disease- Kenneth Bridges
    107. Neutropenia- Melvin H. Freedman
    108. Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn- James W. Kendig
    109. Hemophilia and Related Disorders- Wing-Yen Wong
    110. Platelet-Mediated Bleeding Disorders- Suman Sood and Charles S. Abrams
    111. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation- Rodger L. Bick
    112. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura- James N. George
    113. Hemochromatosis- Lawrie W. Powell
    114. Hodgkins Disease: Chemotherapy- David J. Straus
    115. Hodgkins Disease: Radiation Therapy- Pelayo C. Besa
    116. Acute Leukemia in Adults- HANS W. GRÜNWALD
    117. Acute Leukemia in Children- Kelly Maloney
    118. Chronic Leukemias- Helen Enright and Johnathon Bond
    119. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma- Lawrence Rice
    120. Multiple Myeloma- Vincent Rajkumar and Robert A. Kyle
    121. Polycythemia Vera- Kenneth Zuckerman and Magda Elkabani
    122. The Porphyrias- Claus A. Pierach
    123. Therapeutic Use of Blood Components- Mahmoud Charif and Ronald A. Sacher
    124. Adverse Reactions to Blood Transfusion- Phillip J. DeChristopher

    Section VII. The Disgestive System

    125. Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis- Oscar Ruiz
    126. Cirrhosis- Richard K. Sterling, Wissam E. Mattar, Paul Y Kwo
    127. Bleeding Esophageal Varices- Gary C. Chen and Rome Jutabha
    128. Dysphagia and Esophageal Obstruction- Colm OLoughlin and Reza Shaker
    129. Diverticula of the Alimentary Tract- Harris R. Clearfield
    130. Inflammatory Bowel Disease- Mark A. Peppercorn and Alan C. Moss
    131. Irritable Bowel Syndrome- Kevin W. Olden and Andrew R. Brown
    132. Hemorrhoids, Anal Fissure, Perianal Abscess, and Fistula- David A. Margolin and Kerry Hammond
    133. Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease- Barry J. Marshall
    134. Acute and Chronic Viral Hepatitis- Christopher OBrien
    135. Malabsorption- Roger L. Gebhard and Nadeem A. Chaudhary
    136. Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis- Carmen C. Solorzano and Richard A. Prinz
    138. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)- John Hunter and Johathon Finks
    139. Tumors of the Stomach- Scott A. Hundahl
    140. Tumors of the Colon and Rectum- Alan G. Thorson
    141. Intestinal Parasites- Kenneth Shieh and Maria D. Mileno

    Section VIII. Metabolic Disorders

    142. Diabetes Mellitus in Adults- Shirwan A. Mirza
    143. Diabetes Mellitus in Children and Adolescents- Lori M.B. Laffel and Jamie R.S. Wood
    144. Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome and Diabetic Ketoacidosis- Solomon S. Solomon and R. Dale Childress
    144a. Hyponatremia- Biff F. Palmer
    145. Gout and Hyperuricemia- Robert L. Wortmann
    146. Dyslipoprotenemias (formerly called Hyperlipoproteinemias)- Peter Toth
    147. Obesity- Christopher D. Still and Gordon L. Jensen
    149. Osteoporosis- Uriel S. Barzel
    150. Pagets Disease of Bone- Paul D. Miller
    151. Parenteral Nutrition in Adults- Doug Seidner
    152. Parenteral Fluid Therapy for Infants and Children- Thomas Welch

    Section IX. The Endocrine System

    153. Acromegaly- Mark E. Molitch
    154. Adrenocortical Insufficiency- Andjela Drincic and Robert J. Anderson
    155. Cushings Syndrome- David Schteingart and Monica N. Starkman
    156. Diabetes Insipidus- Jennifer Kelly and Arnold M. Moses
    157. Primary Hyperparathyroidism and Hypoparathyroidism- John P. Bilezikian
    158. Primary Aldosteronism- Raymond R. Townsend
    159. Hypopituitarism- Mary Lee Vance
    160. Hyperprolactinemia- Anthony A. Luciano and Danielle E. Luciano
    161. Hypothyroidism- John T. Nicoloff and Jonathan S. LoPresti
    162. Hyperthyroidism- Kenneth Burman
    163. Thyroid Cancer- Debra G. Koivunen
    164. Pheochromocytoma- Massimo Mannelli and Jacques W. M. Lenders
    165. Thyroiditis- Petros Perros

    Section X. The Urogenital Tract

    166. Bacterial Infections of the Urinary Tract in Males- Brian A. VanderBrink and Robert M. Moldwin
    167. Bacterial Infections of the Urinary Tract in Women- Burke A. Cunha
    168. Bacterial Infections of the Urinary Tract in Girls- Candice E. Johnson
    169. Childhood Enuresis- Frank R. Cerniglia
    170. Urinary Incontinence- E. Ann Gormley
    171. Epididymitis- Michael Thomas Gambla and Darren Chapman
    172. Primary Glomerular Diseases- Daniel Cattran and Penny Turner
    173. Pyelonephritis- Kurt A. McCammon
    174. Trauma to the Genitourinary Tract- Noel A. Armenakas and J. James Bruno II
    175. Prostatitis- Ira W. Klimberg
    176. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia- Gopal Badlani and Matthew Karlovsky
    177. Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction)- Luciano Kolodny
    178. Acute Renal Failure- Steven D. Weisbord and Paul M. Palevsky
    179. Chronic Renal Failure- Jeffrey A. Kraut
    180. Malignant Tumors of the Urogenital Tract- Michael S. Cookson and Sam S. Chang
    181. Management of Urethral Stricture Disease- Andrew C. Peterson
    182. Renal Calculi- Stevan Streem and Nicholad Hegarty

    Section XI. The Sexually Transmitted Diseases

    183. Chancroid- Stanley M. Spinola
    184. Gonorrhea- David M. Bamberger
    185. Nongonococcal Urethritis- Kimberly Workowski and Heidi Bauer
    186. Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis)- AA Hoosen
    188. Syphilis- Mrunal Shah
    188a. Contraception- Lama Tolaymat and Andrew M. Kaunitz

    Section XII. Diseases of Allergy

    189. Anaphylaxis and Serum Sickness- Stephen F. Kemp
    190. Asthma in Adolescents and Adults- Louis-Philippe Boulet
    191. Asthma in Children- Gerald B. Kolski
    192. Allergic Rhinitis Caused by Inhalant Factors- Richard Weber
    193. Allergic Reactions to Drugs- Donald L. McNeil
    194. Allergic Reactions to Insect Stings- David B. K. Golden

    Section XIII. Diseases of the Skin

    195. Acne Vulgaris and Rosacea- Guy F. Webster
    196. Diseases of the Hair- Kimberly May Eickhorst and Eyal Levit
    197. Cancer of the Skin- Richard Wagner
    198. Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma (Mycosis Fungoides and Sézarys Syndrome)- Marie-France-Demierre
    199. Papulosquamous Disorders- Chai Sue Lee and John Koo
    200. Connective Tissue Disorders- John Varga, Susan M. Morsi, and Gabrielle Lakos
    201. Cutaneous Vasculitis- Manisha J. Patel and Joseph L. Jorizzo
    202. Diseases of the Nails- Bianca Maria Piraccini and Matilde Iorizzo
    203. Keloids- Woraphong Manuskiatti
    204. Warts (Verruca)- Phillip M. Williford and Tammy Housman
    205. Condyloma Accuminata (Genital Warts)- Karl R. Beutner and Alice Do
    206. Nevi- Joan Guitart and Scott C. Wickless
    207. Melanoma- Frank G. Haluska
    208. Premalignant Lesions- Donald Clemons
    209. Bacterial Diseases of the Skin- Ronald Lee Nichols
    210. Viral Diseases of the Skin- Jacqueline M. Losi-Sasaki and Angela Yen Moore
    211. Parasitic Diseases of the Skin- Andrea Katsambas and Electra Nicolaidou
    212. Fungal Diseases of the Skin- Adelaide Hebert
    213. Diseases of the Mouth- Carl Allen
    214. Venous Stasis Ulcers- Tania J. Phillips and Chukwuemeka N. Etufugh
    215. Pressure Ulcers- David R. Thomas
    216. Atopic Dermatitis- Sarah L. Chamlin
    217. Erythema Multiforme- Marcia G. Tonnesen
    218. Bullous Diseases- Victoria Werth and Sarah E. Dick
    219. Contact Dermatitis-Peter C. Schalockm and Kathryn A. Zug
    221. Pruritus Ani and Vulvae- Libby Edwards
    222. Urticaria and Angioedema- Eugene W. Monroe
    223. Pigmentary Disorders- Norman Levine
    224. Sunburn- Henry W. Lim and Camile Hexsel

    Section XIV. The Nervous System

    225. Alzheimers Disease- Monica Peterson Gordon and L. Jaime Fitten
    225a. Sleep Disorders- David N. Neubauer
    226. Intracerebral Hemorrhage- James M. Gebel
    227. Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease- Elzbieta Wirkowski
    228. Rehabilitation of the Stroke Patient- Karl Sandin
    229. Seizures and Epilepsy in Adolescents and Adults- Erik K. St. Louis and Mark A. Granner
    230. Epilepsy in Infants and Children- Raj D. Sheth
    231. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder- Timothy Wilens and Thomas Spencer
    232. Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome- Roger D. Freeman
    233. Headache- R. Michael Gallagher
    234. Viral Meningitis and Encephalitis- Mark J. Abzug
    235. Multiple Sclerosis- Randall T. Schapiro
    236. Myasthenia Gravis and Related Disorders- Jenice Robinson and Milind J. Kothari
    237. Trigeminal Neuralgia- Ronald F. Young
    238. Acute Peripheral Facial Paralysis (Bells Palsy)- Bruce J. Gantz, Ted A. Meyerm, and Peter C. Weber
    239. Parkinsonism- Julie Leegwater-Kim and Cheryl Waters
    240. Peripheral Neuropathies- Michael E. Shy and Marina Grandis
    241. Acute Head Injuries in Adults- Todd W. Vitaz
    242. Acute Head Injuries in Children- Stephen Deputy
    243. Brain Tumors- Ashwatha Narayana

    Section XV. The Locomotor System

    244. Rheumatoid Arthritis- E. William St. Clair and Joseph C. Shanahan
    245. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis- Terry L. Moore
    246. Ankylosing Spondylitis- Maxine Breban
    247. Cervico-Cranio-Mandibular Disorders (was Temporomandibular Disorders)- Per-Olof Eriksson
    248. Bursitis, Tendinitis, Myofascial Pain, and Fibromyalgia- Keith K. Colburn
    249. Osteoarthritis- George E. Ehrlich
    250. Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis- John Stone
    251. Osteomyelitis- Luca Lazzarini
    252. Common Sports Injuries- Julie Chuan and Kenneth S. Taylor

    Section XVI. Obstetrics and Gynecology

    253. Antepartum Care- Ying Chan and Faith Frieden
    254. Ectopic Pregnancy- Gary Lipscomb
    255. Vaginal Bleeding in Late Pregnancy- Curtis Gingrich
    256. Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy- David Weismiller
    257. Postpartum Care- Lisa Nash
    258. Resuscitation of the Newborn- Derek S. Wheeler
    259. Care of the High-Risk Neonate- Dilcia McLenan
    260. Normal Infant Feeding- Meg Begany and Maria Mascarenhas
    261. Diseases of the Breast- Paniti Sukumvanich and Patrick Borgen
    262. Endometriosis- David L. Olive
    263. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding- Beth Rackow and Aydin Arici
    263a. Infertility- Steve Willams
    264. Amenorrhea- Carl Krantz
    265. Dysmenorrhea- Laeth S Nasir
    266. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)- Ellen W. Freeman
    267. Menopause- Jan L. Shifren and Isaac Schiff
    268. Vulvovaginitis- Christine D. Hudak
    269. Chlamydia Trachomatis- Catherine Stevens-Simon
    270. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease- Adrianne Williams and Maria Trent
    271. Uterine Leiomyoma- Tod Aeby and Stella Dantas
    271a. Ovarian Cancer- Lynne Eaton
    272. Cancer of the Endometrium- James J. Burke, II and Donald Gallup
    273. Cancer of the Uterine Cervix- Michael P. Hopkins and Wilson Sawa
    274. Neoplasms of the Vulva- Susan Davidson

    Section XVII. Psychiatric Disorders

    276. Alcoholism- Richard Brown
    277. Drug Abuse- Joyce A. Tinsley
    278. Anxiety Disorders- Jacqueline Carinhas McGregor
    279. Bulimia- David Herzog and Kamryn T. Eddy
    280. Delirium- Marc Agronin
    281. Mood Disorders- Melanie W. Conway and Merry N. Miller
    282. Schizophrenia- Adriana Foster and Peter Buckley
    283. Panic Disorder- Alexander Bystritsky and Kira Williams

    Section XVIII. Physical and Chemical Injuries

    284. Burns- Barbara Latenser
    285. High Altitude Sickness- Jim Litch
    286. Disturbances Due To the Cold- Daniel F. Danzl
    287. Disturbances Due to Heat- John F. Coyle, II
    288. Spider Bites And Scorpion Stings- Rachel Haroz and James R. Roberts
    289. Snakebit- Craig S. Kitchens
    290. Marine Trauma, Envenomations, and Intoxications- John E. Gough
    291. Acute Poisonings- Thomas R. Caraccio

    Section XIX. Appendices and Index

    292. Reference Intervals for the Interpretation of Laboratory Tests- Laura McCloskey and William Borer
    293. Toxic Chemical Agents- James J. James and James M. Lyznicki
    294. Biologic Agents- Scott R. Lillibridge
    295. Some Popular Herbs and Nutritional Supplements- Miriam M. Chan
    296. New Drugs- Miriam M. Chan
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