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Decision Making in Dental Implantology:: Atlas of Surgical and Restorative Approaches offers an image-based resource to both the surgical and restorative aspects of implant therapy, presenting more than 2,000 color images with an innovative case-by-case approach.
Data sheet
Foreword vii
Decision Making in Dental Implantology ix
Preface xi
About the Authors xiii
1 Current Status of Clinical Practice with Dental Implants: An Evidence-Based Decision Making Overview 1
This chapter presents general aspects to be used in clinical practice with dental implants based on the most relevant up-to-date themes for implantology and other fields of dentistry. Also descriptions on the evidence quality rating/strength of recommendation of procedures proposed by the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) adapted by the American Dental Association are detailed.
2 Treatment Planning for Bone Defects in the Alveolar Ridge 23
This chapter provides details on the characteristics of the mostfrequent osseous defects the use of bone substitutes/grafting materials for bone filling and the mechanisms/dynamics of osseous repair.
3 Treatment of Esthetic Areas 43
This chapter details the rational and clinical use of different treatment modalities in esthetically compromised areas. Cases 1–12.
4 Treatment of Posterior Areas 123
This chapter is exclusively dedicated to the presentation of clinical treatment alternatives for the posterior sites of the mandible and maxilla. Cases 13–27.
5 Implant-Supported Rehabilitation of Completely and Partially Edentulous Patients 205
This chapter is explains the role of certain phases of performing successful implant-supported oral rehabilitation.
Cases 28–35.
6 Multidisciplinary Decision Making: The Complexity of Some Potential “Real World” Clinical Scenarios 325
This chapter presents offers suggestions for the multidisciplinary construction of treatment approaches for cases presenting high esthetical and functional complexity. These therapies are based on the best evidence available on clinicians’ skills and patients’ desires. Cases 36–41.
Index 407
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Author: Elżbieta Krajewska-Kułak
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Author: Michał Szpinda
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Author: Leszek Lewandowski
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Author: Stefan Baron
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Author: Giovanni Zucchelli