A compendium of prescribing information for more than 450 diagnoses! Concise and well organized for speedy access to essential information, this point-of-care prescribing resource is designed for advanced health care providers in all settings involved in the primary care management of newborns through adolescents. Encompassing pharmacotherapy regimens for more than 450 clinical diagnoses, the guide is organized alphabetically by diagnoses. To insure continual access to up-to-date information, the purchase of the print format includes a free e-book updated three times a year. Key clinical information, including lab values to monitor, patient teaching points, and safety information for parents and caregivers, in highlighted throughout. For each diagnosis, appropriate drug choices are listed alphabetically by generic name, FDA pregnancy category, generic and over-the-counter availability, pediatric dosing regimens, brand names, dose forms, contraindications, and more. Additionally the book includes a cross-reference index of drugs by generic and brand names. Information delivered in convenient table format includes 35 appendices for quick access to drug information, Schedule of Controlled Substances, FDA pregnancy categories, measurement conversions, childhood immunization records, and dosing by weight. Key Features:: Organized by more than 450 clinical diagnosis with drug regimens for each Facilitates speedy drug information retrieval for primary care providers in all pediatric settings Includes pediatric dosage and available forms Highlights lab values to monitor, patient education points, and safety information Cross references generic and trade names Offers information in convenient table format covering FDA pregnancy categories, Schedule of Controlled Substances, childhood immunization schedule, and more Provides appendix of tables for quick access to drug classifications Includes free e-book updated three times a year