The source of choice for concise and easy-to-use guidance on the latest advances in therapeutics. More than 300 leading practitioners from 15 countries describe their preferred techniques for managing hundreds of common disorders affecting every organ system. With more than 90% new authorship, each chapter offers fresh perspectives on the hottest topics.
1 Pain Alexander Mauskop, MD 2 Nausea and Vomiting Lowell Anthony, MD 3 Gaseousness and Indigestion Satish S.C. Rao, MD, PhD, FCRP and Young K. Choi, MD 4 Hiccups James H. Lewis, MD 5 Acute Infectious Diarrhea David A. Sack, MD 6 Constipation Michael J. Levinson, MD 7 Fever John N. van den Anker, MD, PhD and Natella Rakhmanina, MD 8 Cough Daniel McNally, MD 9 Insomnia David N. Neubauer, MD 10 Pruritus (Itching) Louis J. Rusin, MD 11 Tinnitus Rick A. Friedman, MD, PhD and Calhoun D. Cunningham III, MD 12 Low Back Pain Steven R. Garfin, MD and Michael J. Vives, MD
SECTION 2: The Infections Diseases
13 Management of the Patient with HIV Infection Richard M. Grimes, PhD and Thomas P. Giordano, MD 14 Amebiasis Kevin C. Kain, MD, FRCP and Andrea K. Boggild, MSc 15 Giardiasis Theodore E. Nash, MD 16 Bacteremia and Sepsis Robert A. Balk, MD and Dennis Kellar, MD 17 Brucellosis Isidro Zavala Trujillo, MD and Maria Guadelupe Zavala, MD 18 Varicella (Chickenpox) Henry H. Balfour, Jr., MD 19 Cholera Dilip Mahalanabis, MD. 20 Food-Borne Illness George J. Gianakopoulos, MD 21 Necrotizing Skin and Soft Tissue Mark A. Malangoni, MD 22 Toxic Shock Syndrome Andre Dascal, MD and Sharon Nessim, MD 23 Influenza Stephen B. Greenberg, MD 24 Lieshmaniasis Jean-Pierre Gangneux, MD, PhD 25 Leprosy (Hansens Disease) M. Patricia Joyce, MD, FACP and David M. Scollard, MD, PhD 26 MalariaLouis M. Weiss, MD and Christina M. Coyle, MD 27 Bacterial Meningitis Jay H. Tureen, MD 28 Infectious Mononucleosis and Other Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Lymphoproliferative Disorders Warren A. Andiman, MD 29 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome David C. Klonoff, MD 30 Mumps Walid Abuhammour, MD, FAAP 31 Plague L. Lucy Boulanger, MD 31A Anthrax Edward M. Eitzen, Jr., MD, MPH and Theodore J. Cieslak, MD 32 Psittacocis (Ornithosis) Jeffrey T. Kirchner, DO and Christian L. Hermansen, MD 33 Q Fever Elisa I. Choi, MD 34 Rabies Christopher J. Finnegan BSc, MSc, Anthony R. Fooks, BSc, PhD, and Nicola Brink, MBChB MMed 35 Rat-Bite FeverGrace Y. Minamoto, MD and Shobha Swaminathan, MD 36 Relapsing Fever Diego Cadavid, MD 37 Lyme Disease Leonard H. Sigal, MD 38 Rubella and Congenital Rubella David Waagner, MD 39 Measles (Rubeola) Yvonne A. Maldonado, MD 40 Tetanus James P. Richardson, MD, MPH 41 Pertussis Venusto H. San Joaquin, MD 42 Office-Based Immunization Practices Julile A. Boom, MD 43 Travel Medicine Chad M. Braun, MD and Kate Gergas, CRNP 44 Toxoplasma Gondii Thomas T. Ward, MD 45 Cat-Scratch Disease Douglas H. Hamilton, MD, PhD, FAAFP 46 Salmonellosis Nicholas J. Beeching, FRCP, FRACP, DCH, DTM&H and Christopher M. Parry, FRC Path, MRCP 47 Typhoid Fever Tikki Pang, MD 48 Rickettsial and Ehrlichial Infections Daniel J. Sexton, MD 49 Smallpox Michael R. Albert, MD and Joel G. Breman, MD, DTPH
SECTION 3: Diseases Of the Head and Neck
50 Vision Correction Procedures M. Bowes Hamill, MD and David W. Jackson, MD 51 Conjunctivitis John P. Frangie, MD 52 Optic Neuritis Steven L. Galetta, MD and Laura J. Balcer, MD, MSCE 53 Glaucoma Edward J. Rockwood, MD 54 Otitis Externa Peter S. Roland, MD 55 Otitis Media Jay A. Werkhaven, MD 56 Episodic Vertigo Joseph M. Furman, MD 57 Menieres Disease Michael E. Hoffer, MD, Richard D. Kopke, MD, and Kim R. Gottshall, PhD 58 Sinusitis Brent A. Senior, MD 59 Nonallergic Rhinitis Dennis K. Ledford, MD and Jose R. Arias, Jr., MD 60 Hoarseness and Laryngitis Robert Thayer Sataloff, MD, DMA 61 Streptococcal Pharyngitis Graham P. Krasan, MD
SECTION 4: The Respiratory System
62 Acute Respiratory Failure John W. Brice, MD and Robert L. Burnaugh, MD 63 Atelectasis Michael B. Gotway, MD 64 Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Mitchell Friedman, MD 65 Cystic Fibrosis Laurie Varlotta, MD 66 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Charles A. Polnitsky, MD 67 Primary Lung Cancer Jacob D. Bitran, MD 68 Coccidioidomycosis Royce H. Johnson MD 69 Histoplasmosis L. Joseph Wheat, MD 70 Blastomycosis Carol A. Kauffman, MD 71 Pleural Effusion and Empyema Thoracis Mark S. Allen, MD 72 Primary Lung Abscess Kenneth V. I. Rolston, MD 73 Acute Bronchitis Nelson M. Gantz, MD 74 Bacterial Pneumonia Paul G. Auwaerter, MD, MBA 75 Viral Upper Respiratory Tract Infections J. Owen Hendley, MD and Diane E. Pappus, MD, JD 76 Viral and Mycoplasmal PneumoniaRandy A. Taplitz, MD 77 Legionellosis Victor L. Yu, MD and M. L. Pedro-Botet, MD, PhD 78 Pulmonary Embolism Thomas M. Hyers, MD 79 Sarcoidosis Athol Wells, MD 80 Silicosis Ralph M. Schapira, MD and H. Erhan Dincer, MD 81 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Leslie C. Grammer, MD and Rachel E. Story, MD, MPH. 82 Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Disease K. P. Ravikrishnan, MD
SECTION 5: The Cardiovascular System
83 Acquired Diseases of the Aorta Jeffrey Dattilo, MD and David C. Brewster, MD 84 Management of Angina Pectoris Dan Fintel, MD and Adam Brodsky, MD 85 Cardiac Arrest: Sudden Cardiac DeathEric N. Prystowsky, MD and Benzy J. Padanilaur, MD 86 Atrial Fibrillation Mina K. Chung, MD 87 Premature Beats Ezra A. Amsterdam, MD 88 Heart Block Kelley P. Anderson, MD 89 Tachycardias Michael J. Reiter, MD, PhD and Kimberly Anne Selzman, MD 90 Congenital Heart Disease Scott E. Fletcher, MD 91 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy William J. McKenna, MD, Rajesh Thaman, MBBS, and M. Teresa Tome, MD 92 Heart Failure Marc A. Silver, MD 93 Mitral Valve Prolapse Tsung O. Cheng, MD 94 Infective Endocarditis Matthew E. Levinson, MD 95 Hypertension William J. Elliott, MD, PhD 96 Acute Myocardial Infarction Patrick T. OGara, MD and Laura Mauri, MD, MSc 97 Pericarditis Ignacio Inglessis, MD 98 Peripheral Arterial Disease John D. Edwards, MD and Glenn Fusonie, MD 99 Venous Thrombosis Thomas G. DeLoughery, MD
SECTION 6: The Blood and Spleen
100 Aplastic Anemia Stephen D. Nimer, MD and David J. Araten, MD 101 Iron Deficiency James C. Barton, MD 102 Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia Paul M. Ness, MD and Karen E. King, MD 103 Nonimmune Hemolytic Anemia Carlo Brugnara, MD 104 Pernicious Anemia and Other Megaloblastic Anemias Lenee A. Lane, PharmD 105 Thalassemia Sylvia Titi Singer, MD 106 Sickle Cell Disease Kathryn L. Hassell, MD 107 Neutropenia Ayalew Tefferi, MD and Castas L. Constantinou, MD 108 Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn Carl P. Weiner, MD and Ahmet A. Baschat, MD and 109 Hemophilia and Related Disorders: A Practical Approach Barry White, MD, MSc and Clodagh Tyan, MB 110 Platelet-Mediated Bleeding Disorders Joel S. Bennett, MD 111 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Cheng Hock Toh, MD 112 Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Lesley A. Kresie, MD 113 Hemochromatosis Kris V. Kowdley, MD and Bruce Y. Tung, MD 114 Hodgkins Disease: Chemotherapy Nancy L. Bartlett, MD and Kristie A. Blum, MD 115 Hodgkins Disease: Radiation Therapy Mary K. Gospodarowicz, MD, FRCPC and Richard W. Tsang, MD 116 Acute Leukemia in Adults Elihu Estey, MD 117 Acute Leukemia in Childhood Jeffrey E. Rubnitz, MD, PhD 118 Chronic Leukemias John M. Goldman MD, FRCP and Tariq I. Mughal 119 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Auayporn Nademanee, MD 120 Multiple Myeloma Peter Selby, MD and Faith Davies, MBBCh, MD 121 Polycythemia Vera Steven M. Fruchtman, MD and Celia L. Grosskreutz, MD 122 The Porphyrias Jean Charles Deybach, MD and Herve Puy, MD 123 Therapeutic Use of Blood Components Naomi L. C. Luban, MD and Edward C. C. Wong, MD 124 Adverse Reactions to Blood Transfusions Gerald L. Logue, MD
SECTION 7: The Digestive System
125 Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis Robert V. Rege, MD 126 Cirrhosis William M. Lee, MD and Ponsiano Ocama, MD 127 Bleeding Esophageal Varices Andrew K. Burroughs, MD, CHB and Maria Mela, MD 128 Dysphagia and Esophageal Obstruction Robin D. Rothstein, MD 129 Diverticula of the Alimentary Tract Charles Chappuis, MD 130 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Christopher, E. Shih, MD and Mary L. Harris, MD 131 Irritable Bowel Syndrome Peter Gibson, MD and Sanjay Nandurkar, MBBS 132 Hemorrhoids, Anal Fissure, Anorectal Abscess, and Fistula Fabio M. Potenti, MD and Matthew D. Vrees, MD 133 Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease Steven F. Moss, MD and Sripathi R. Kethu, MD 134 Acute and Chronic Viral Hepatitis Richard Kent Zimmerman, MD, MPH and Richard D. Clover, MD 135 Malabsorption Richard Neil Fedorak, MD and Cyrus P. Tamboli, MD 136 Acute Pancreatitis Gerard V. Aranha, MD 137 Chronic Pancreatitis David B. Adams, MD 138 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Colonel Roy K.H. Wong, MD and Major John Napierkowski, MD 139 Tumors of the Stomach Mitchell C. Posner, MD and James O. Park, MD PhD 140 Tumors of the Colon and Rectum Theodore John Saclarides MD 141 Intestinal Parasites J. Dick MacLean, MD and Theresa W. Gyorkos, PhD
SECTION 8: Metabolic Disease
142 Diabetes Mellitus in Adults William Duckworth, MD 143 Diabetes Mellitus in Childhood and Adolescence Lynne L. Levitsky, MD amd Tandy Aye, MD 144 Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State Patric J. Boyle, MD 145 Gout and Hyperuricemia Graham D. Reid, MD Ch D and Andrew E. Thompson, MD 146 Hyperlipoproteinemias Conrad Blum, MD 147 Obesity Caroline M Apovian, MD and Supawan Buranapin, MD 148 Vitamin K Deficiency Frank R. Greer, MD and Carol A. Diamond, MD 149 Osteoporosis Stanley J. Birge, Jr., MD 150 Pagets Disease of Bone Stanley Wallach, MD 151 Total Parenteral Nutrition in Adult Patients Darryl T. Hiyama, MD 152 Parenteral Fluid Therapy for Infants and Children Kathleen Franchek-Roa, MD
SECTION 9: The Endocrine System
153 Acromegaly William F. Young, Jr., MD, MSc 154 Adrenocortical Insufficiency Joseph M. Hughes, MD 155 Cushings Syndrome Kathryn G. Schuff, MD 156 Diabetes Insipidus Gertrude S. Lefavour, MD 157 Hyperparathyroidism and Hypoparathyroidism David J. Hosking MD 158 Primary Aldosteronism Michael Stowasser, MBBS, PhD 159 Hypopituitarism Mitchell E. Geffner, MD and Roshanak Monzavi, MD 160 Hyperprolactinemia Mark E. Molitch, MD 161 Hypothyroidism Susan J. Mandel, MD MPH and Stephanie A. Fish, MD 162 Hyperthyroidism Hossein Gharib, MD and Victor M. Montori, MD, MSc. 163 Thyroid Cancer Karen R. Borma MD 164 Pheochromocytoma Graeme Eisenhofer, PhD and William Miur Manger, MD, PhD 165 Thyroiditis Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen, MD and Aase Krogh Rasmussen, MD
SECTION 10: The Urogenital Tract
166 Urinary Tract Infections in Males Kurt G. Naber, MD and Florian M.E. Wagenlehner MD 167 Bacterial Infections of the Urinary Tract in Women Jack D. Sobel, MD and Patricia D. Brown, MD 168 Bacterial Infections of the Urinary Tract in Girls Antoine E. Khoury, MD, FRCSC, FAAP and K. Afshar, MD, FRCSC 169 Enuresis (in Children) Mark P. Cain, MD, FAAP 170 Urinary Incontinence Deborah Bartholomew, MD 171 Epididymitis Curtis A. Sheldon, MD and Eugene Minevich, MD 172 Primary Glomerular Diseases Brad H. Rovin, MD, FACP 173 Pyelonephritis Nayef El-Daher, MD, PhD 174 Trauma to the Genitourinary Tract Richard A. Santucci, MD and Theodore D. Barber, MD 175 Prostatitis Burke A. Cunha, MD 176 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia John S. Wheeler, MD and John Kefer, PhD 177 Erectile Dysfunction Edward D. Kim, MD 178 Acute Renal Failure James W. Lewis, MD 179 Chronic Renal Failure Anthony J. Bleyer, MD, MS 180 Malignant Tumors of the Urogenital Tract Guido Dalbagni, MD, FACS and Ofer Yossepowitch, MD 181 Urethral Stricture Robert C. Flanigan, MD and Kristian R. Novakovic, MD 182 Renal Calculi Margaret S. Pearle, MD. PhD
SECTION 11: The Sexually Transmitted Diseases
183 Chancroid Richard Steen, PA, MPH 184 Gonorrhea Anne Rompalo, MD, ScM 185 Nongonococcal Urethritis John A. Mata, MD 186 Granuloma Inguinale Nancy J. Anderson, MD and Agnieszka Niemeyer, MD 187 Lymphogranuloma Venereum Nancy J. Anderson, MD and Agnieszka Niemeyer, MD 188 Syphilis Charles B. Hicks, MD
SECTION 12: Diseases of Allergy
189 Anaphylaxis and Serum Sickness Dennis K. Ledford, MD 190 Asthma in Adolescents and Adults Lawrence M. Dubuske, MD and Kryszlof Kowal, MD 191 Asthma in Children Leonard B. Bacharier, MD and Anand C. Patel, MD 192 Allergic Rhinitis Caused by Inhalant Factors James N. Baraniuk, MD 193 Allergic Reactions to Drugs Michael J. Rieder, MD, PhD, FAAP, FRCPC, FRCP 194 Allergic Reactions to Insect Stings David F. Graft, MD
SECTION 13: Diseases of the Skin
195 Acne Vulgaris and Rosacea Robert S. Stern, MD and Otter Q. Aspen 196 Hair Disorders Dirk M. Elston, MD 197 Cancer of the Skin Tatyana R. Humphreys, MD 198 Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma Stanford, I. Lamberg, MD 199 Papulosquamous Eruptions David C. Gorsulowsky, MD and Matthew H. Kanzler, MD 200 Connective Tissue Disorders Jeffrey P. Callen, MD 201 Cutaneous Vasculitis Victoria P. Werth, MD and Michelle T. Pelle, MD 202 Diseases of the Nails Antonella Tosti, MD and Massimiliano Pazzaglia, MD 203 Keloids Brian Berman, MD, PhD and Varee Poochareon, BS 204 Cutaneous Warts Brian Berman, MD, Ph and Tami D. Araujo, MD 205 Treatment of Anogenital Warts Geo von Krogh, MD, PhD 206 Melanocytic Nevi Clifton R. White, Jr., MD and Daniel A. Smith, MD 207 Melanoma Allan C. Halpern, MD 208 Premalignant Lesions Arthur J. Sober, MD and Victor A. Neel, MD, PhD 209 Bacterial Diseases of the Skin Frederic W. Stearns, MD 210 Viral Diseases of the Skin Gisela Torres, MD and Stephen K. Tyring, MD, PhD 211 Parasitic Diseases of the Skin Harry Sharata, MD, PhD and H.L. Greenberg, MD 212 Fungal Diseases of the Skin Barry Zingman, MD 213 Diseases of the Mouth Frank C. Powell and Sharareh Ahmadi 214 Venous Ulcers Anna F. Falabella, MD and Carlos A. Charles, MD 215 Pressure Ulcers Gerry C.J. Bennett, MB 216 Atopic Dermatitis Anthony J. Mancini, MD 217 Erythema Multiforme Jeffrey S. Dover, MD and Karen S. Taraszka, MD, PhD 218 Bullous Diseases M. Peter Marinkovich, MD and Josephine Chu, AB 219 Contact Dermatitis Joseph F. Fowler, Jr., MD 220 Skin Diseases of Pregnancy Lynne H. Morrison, MD 221 Pruritus Ani and Vulvae Neil H. Hyman, MD 222 Urticaria and Angioedema Larry E. Millikan, MD 223 Pigmentary Disorders James J. Nordlund, MD 224 Sunburn Bethany M. Bergamo, MD
SECTION 14: The Nervous System
225 Alzheimers Disease Erno S. Daniel, MD, PhD 226 Intracerebral Hemorrhage Geoffrey Eubank, MD 227 Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease Ken Madden, MD, PhD 228 Management and Rehabilitation of the Stroke Survivor David X. Cifu, MD 229 Epilepsy in Adolescents and Adults Dean K. Naritoku, MD 230 Epilepsy in Infants and Children John N. Gaitanis. MD 231 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Judith A. Owens, MD, MPH and Victoria Dalzell, MD 232 Treatment of Tourettes Syndrome David E. Comings, MD 233 Headaches Dawn A. Marcus, MD 234 Viral Meningitis and EncephalitisJames F. Bale, Jr., MD 235 Multiple Sclerosis Robert P. Lisak, MD 236 Myasthenia Gravis Vern C. Juel, MD 237 Trigeminal Neuralgia Harry R. van Loveren, MD 238 Acute Peripheral Facial Paralysis (Bells Palsy) Angelo Formenti, MD 239 Parkinsonism Ronald R. Pfeiffer, MD 240 Peripheral Neuropathies Colin H. Chalk, MD 241 Acute Traumatic Brain Injury in Adults Jamshid Ghajar, MD, PhD and Roger Hartl, MD 242 Acute Head Injuries in Children Thomas M. Moriarty, MD, PhD and Rashid M. Janjua, MD 243 Brain Tumors Arnold C. Paulino, MD
SECTION 15: The Locomotor System
244 Rheumatoid Arthritis Theodore Pincus, MD and Tuulikki Sokka, MD, PhD 245 Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis C. Egla Rabinovich, MD 246 Ankylosing Spondylitis Andrew Keat, MD 247 Temporomandibular Disorders Jeffrey P. Okeson, DMD 248 Bursitis, Tendinitis, Myofascial Pain, and Fibromyalgia Robert T. Schoen, MD 249 Osteoarthritis Joan M. Bathon, MD and Shari Miura Ling, MD 250 Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell ArteritisS. Louis Bridges, Jr., MD, PhD and Thomas G. Wimmer, MD 251 Osteomyelitis Edward J. Septimus, MD 252 Common Sports Injuries Chris G. Koutures, MD
SECTION 16: Obstetrics and Gynecology
253 Antepartum Care Paul J. Wendel, MD, Katrina R. Davis, MD, and Nancy Andrews Collins, MD 254 Ectopic Pregnancy Elizabeth Kennard, MD 255 Vaginal Bleeding in Late Pregnancy Stephen T. Vermillion, MD 256 Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy Phillip J. Shubert, MD and David N. Hackney, MD 257 Postpartum Care Charles E. Driscoll, MD 258 Resuscitation of the Newborn Col. Stephen M. Golden, MD 259 Care of the High-Risk Neonate Tommy Leonard, Jr., MD 260 Normal Infant Feeding Neal S. LeLeiko, MD, PhD and Christine M Hardy, MS, RD, LDN 261 Diseases of the Breast Michael Osborne, MD and Rache Simmons, MD 262 Endometriosis Julia V. Johnson, MD 263 Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Chad I. Friedman, MD 264 Amenorrhea Dean M. Moutos, MD 265 Dysmenorrhea Thais Brown Tonore, MD 266 Premenstrual Dysphoria Uriel Halbreich, MD 267 MenopauseR. Don Gambrell, Jr., MD, FACOG 268 Vulvovaginitis David A. Baker, MD 269 Chlamydia Trachomatis Stephanie N. Taylor, MD 270 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Oscar D. Almeida, Jr., MD 271 Leiomyomas Bruce R. Carr, MD and Derek A. Haas, MD 272 Endometrial Cancer James J. Burke, II, MD and Donald G. Gallup, MD 273 Cancer of the Uterine Cervix Jeffrey G. Bell, MD 274 Neoplasms of the Vulva Larry J. Copeland, MD and David E. Cohn, MD 275 Contraception Ernie Chaney, MD
SECTION 17: Psychiatric Disorders
276 Alcoholism Katherine A. McQueen, MD 277 Drug Abuse Mikhail B. Nickita, MD and Frances R. Levin, MD 278 Anxiety Disorders Neil R. Liebowitz, MD 279 Bulimia Nervosa Joel Yager, MD 280 Delirium James A. Bourgeois, OD, MD and Robert E. Hales, MD, MBA 281 Mood Disorders James M. Martinez, MD and Lauren B. Marangell, MD 282 Schizophrenia Michael B. Knable, OD 283 Panic Disorder Manuel E. Tancer, MD and Shahid Hussain, MD MBBS
SECTION 18: Physical and Chemical
284 Injuries Burns Nicholas, A. Meyer, MD, FACS 285 High Altitude Sickness Peter H. Hackett. MD 286 Disturbances Due to Cold Gordon G. Giesbrecht, PhD 287 Disturbances Due to Heat Michael P. Wainscott, MD 288 Spider Bites and Scorpion Stings Lucinda S. Buescher, MD 289 Snake Venom Poisoning Terence M. Davidson, MD 290 Hazardous Marine Creatures Gabrielle M. Hawdon, MB, MPH 291 Medical Toxicology: Ingestions, Inhalations, and Dermal and Occular Absorptions Thomas R. Caraccio, PharmD, DABAT, Howard C. Morenson, MD, DABMT, Michael McGuigan, MD, DABMT, and Joseph Greensher, MD
SECTION 19: Appendices and Index
292 Reference Intervals for the Interpretation of Laboratory Tests William Z. Borer, MD 293 Toxic Chemical Agents Reference Chart - Symptoms and Treatment James J. James, MD, DrPH, MHA and James M. Lyznicki, MS, MPH 294 Biologic Agents Reference Chart - Symptoms and Treatment James J. James, MD, Dr PH, MHA and James M. Lyznicki, MS, MPH 295 Some Popular Herbal Products Miriam M. Chan, RPh, Pharm D 296 New Drugs in 2002 and Agents Pending FDA Approval Bella H. Mehta, Pharm D and Miriam Chan, PharmD 297 Body Mass Index Table 298 Nomogram for the Determination of Body Surface Area of Children and Adults