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Churchill's Pocketbook of Pre-Hospital Care

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Pre-hospital or immediate care is an emerging specialty which deals with the care and treatment of victims of accidents and medical emergencies in any pre-hospital setting. This is an area of medicine where people may have a need for instant, on the spotguidance, but up until now there have only been traditional textbooks on the subject, rather than pocket guides for quick reference. However we are now pleased to announce the publication of this new book, from Matthew Cooke, offering instant guidance on the care and treatment of victims of accidents and medical emergencies outside a hospital setting, and on organisation and procedures in an emergency setting.
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  • Introduction PRINCIPLES of PRE-HOSPITAL CARE: How Much at the Scene. Pre-Call Checklist. Safety: Yourself, The Scene, The Casualties. Dress for the Job. Vechicle & Medical Equipment. Hazards. Chemical, Radiation, Bomb, Railways, Power Cables. Radio Procedure. Informing the Hospital. Driving and Attending the Scene. Motorway Incidents. Aero-Medical Evacuation Fire Service. Role, Identification. Police Force. Role, Identification. Fatalities, MEDICAL: Anaphylaxis. Asthma. Basic Life Support. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Cardiac Protocols. ALS and Arrhythmia (Adult and Child). Chest Pain Incl MI. Choking. Collapse/Unconscious Patient. Decompression Disorders. Diabetic Hypoglycaemia. Drowning. ECG Recording and Interpretation. Epiglottis & Croup. Fits. Heat Exhaustion. Hyperventilation. Meningitis. Neonatal Emergencies. Paediatric Resuscitation Chart (?IBC). Poisoning. Pregnancy. Psychiatric Emergencies and the Mental Health Act/ Pulmonary Oedema TRAUMA: ABC Principle. Mechanism of Injury, Typical Injury Patterns: (A) Airway Control: Spinal Injuries, Facial Injuries. (B) Assessment and Treatment of Ventilatory Problems & Chest Injuries. (C) Circulatory Control: Pelvic Injuries, Abdominal Injuries and Trauma in Pregnancy (D) Head Injury (E) Environmental Control. Limb Injuries. Paediatric Trauma. Burns. Entrapment. Amputation. Penetrating Trauma. Anaesthesia Andanalgiesia in Trauma. Trauma Scoring. When to Move MULTIPLE CASUALTY SITUATIONS: Assessment. ETHANE. Priorities at Scene. Principles of Triage. Ambulance Incident Officer. Medical Incident Officer Role. Triage Officer. Casualty Clearing Station. Choice of Hospital. Major Event/Mass Gathering Checklist PROCEDURES: Airway Devices. Needle Cricothyrotomy. Surgical Airway. Log Roll. Insertion of Spinal Board. Sideways, Rear. Rapid Extrication Technique. Needle Thoracocentesis. Tube Thoracococentesis. Needle Pericardiocentesis. Defibrillati On. Central Venous Cannulation. Venous Cutdown. Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment. Intraosseous Needle. Splint Application. Femoral Nerve Block MONITORING: ECG & NIBP. Pulse Oximetry. End Tidal CO2 DRUGS: Suggested Stock. Storage of Drugs. Controlled Drugs. Pain Relief. By Individual Drug. Indication/Dose/Contra-Indication/Storage Useful Telephone Numbers/Radio Callsigns
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