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Mastering the Techniques in Hysteroscopy

Mastering the Techniques in Hysteroscopy

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A hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure used to examine the inside of the womb (uterus). It is performed using a hysteroscope - a narrow telescope with a light and camera at the end. Images are sent to a monitor to allow clinicians to see inside the womb.

This book is a complete guide to the use of hysteroscopy in the investigation and diagnosis of gynaecological disorders and diseases.

The second edition has been fully revised and updated and new topics added to provide clinicians with information on the latest advances and technologies in the field.

Beginning with an introduction to the technique, discussion on anatomy and physiology of the uterus, and descriptions of other imaging technologies, the book then explains the hysteroscope and procedural techniques.

Each of the following chapters covers the diagnosis of different disorders using hysteroscopy, including polyps and fibroids, abnormal bleeding, infertility, intrauterine adhesions, and much more.

The final sections discuss potential complications, medico-legal aspects and anaesthesia in hysteroscopy.

Written by an experienced team of recognised editors and authors, this comprehensive guide is highly illustrated with clinical images and figures.

A QR code inside the book provides access to operative videos demonstrating techniques.

Previous edition (9789386150493) published in 2017.

Product Details

Data sheet

Publication date
Issue number
hard cover
Pages count
Dimensions (mm)
216.00 x 279.00
    1. Introduction:: Hysteroscopy and Its Philosophy
    2. History and Evolution of Hysteroscopy
    3. Anatomy, Embryology and Hysteroscopy
    4. Physiology:: The Uterus, Cervix and Practical Aspect
    5. Histology and Hysteroscopic View of Normal Endometrium
    6. Abnormal Endometrium and Hysteroscopy
    7. Effects of Drugs on the Uterus
    8. How to Date Endometrium through Hysteroscopy without the Need of Biopsy
    9. Hysterosalpingography for Intrauterine Diagnosis and Hysteroscopy
    10. Imaging Modalities for Assessment of Uterine Abnormalities
    11. Ultrasonography 2D, 3D and Sonohysterography in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and Correlation with Hysteroscopy
    12. Beyond Ultrasound - Role of MRI in Uterine Imaging
    13. Instrumentation in Hysteroscopy
    14. Optical Principles and Camera for Hysteroscope
    15. Distension Media and Fluid Management Machines
    16. Basics of Electrosurgery for Intrauterine Procedures:: Monopolar and Bipolar
    17. Laser in Office Hysteroscopy
    18. How to Run Hi-Tech Hysteroscopy Unit
    19. Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
    20. Office Hysteroscopy:: An Approach to Modern Gynecology
    21. Ambulatory Hysteroscopy for All
    22. Hysteroscopy in Adolescents
    23. Office Hysteroscopy in Climacteric Women
    24. Hysteroscopy in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Lesions
    25. Uterine Malformations - General Review
    26. Uterine Septum
    27. Lateral Metroplasty
    28. Uncommon Malformations - A Rare Case of Roberts Uterus and Its Surgical Management
    29. Role of Endoscopy in Vaginal Septum
    30. Hysteroscopy and Polyps
    31. Dealing with Submucous Myoma
    32. Hysteroscopic Myomectomy - Impact of Size of Submucous Myoma and MyoSure
    33. Management of Submucous Myomas with the Intrauterine Bigatti Shaver
    34. Cold Loop Hysteroscopic Intracapsular Myomectomy:: A Safe and Effective Myometrial Sparing Treatment
    35. Hysteroscopy and Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
    36. Hysteroscopy in Adenomyosis
    37. Hysteroscopy in Acute Uterine Bleeding
    38. Transcervical Resection of the Endometrium with Hysteroscopy
    39. Classification of Microhysteroscopic Images
    40. Endometrial Metaplasias
    41. Uterine Synechiae
    42. Innovative Alternatives in the Postoperative Management of Asherman Syndrome
    43. Hysteroscopy and Infertility
    44. Hysteroscopy Guided Transuterine Cannulation for Treatment of Proximal Tubal Blocks Using an Innovative Technique
    45. Hysteroscopic Embryo Transfer
    46. Intrauterine Foreign Bodies Other than Cu-T and Hysteroscopy
    47. Hysteroscopic Retrieval of Lost Intrauterine Devices
    48. Hysteroscopic Management of Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy
    49. Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy for Pelvic Pain
    50. Hysteroscopic Guidance in Obstetric Procedures
    51. Uterine Scar after Cesarean Section:: A Multimodal Evaluation and Treatment
    52. Hysteroscopic Correction of Isthmocele
    53. Scope of Hysteroscopy in Family Planning
    54. Hysteroscopic Methods of Sterilization Nowadays:: Essure Device
    55. Hysteroscopic Markers in Endometrial Tuberculosis and Chronic Endometritis
    56. Role of Hysteroscopy in Endometrial Infections
    57. Hysteroscopy as a Complimentary to Laparoscopy
    58. Hysteroscopy as a Complimentary with Falloposcopy
    59. Hysteroscopic Embryoscopy
    60. Complications of Hysteroscopy
    61. Difficulties in Negotiating Hysteroscope to Reach Uterine Cavity
    62. Nerve Supply to the Uterus and Methods of Anesthesia
    63. Precautions for Hysteroscopy from Anesthesiologists Point of View and Management of Crisis
    64. Pain Management for In-Office Hysteroscopy
    65. What is New in Hysteroscopy?
    66. Maintenance and Sterilization of Hysteroscopic Instruments
    67. Controversies and Misleading Facts in Hysteroscopy
    68. Medicolegal Aspects of Hysteroscopy
    69. Technical Tricks in Dealing with Hysteroscope
    70. Tips and Tricks to Revolutionize the Hidden Art of Intrauterine Surgery
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