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Data sheet
1 Introduction to endoscopy
1.1 Anatomy of an endoscope
1.2 Electronic video endoscopy
1.3 Endoscopic accessories
1.4 Electrosurgical generators: procedures and precautions
1.5 Organizational structure of an endoscopy unit
1.6 Gastrointestinal endoscopy training
1.7 Endoscopy nurses
1.8 Patient information
1.9 Medicolegal aspects of endoscopy
1.10 Cleaning, disinfection, sterilization, and storage of endoscopy materials
1.11 Gastrointestinal biopsies and histology
2 Preparation for Endoscopy
2.1 Management of patients on antithrombotic therapy prior to gastrointestinal endoscopy
2.2 Antibiotic prophylaxis
2.3 Sedation
2.4 Chromoendoscopy and tattooing
2.5 Pre-endoscopy checklist
2.6 Endoscopy reports
3 Diagnostic Upper Endoscopy
4 Diagnostic Colonoscopy
5 Small Bowel Endoscopy: Indications and Technique
5.1 Video capsule endoscopy
5.2 Enteroscopy: indications and techniques
6 Advanced Imaging
6.1 Confocal endomicroscopy
6.2 New endoscopic imaging modalities
7 Interventional Endoscopy
7.1 Stricture dilation
7.2 Emergency endoscopy in benign gastrointestinal obstruction
7.3 Esophageal, duodenal and colorectal stenting
7.4 Argon plasma coagulation
7.5 Management of ingested foreign bodies
7.6 Endoscopy in obesity
7.7 Polypectomy
7.8 Endoscopic treatment of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage in patients with
peptic ulcer
7.9 Endoscopic treatment of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage secondary to
portal hypertension
7.10. Endoscopic treatment of non-variceal non-ulcer gastrointestinal hemorrhage
7.11 Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
7.12. Endoscopic mucosal resection
7.13 Endoscopic pH monitoring and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease
7.14 Ablative therapies for esophageal neoplasia
8 Complications of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
9 Endosonography
10 Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Indications for diagnostic ERCP
10.3 Drugs used in ERCP
10.4 Equipment
10.5 Checklist before starting an ERCP
10.6 Basic ERCP technique
10.7 Cytology, biopsies, and biochemical analysis
10.8 Pancreaticobiliary anatomy
10.9 ERCP imaging technique
10.10 Abnormal imaging: classification and etiology
10.11 Endoscopic sphincterotomy
10.12 Biliary and pancreatic stone extraction techniques
10.13 Biliary and pancreatic stents: insertion techniques
10.14 Biliary and pancreatic balloon dilation
10.15 Endoscopic ampullectomy
10.16 Photodynamic therapy
10.17 Cholangioscopy
10.18 Sphincter of Oddi manometry
10.19 Nasobiliary drain insertion
10.20 Complications of ERCP