Offers concise and comprehensive coverage of orofacial embryology, oral histology, and dental anatomy while also providing a brief introduction to the orofacial region. The clearly written text highlights both basic science and clinical applications to give the reader well-rounded coverage. Features of the book include:: clinical applications for diverse topics that range from dental implants to periodontal considerations, an outstanding illustration program, microscopic photographs, and clinical photographs that clarify essential concepts, a review of anatomical nomenclature, pronunciations, a glossary, chapter overviews, and learning objectives.
Introduction to Orofacial Region 1. Face and Neck Regions 2. Oral Cavity and Pharynx Section II - Orofacial Embryology 3. Over of Prenatal Development 4. Development of the Face and Neck 5. Development of Orofacialn Structures 6. Tooth Development and Eruption Section III - Oral Histology 7. Overview of the Cell 8. Basic Tissues 9. Oral Mucosa 10. Gingival and Dentogingival Junctional Tissues 11. Orofacial Structures 12. Enamel 13. Dentin and Pulp 14. Periodontium: Cementum, Alveolar Bone, Periodontal Ligament Section IV - Dental Anatomy 15. Overview of the Dentitions 16. Permanent Anterior Teeth 17. Permanent Posterior Teeth 18. Primary Dentition 19. TMJ 20. Occlusion Glossary Appendix A Appendix B