Consolidated to include only the most pertinent facts, this New Edition presents up-to-date knowledge on emergency medicine from the assessment of signs and symptoms through the process of clinical problem solving. Experts in the field provide both an on-site and clinical perspective, including information ranging from data gathering, differential diagnosis, hypothesis formulation and testing; to decision guidelines, principles of management, and documentation. Additional algorithms, decision rules and case studies aid users in diagnosis of both common and catastrophic diseases. Back in an all-new edition, Emergency Medicine 2nd Edition covers the most common disorders seen in the emergency department in a handy, outline format. It explains the responsibilities of the emergency physician along with the decisions that need to be made. The 2nd Edition is perfect for on-the-go consultation - soft cover, shorter, and more focused.
I. Orientation to Emergency Medicine Introduction 1. Airway Management 2. Cardiopulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation 3. Shock (Strange)
II. Abdominal and GI Disorders 4. Acute Abdominal Pain 5. Acute GI Bleeding 6. Acute Diarrhea
III. CV Disorders 7. Chest Pain 8. Syncope 9. Hypertension
IV. Cutaneous Disorders 10. Rash
V. Immunologic Disorders 11. Anaphylaxis 12. Immunocompromise
VI. Infectious Disorders 13. Febrile Adults
VII. Toxicology/Environmental Disorders 14. The Poisoned Patient 15. Alcohol Intoxication 16. Heat Illness 17. Hypothermia
VIII. Hematologic Disorders 18. Sickle Cell Disease
IX. Hormonal, Metabolic Disorders 19. Diabetes 20. Acute Metabolic Acidosis and Metabolic Alkalosis
X. Head and Neck Disorders 21. Epistaxis 22. Acute Sore Throat 23. Earache 24. Eye Pain/Redness/Trauma
XI. Infancy and Childhood Disorders 25. Febrile Infants 26. Stridor 27. Dehydration
XII. Muscluoskeletal Disorders 28. Low Back Pain 29. Swollen and Painful Joint
XIII. Nervous System Disorders 30. Altered Menal Status 31. Headache 32. Seizures 33. Stroke
XIV. Psycho Behavioral Disorders 34. Behavioral, including suicide 35. Domestic Violence
XV. Thoraco-Respiratory Disorders 36. Acute Dyspnea 37. Wheezing
XVI. Urogenital Disorders 38. Pelvic Pain in Women (including STD) 39. Vaginal Bleeding
XVII. Trauma 40. Blunt Trauma 41. Penetrating Trauma 42. Abdominal Trauma 43. Chest Trauma 44. Open Injuries to the Upper Extremity 45. Closed Injuries of the Upper Extremity 46. Lower Extremity Injury 47. Head and Neck Trauma 48. Wound Care