This title, presented in the same style as Mead:: Tutorials in General Practice, consists of thirty tutorial problems relating to managment issues commonly examined in the MRCGP examination. Each tutorial is based around a realistic problem, using questions and answers, and ending with a summaryu of ey points, MCQs and a list of further reading
Part 1: Health of the Nation:Origin. Implications for Postgraduate Training. Key Health Targets. Gps Tasks. Reasons Why These Topics Have Been Chosen. Criteria for a National Screening Programme. How Does Health of the Nation Compare?. Will the Targets Be Met?. The Impact onGeneral Practice Forms, Forms, Forms: How to Use This Tutorial. The Important Forms for Registrars. The Efficiency Scrutiny Initiative. Can a Practice Cope?. The Recommendations. Implementation. Where Next? Professional Values: the Debate About Valuesand Core General Practice. Long-Standing Professional Values. Why the Debate Now?. Why Is Primary Care in the Spotlight?. The Characteristics of a Profession. Motivation. Recruitment. The Future Shape of General Practice the Practice Population: Featuresof British General Practice. Characteristics of the Practice Population. The Uk Population. Implications for a Partnership. The Value of This Knowledge. A Practice Profile. Keeping a Sense of Proportion Guidelines and Protocols: Definitions. Who ProducesThem?. The Case for Guidelines. The Case Against. Their Use to Ration Health Care. Effective Guidelines. Ownership. Practice Development of Guidelines. Implementation. Practice Policy. Help for Junior Doctors Stress Management for Gps: What Is Stress?. Types of Stress. Prevalence. Are Doctors More Stressed Than Their Peers?. Causes of Stress. Theories. Dealing with Stress. Recognition of Stress. Causes in Workplace. Coping Strategies. Burnout Time Management: What Is Time Management?. Conflicting Demands.Dealing with Paperwork. How to Prioritise. How to Say No. Delegation. Keeping Control. Dealing with an Overloaded Person Critical Reading: Why Read?. How to Select What to Read. Developing a Reading Policy. Reading Critically. The Critical Reading Paper.Effective Answers. Writing a Critique. Changes to the Mrcgp Examination. Am I a Good Reader? Prescribing and Pact: Definition. Description. The Revised Version. The Standard Report. The Cost of Drugs. Uses of Pact. Factors Influencing Prescribing. Who Receives It?. Main Uses. Use in Managing a Practice. Other Sources of Information. Drug Information Centres. Drug Budgets. Indicative Prescribing Amounts the Numbers Game: Tutorial Aims. Data. Information. Intelligence. The Relationship. Good and Bad Data.The Data Protection Act. Collecting Data. How Much?. Read Codes. Analysing Data. Interpretation. Statistical Tests. Misuse of Statistics. Sample Size. Data Presentation. Risk. Explaining Risk Part 2 : Fundholding:the Likely Effect of a Change of Government. Benefits of Fundholding. Aim of Fundholding. Consortia. The Fund. The Growth of Fundholding. Administration. The Practice and Fundholding. Budget Control. Innovations. Total Fundholding. Registrar Involvement. The Future of Fundholding. What Evidence Is There that Change Will Be an Improvement? Premises, Premises: the Ideal Practice. Key Features. Types of Premises. Effect on Working Life. Capital. Rent. Buying In. Determining Rent. The Rent and Rates Scheme. Advantages and Disadvantages of Ownership.Surgery Running Costs. Telling Whether a Practice Is on a Sound Financial Footing Meetings: What Is a Meeting?. What Is Not a Meeting. Types of Meeting. Advantages of Meetings. The Best Time. The Best Place. Who Comes?. Which Meetings?. Partnership Meetings. Organisation. Agendas. Structure. Meetings Working for You. Preparation. Chairing a Meeting Appraisal: Sources of Information. What Is Appraisal?. The Benefits. The Value. The Purpose. Structure. The Appraiser. A Good Appraiser. Preparation. Feedback.How to Give It. Objectives. Outcomes Business Planning: Why Plan?. What Is a Business Plan?. Writing a Business Plan. Contents. Preparation. Objectives. Sources of Help. Uses. Rewriting the Plan. Connection with Mrcgp Appointing to the Team: Who Selectsthe Team?. Measuring Staff Dissatisfaction. Filling a Vacancy. The Best Way to Advertise. Making a Shortlist. Before the Interview. The Interview. After the Interview Decision-Making: General Practitioners and Decision-Making. Effect on Registrar or Junior Partner. Features of a Decision-Making Process. Taking the Right Decision. Bad Decisions. Types of Decision. Deciding When a Decision Is Necessary. Difficulties. Options Accounts and How to Read Them: What Is Parity Worth?. Keeping Accounts. Content. The Relationship Between the Different Types of Accounts. Petty Cash. Cash Flow. What to Look For. Profitability. National Averages. Gp Income. Improving It Making the Practice User-Friendly: Marketing: a Definition. How to Form a Marketing Plan. Discovering What Patients Need and Want. Patient Groups and Their Activities. The Patients Charter. Differing Perceptions. What Do Patients Really Want?. Planning for This. Marketing Mix. Implementation. Effect on the Health of the Nation Managing Change: the Recent Changes in General Practice. Core General Practice. New Public Management. Problems. Ownership. Selling an Idea. Planning a Change. Importance of Change Management. Knowing When You Get There. When Will It End? Part 3: Contracting:the Internal Market and Fundholding. The Contracting Process. Health Gain. Types of Contract. Negotiation. Placing Contracts. Contents of a Contract. Monitoring. Inputs. Outputs. Contracting for Quality. Contracting and Fundholding. Non-Fundholders. Locality Purchasing. The 1990 Gp Contract Risk Management: What Is Risk?. Definition of Risk Management. Its Importance. Medical Defence Organisations. The Risks of Running a Service. Problems with Practice Organisation. How Do You Manage Risk?. Minimising Risk. A Practice Complaints Procedure. The Risks of Trying to Improve the Practice Computers: Introduction to a New Registrar. Impact of Computers on Primary Care. Practice Use of a Computer. Aspects of General Practice Suitable for Computerisation. Computers and Patient Care. Which System?. Nhs Policy. Acquiring the Right Skills. Key Computer Issues. Upgrading. Security. Making a Good Case for Purchasing Computers. Getting the Best from Your Supplier Business Skills: What Is Management for Gps?. Skills. Techniques for a Practice. Management Consultant Negotiating Skills: What Is Negotiating?. When to Negotiate. When Not to Do It. Objectives. Best Times. Characteristics of an Effective Negotiator. The Stages of a Negotiation. Choosing a Strategy Partners: Managing Your Partners. The Necessity for Partnership Meetings. Salaried Partnerships and Independent Contractor Status. Features of a Modern Partnership. A Good Partnership. A Bad Partnership. The Importance of the Partnership Deed. Establishing Yourself in a Partnership. Leaving a Partnership. Getting Advice. Tax. Know Your Partnership Communications: Definition. Effective Communication. Techniques. Skills Needed to Communicate Well. Non-Verbal Communication. Improving Written Communications. Listening Skills. The Barriersto Communication. Requirements of the Mrcgp Examination Managing for Quality: What Is Quality?. Specifying Quality. Why Quality Matters. Tools Needed. Application to General Practice. Total Quality Management. Introducing Tqm to a Practice Strategic Planning: Reasons for Planning Strategically. Definitions. Mission Statement. Swot Analysis. Objectives. Milestones. Strategies. Options. The Responsibility for Planning. Implementation. Monitoring the Future: the Recent Changes. What Do We Already Know?. What Opportunities Do We Have?. Threats. Driving Forces for Change. Reinventing General Practice Appendices: Key Developments in the Nhs: a Hitorical Perspective. The Hippocratic Oath. Multiple-Choice Questions and Answers.
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