This title provides guidance on dermatologic treatments for both standard and difficult clinical problems. It is organized alphabetically by disease for immediate reference. Whilst common diseases such as psoriasis and eczema are listed, the focus is on therapeutically awkward diseases. Again, whilst primary and secondary treatments are covered, the main focus is on third and fourth-line treatment. The recommendations are evidence-based where applicable, and ranked according to efficacy.
Contributors Evidence Levels Preface Acknowlegments and Dedication xxiv 1 Acanthosis nigricans - Amy Pote, Nicole Conrad, Ponciano D Cruz Jr 2 Acne keloidalis nuchae - William Perkins 3 Acne vulgaris - William Cunliffe 4 Acrodermatitis enteropathica - Kenneth H Neldner 5 Actinic keratoses - Cate Scarff, Rodney Sinclair 6 Actinic prurigo - Robert S Dawe, James Ferguson 7 Allergic contact dermatitis and photoallergy - Rosemary L Nixon 8 Alopecia areata - John Berth-Jones, Anthony Abdullah 9 Amyloidosis - Kathryn Dortzbach, Daniel Roling, William D James 10 Androgenetic alopecia - Rodney Sinclair, Keng-Ee Thai 11 Angiokeratomas - Erika Gaines Levine, Rhonda E Schnur 12 Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia - William Y M Tang, Loi-Yuen Chan, Wing Yin Lam 13 Angular cheilitis - Roy S Rogers III 14 Anogenital warts - Brian Berman, Stacy Frankel 15 Antiphospholipid syndrome - Gillian E Gibson 16 Aphthous stomatitis - Justin J Green, Joseph L Jorizzo 17 Atopic dermatitis - Donald Rudikoff 18 Atypical mycobacteria - Sanjay Agarwal, John Berth-Jones 19 Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis - Tsui Chin Ling, Ian Coulson 20 Bacillary angiomatosis - Jacqueline A Dyche, Richard C D Staughton 21 Balanitis (including Zoons balanitis) - Melissa Piliang, Ginat Mirowski 22 Basal cell carcinoma - James M Spencer 23 Beckers nevus - Graham Johnson, Robert Burd 24 Behçets disease - Justin J Green, Joseph L Jorizzo 25 Bites and stings - Dirk M Elston 26 Blastomycosis (North American blastomycosis) - Wanda S Robles 27 Blistering distal dactylitis - Irshad Zaki 28 Bowens disease and erythroplasia of Queyrat - Kari Williamson Boucher, Naomi Lawrence 29 Bullous pemphigoid - Darrell W Gonzales, Sam Kim, Victoria P Werth 30 Candidiasis - Robin Buchholz, Michael Fisher 31 Cat scratch disease - Bryan A Selkin, George J Murakawa 32 Cellulitis and erysipelas - Adrian H M Heagerty 33 Chancroid - Glenn C Newell, Frances E Loftus 34 Chilblains - Pauline Dowd, Verity Blackwell 35 Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis chronicus - Clifford Lawrence 36 Chromoblastomycosis - Wanda S Robles 37 Chronic actinic dermatitis - Sandra Albert, John L M Hawk 38 Coccidioidomycosis - Wanda S Robles 39 Contact dermatitis - irritant - John McFadden 40 Cryptococcosis - Wanda S Robles 41 Cutaneous T cell lymphomas - Jeremy R Marsden 42 Dariers disease - Susan M Cooper, Susan M Burge 43 Decubitus ulcers - Joseph A Witkowski, Lawrence Charles Parish 44 Delusions of parasitosis - John Cotterill 45 Dermatitis artefacta - John Koo, Chai Sue Lee, Paul Bowman 46 Dermatitis herpetiformis - Payam Tristani-Firouzi, John J Zone 47 Dermatologic non disease - John Cotterill 48 Dermatomyositis - Jeffrey Callen 49 Diaper dermatitis - Victoria M Yates 50 Discoid eczema - Neil Cox 51 Discoid lupus erythematosus - Maryanna C Ter Poorten, Bruce H Thiers 52 Dissecting cellulitis of the scalp and folliculitis decalvans - Wei Jing Loo, Rodney P R Dawber 53 Eosinophilic fasciitis - Marsha L Gordon, Amy Krupnick 54 Epidermal nevi - Robert Burd 55 Epidermoydysplasia verruciformis - Tracy L Bialy, Huachen Wei 56 Epidermolysis bullosa - Ysabel M Bello, Anna F Falabella, Lawrence A Schachner 57 Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita - Lawrence S Chan 58 Erythema annulare centrifugum - Kari Williamson Boucher, Julia Haimowitz 59 Erythema dyschromicum perstans - Sanjay Agarwal, John Berth-Jones 60 Erythema elevatum diutinum - Helen S Young, Ian H Coulson 61 Erythema infectiosum - Robert Burd 62 Erythema multiforme - Monica Bhushan, Nick Craven 63 Erythema nodosum - Timothy G Woodall, Richard L Spielvogel 64 Erythrasma - Andrew G Smith 65 Erythroderma - John Berth-Jones 66 Erythrokeratodermias - Gabriele Richard 67 Erythromelalgia - Cato Mřrk, Knut Kvernebo 68 Erythropoietic protoporphyria - Maureen B Poh-Fitzpatrick 69 Extramammary Pagets disease - Kari Williamson Boucher, Robin M Levin 70 Flushing - Jonathan K Wilkin 71 Follicular mucinosis - Victoria Jolliffe, Malcolm Rustin 72 Folliculitis - Beverley Adriaans 73 Fox-Fordyce disease - Ian Coulson 74 Furunculosis - Beverley Adriaans 75 Geographic tongue - Roy S Rogers III 76 Gianotti-Crosti syndrome - Carlo Gelmetti 77 Glossodynia - L isa A Drage, Roy S Rogers III 78 Gonorrhea - Patrice Morel 79 Graft versus host disease - Patricia Nguyer, H Carlos Nousari 80 Granuloma annulare - Andrew Ilchyshyn 81 Granuloma faciale - Sue Handfield-Jones 82 Granuloma inguinale - Patrice Morel 83 Granulomatous cheilitis - Justin J Green, Julia E Haimowitz 84 Grovers disease - Stuart C Murray, Susan M Burge 85 Hailey-Hailey disease - Robin AC Graham-Brown, Susan M Burge 86 Hemangiomas - Adelaide A Hebert, Paul T Martinelli 87 Hereditary angioedema - Warren R Heymann, Justin J Green 88 Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia - Mitchell S Cappell, Oscar Lebwohl 89 Herpes simplex - Jane C Sterling 90 Herpes zoster - Richard Ashton 91 Hidradenitis suppurativa - Peter S Mortimer 92 Histoplasmosis - Wanda S Robles 93 Hydroa vacciniforme - Girish Gupta 94 Hyperhidrosis - James Langtry 95 Hypertrichosis and hirsutism - John B ODriscoll 96 Ichthyoses - John J DiGiovanna 97 Impetigo - Robert Burd 98 Juvenile plantar dermatosis - Stephen K Jones 99 Juvenile xanthogranuloma - Olivia MV Schofield 100 Kaposi sarcoma - Steven M Manders 101 Kawasaki disease - Ranon Mann, Michael Fisher 102 Keloid scarring - Brian Berman, Ricardo Romagosa 103 Keratoacanthoma - Caroline Owen, Nicholas Telfer 104 Keratosis pilaris and variants - Arash Akhavan, Donald Rudikoff 105 Langerhans cell histiocytosis - Ho Jin Kim, Peter B Langmuir 106 Larva migrans - Camilo Diaz, Anthony Abdullah 107 Leiomyoma - Tsui Chin Ling, Ian Coulson 108 Leishmaniasis - Suhail M Hadi 109 Lentigo maligna - John A Carucci, Darrell S Rigel 110 Leprosy including reactions - Anne E Burdick 111 Leukocytoclastic vasculitis - Jeffrey P Callen 112 Lichen myxedematosus - Noreen A Galaria, William D James 113 Lichen nitidus - Andrew L Wright 114 Lichen planopilaris - Eric Berkowitz, Mark Lebwohl 115 Lichen planus - Mark Lebwohl 116 Lichen sclerosu et atrophicus - Tanya E Reddick, Amy S Paller 117 Lichen simplex chronicus - Erika Gaines Levine, Donald J Baker 118 Linear IgA bullous dermatosis and chronic bullous dermatosis of childhood - Neil J Korman 119 Lipodermatosclerosis - Malini Sahu, Tania J Phillips 120 Lyme borreliosis - Edward Liu, Fran R Wallach 121 Lymphangioma circumscriptum - Sandeep H Cliff, Peter S Mortimer 122 Lymphedema - Peter S Mortimer 123 Lymphocytoma cutis - Fiona J Child, Sean J Whittaker 124 Lymphogranuloma venereum - Patrice Morel 125 Lymphomatoid papulosis - Jacqueline M Junkins-Hopkins, Alain H Rook, Carmela C Vittorio 126 Malignant melanoma - Jackie Tripp, Alfred W Kopf 127 Mastocytoses - Nicholas A Soter 128 Melasma - Christopher E M Griffiths 129 Miliaria - Megan Bartsch, Mei-Heng Tan 130 Molluscum contagiosum - Dermot B McKenna, Claire Benton 131 Morphea - Allen N Sapadin, Raul Fleischmajer 132 Mucous membrane pemphigoid - Roy S Rogers III 133 Mycetoma: eumycetoma and actinomycetoma - Wanda S Robles 134 Myiasis - Robert G Phelps, Jeffrey Berger 135 Myxoid cyst - David de Berker 136 Necrobiosis lipoidica - Ian Coulson 137 Necrolytic migratory erythema - Erika Gaines Levine, Steven M Manders 138 Neurofibromatosis, type 1 - Erika Gaines Levine, Rhonda E Schnur 139 Neurogenic excoriations - John Y M Koo, Lawrence C C Cheung 140 Nevoid basal cell carcinoma - Katina M Byrd, Gary L Peck 141 Nevus sebaceous - Robert Burd, Harviner S Ghara, S Ehura 142 Onchocerciasis - Michele E Murdoch 143 Orf - Jane C Sterling 144 Palmoplantar keratoderma - Ravi Ratnavel, Pascale Gruber 145 Panniculitis - Robert A Allen, Richard L Spielvogel 146 Paracoccidioido mycosis - Wanda S Robles 147 Paronychia - R B Mallett 148 Pediculosis - Charlot Grech 149 Pemphigus - Hossein C Nousari, Grant J Anhalt 150 Perforating dermatoses - Robert Carruthers, Mark Lebwohl 151 Peutz-Jeghers syndrome - Adam S Stibich and Robert A Schwartz 152 Physical urticarias, aquage nic pruritus and cholinergic pruritus- Clive E H Grattan, Sam Gibbs, Frances Lawlor, Anne Kobza-Black 153 Pinta - Miguel Sanchez 154 Pitted keratolysis- Eunice Tan and John Berth-Jones 155 Pityriasis lichenoides chronica - Al ex Milligan 156 Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta - Alex Milligan and Eraham Johnston 157 Pityriasis rosea - Anna Muncaster 158 Pityriasis rubra pilaris - Brian Kirby, Christopher E M Griffiths 159 Polyarteritis nodosa - Jeffrey P Callen 160 Polymorphic light eruption - Warwick L Morison 161 Pompholyx - Anne E Burdick 162 Porokeratoses - M Bhushan 163 Porphyria cutanea tarda - Maureen B Poh-Fitzpatrick 164 Port wine stains - Sami N Al-Suwaidan, Lawrence Eichenfield 165 Pregnancy dermatoses - Wolfgang Jurecka 166 Pretibial myxedema - Elana T Bornstein, Warren R Heymann 167 Prurigo nodularis - Alison Lazinsky, Mark Lebwohl 168 Pruritus ani - Melissa Piliang, Ginat Mirowski 169 Pruritus of renal and liver disease - Karen R Suchin, Elliot J Suchin 170 Pruritus of unknown etiology including senile pruritus - Karen R Suchin 171 Pruritus vulvae - Melissa Piliang, Ginat Mirowski 172 Pseudofolliculitis barbae - Gary J Brauner 173 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum - Kenneth H Neldner 174 Psoriasis - Mark G Lebwohl 175 Pyoderma gangrenosum - John Berth-Jones 176 Raynauds syndrome - Sumedha Lamba, Marsha L Gordon 177 Reiters syndrome - Sam Kim, Abby Van Voorhees 178 Relapsing polychondritis - Paul H Bowman, Donald Rudikoff 179 Rocky Mountain spotted fever - Daniel J Sexton, Keith Kaye 180 Rosacea and perioral dermatitis - John Berth-Jones, Sheila M Clark, Catriona A Henderson 181 Sarcoidosis - Justin J Green, Warren R Heymann 182 Scabies - William F G Tucker 183 Scleredema - Lori M DiRusso, Robert T Brodell 184 Scleroderma - Allen N Sapadin, Raul Fleischmajer 185 Seborrheic eczema - Andrew L Wright 186 Seborrheic keratosis - Richard J Motley 187 Spitz nevus - Ronald P Rapini 188 Sporotrichosis - Wanda S Robles 189 Squamous cell carcinoma - Heidi A Waldorf 190 Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome - Anna Martinez, John Harper 191 Steatocystoma multiplex - Roy A Palmer, Martin Keefe 192 Stoma care - Eric Berkowitz, Sally Bishop, Cheryl Lloyd, Mark Lebwohl 193 Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus 602 - Jeffrey Callen 194 Subcorneal pustular dermatosis - Rebecca C C Brooke, Robert J G Chalmers 195 Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn - Bernice R Krafchik 196 Sweets syndrome - Joel M Gelfand, William D James 197 Syphilis - Miguel Sanchez 198 Syringomata - James Langtry 199 Tinea capitis - David T Roberts, David J Bilsland 200 Tinea pedis and skin dermatophytosis - David T Roberts, David J Bisland 201 Tinea unguium - David T Roberts, David J Bilsland 202 Tinea versicolor - Abhijit Banerjee, C Jose Paul 203 Toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome - Nick Craven 204 Trichotillomania - Leslie G Millard 205 Tuberculosis and tuberculids - Anita Takwale, John Berth-Jones 206 Urticaria and angioedema - Frances Humphreys 207 Varicella - Malobi Ogboli, John Berth-Jones 208 Viral warts - Imtiaz Ahmed 209 Vitiligo - Dana Kazlow, James M Spencer 210 Vulvodynia - Ginat Mirowski 211 Xeroderma pigmentosum - W Clark Lambert, Claude E Gagna, Santiago A Centurion, Hong Li 212 Xerosis - Ronald Marks 213 Yellow nail syndrome - Robert Baran Index