Now in stunningly full-color, the radical revision of this classic text sees the introduction of two new truly world-class editors, Dr Wright of San Francisco and Professor Manns of Hannover Germany. In collaboration with Dr Boyer they have radically reorganized and refocused the book. They have carefully selected exciting new contributors from around the world for almost all of the chapters.
Section I: Pathophysiology of the Liver 1. Anatomy 2. Liver Regeneration 3. Mechanism of Liver Cell Destruction 4. Metabolism of Drugs 5 .Mechanisms of Bile Secretion 6. Fibrosis 7. Replication and Pathogensis of Hep B 8. Replication and Pathogensis of Hep C 9. Liver and Immune System 10. Molecular Pathogenesis of Hepatcellular 11. Stem Cells and Hepatocyte Transplantation Section II: Approach to the Patient with Liver Disease 12. Liver Biopsy Techniques 13. Liver Biopsy Histopathology 14. Laboratory Testing for Liver Disease 15. Critical evaluation of the Specificity and sensitivity of the Imaging of the Liver 16. Critical evaluation of the Specificity and sensitivity of Biliary Imaging 17. Ultrasound - DELETE CHAPTER 18. Diagnosis of Portal Hypertension and TIPS Section III: Clinical Consequences of Liver Disease 19. Encephalopathy 20. Ascites 21. Varices 22. Acute Liver Failure 23. Renal Function 24. Cardiovascular 25. Pulmonary Complications in Patients with Liver Disease 26. Hemopoetic Abnormalities and Hemostasis Section IV: Toxin Mediated Liver Injury 27. Drug-Induced Liver Injury 28. Hepatotoxicity of Herbal Preparations 29. Occupational and Environmental Toxins 30. Alcoholic Liver Disease Section V: Liver Diseases Due to Infectious Agent 31. Hepatits A 32. Hepatits B 33. Hepatits C 34. Hepatits D 35. Hepatits E 36. Other Viral Hepatitis 37. Parasitic and Helminthic Disease of the Liver 38. Bacterial 39. Granulomatous Diseases of the Liver 40. HIV-Associated Hepatobiliary Disease Section VI: Immune Diseases 41. Autoimmune Hepatitis 42. PBC 43. PSC 44. Overlap Syndromes 45. Graft Versus Host Section VII: Vascular Disease of the Liver 46. Budd-Chiari 47. Veno-occlusive Disease 48. Portal and Splenic Vein Thrombosis 49. Osler-Weber-Rendu Section VIII: Liver Transplantation 50. Pre-Transplantion Evaluation and Care 51. Liver Transplantation Surgery 52. Post-transplantion Management and Complications 53. Management of Recurrent Viral hepatitis B and C 54. Management of Recurrent Non-Viral Conditions Section VIII: Liver affected by other organs (Non-Hepatic Conditions) 55. Pregnancy 56. NASH 57. The Liver in Systemic Disease 58. The Liver and Parenteral Nutrition 59. Pre and Post-Operative Hepatic Dysfunction Section X: Tumours of the Liver 60. Hepatocellular Carcinoma 61. Cholangiocarcinoma 62. Benign Liver tumors 63. Surgery of the Liver Tumors Section XI: Diseases of the Biliary Tract 64. Medical Management Gallstones 65. Non-Surgical Management Gallstones 66. Surgical Management Section XII: Inherited and Pediatric Diseases of the Liver 67. Wilsons Disease 68. Hemochromatosis 69. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency 70. Inborn errors of Metabolism 71. Cystic Liver Disease 72. Cholestatic Syndromes 73. Porphyrias 74. Pediatric Viral Hepatitis 75. Bilirubin