Prepare to correctly answer any and all questions on your registry exams! Sonography Exam Review:: Physics, Abdomen, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fourth Edition provides the exact review materials you need to pass the three main sonography exams - physics, abdomen, and OB/GYN. Each chapter is arranged in table and outline format with 50 review questions at the end of the chapter and a mock exam at the end of each section. Updated information in this edition covers thyroids and TIRADS Nodule Classification, penile pathology, the latest changes to the ARDMS content outline, and much more!
Part I: Physics 1. Clinical Safety 2. Physics Principles 3. Ultrasound Transducers 4. Pulse-Echo Instrumentation 5. Doppler Instrumentation and Hemodynamics 6. Quality Assurance, Protocols, and New Technologies Physics Mock Exam
Part II: Abdomen 7. Liver 8. Biliary System 9. Pancreas 10. Urinary System 11. Spleen 12. Retroperitoneum 13. Abdominal Vasculature 14. Gastrointestinal Tract 15. Abdominal Wall, Musculoskeletal Sonography, and Pediatric Hip 16. Male Pelvis 17. Neck and Salivary Glands 18. Peritoneum, Noncardiac Chest, Invasive Procedures, and Patient Care Abdomen Mock Exam
Part III: Obstetrics and Gynecology 19. Pelvic Anatomy 20. Physiology of the Female Pelvis 21. Uterine and Ovarian Pathology 22. Adnexal Pathology and Infertility 23. Assessment of the First Trimester 24. Assessment of the Second Trimester 25. Assessment of the Third Trimester 26. Fetal Abnormalities 27. Complications in Pregnancy 28. Placenta and Umbilical Cord 29. Patient Care and Interventional Procedures Obstetrics and Gynecology Mock Exam