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Behavioral Neurology of Movement Disorders

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Thoroughly revised to reflect the latest advances in treatment and research, this volume is the most comprehensive, current clinical reference on psychiatric symptoms associated with movement disorders. This editions expanded section on Parkinsons disease includes new chapters on anxiety disorders; sleep disorders, sexual dysfunction, apathy, and other neuropsychiatric complications; behavioral side effects of newer medications; and behavioral changes following deep brain stimulation and ablative surgery. Also included is a chapter discussing Parkinsons disease as a model for psychosocial issues in chronic neurodegenerative disease. Other new chapters cover behavioral concomitants of ataxias, essential tremor, dystonias, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders.

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Data sheet

Publication date
Issue number
hard cover
Pages count
Dimensions (mm)
178 x 254
Weight (g)
  • Section 1:: The Role of the Basal Ganglia

  • Basal Ganglia:: Functional Perspectives and Behavioral Domains, 1
    Jean A. Saint-Cyr

  • Behavioral Changes in Patients with Focal Lesions of the Basal Ganglia, 17
    Bruno Dubois, Aurélie Funkiewiez, Bernard Pillon

    Section 2:: Parkinsons Disease

  • Depression in Parkinsons Disease, 26
    Marc J. Mentis, Dominique Delalot

  • Anxiety Disorders in Parkinsons Disease, 42
    Irene H. Richard

  • Disorders of Motivation, Sexual Conduct, and Sleep in Parkinsons Disease, 56
    Dag Aarsland, Guido Alves, Jan P. Larsen

  • Parkinsons Disease as a Model for Psychosocial Issues in Chronic Neurodegenerative Disease, 65
    Mark S. Groves, David V. Forrest

  • Early Cognitive Changes and Nondementing Behavioral Abnormalities in Parkinsons Disease, 84
    Bonnie E. Levin, Heather Katzen

  • Dementia in Parkinsons Disease, 95
    Gregory A. Rippon, Karen S. Marder

  • Behavioral Changes as Side Effects of Medication Treatment for Parkinsons Disease, 114
    Jennifer S. Hui, Gail A. Murdock, Joseph S. Chung, Mark F. Lew

  • Psychiatric Symptoms Following Surgery for Parkinsons Disease with an Emphasis on Subthalamic Stimulation, 130
    Valerie Voon, Elena Moro, Jean A. Saint-Cyr, Andres M. Lozano, Anthony E. Lang

    Section 3:: Other Akinetic Rigid Syndromes

  • Neurodegenerative Disorders with Diffuse Cortical Lewy Bodies, 148
    Adam S. Fleisher, John M. Olichney

  • Cognitive and Behavioral Changes in the Parkinson-Plus Syndromes, 166
    Sharon Cohen, Morris Freedman

  • Behavioral Changes in Frontotemporal Dementia with Parkinsonism, 187
    Catherine E. Pace-Savitsky, Julene K. Johnson, Bruce L. Miller

    Section 4:: Huntingtons Disease

  • Behavioral Symptoms Associated with Huntingtons Disease, 197
    Karen E. Anderson, Frederick J. Marshall

  • Cognitive Changes in Huntingtons Disease, 209
    Jane S. Paulsen, Rachel A. Conybeare

  • Psychosocial Effects of Predictive Testing for Huntingtons Disease, 226
    Michael R. Hayden, Yvonne Bombard

    Section 5:: Gilles de la Tourettes Syndrome

  • Public Health Significance of Tic Disorders in Children and Adolescents, 240
    Lawrence Scahill, Denis G. Sukhodolsky, Susan K. Williams, James F. Leckman

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Tourettes Syndrome, 249
    Peter G. Como, Jennifer LaMarsh, Katherine A. OBrien

    Section 6:: Wilsons Disease

  • Behavioral Abnormalities in Wilsons Disease, 262
    George J. Brewer

    Section 7:: Ataxia, Essential Tremor, and Dystonia

  • Hereditary Ataxia and Behavior, 275
    Nadejda Alekseeva, Anita S. Kablinger, James B. Pinkston, Eduardo C. Gonzalez-Toledo, Alireza Minagar

  • Behavioral Symptoms Associated with Essential Tremor, 284
    Elan D. Louis

  • Behavioral and Psychiatric Manifestations in Dystonia, 291
    Marjan Jahanshahi

    Section 8:: Other Movement Disorders Associated with Behavioral Changes

  • Autoaggressive Immune-Mediated Movement Disorders, 320
    Davide Martino, Gavin Giovannoni

  • Psychopathological and Cognitive Correlates of Tardive Dyskinesia in Patients Treated with Neuroleptics, 336
    Ikwunga Wonodi, L. Elliot Hong, Gunvant K. Thaker

    Section 9:: Psychogenic Movement Disorders

  • Treatment Issues in Psychogenic-Neuropsychiatric Movement Disorders, 350
    Daniel T. Williams, Blair Ford, Stanley Fahn Index, 365
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