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Current Trends In Labor Management

Current Trends In Labor Management

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    1. Ideal labor room set up and prerequisites
    2. Tertiary obstetric care
    3. Initial assessment, management and triage of patients in labor
    4. Communication, consent and counseling of patient in labor
    5. Referral and transport of high-risk patients
    6. Management of normal labor
    7. Analgesia in labor
    8. Cervical ripening and induction of labour
    9. Intrapartum fetal monitoring
    10. Managing third stage of labour
    11. Prolonged labor
    12. Obstructed labor
    13. Abnormal presentations
    14. Unique situations
    15. Abnormal uterine action
    16. Precipitate labor
    17. Forceps & vacuum delivery
    18. Cesarean section
    19. Anaesthesia for cesarean section
    20. Cesarean in special situations
    21. Retained placenta
    22. Placenta accreta spectrum disorders
    23. Intrapartum hemorrhage
    24. Atonic post-partum haemorrhage
    25. Traumatic PPH
    26. Uterine inversion
    27. Uterine rupture
    28. Obstetric hysterectomy
    29. Perineal injury
    30. Vulval hematoma/ broad ligament hematoma
    31. Amniotic fluid embolism
    32. Maternal collapse
    33. DIC
    34. Diabetic patient in labor
    35. Cardiac disease patient in labor
    36. Obese patient in labor
    37. Anaemic patient in labour
    38. Hypertensive patient in labour
    39. Ecclampsia
    40. Liver and kidney disease in laboring patient
    41. Birth companion
    42. Yoga the saviour
    43. Covid positive patient in labour
    44. HIV positive in labour
    45. Preterm labor
    46. VBAC
    47. Episiotomy
    48. Non stress test
    49. Multiple pregnancy
    50. Intrauterine fetal demise
    51. PPROM
    52. RH incompatible patient in labour
    53. FGR patient in labor
    54. Kangaroo mother care
    55. Neonatal resuscitation
    56. Postnatal DVT prophylaxis
    57. Postpartum IUCD
    58. Your medico legal safety & keeping records
    59. Breaking bad news
    60. FOGSI guidelines and manyata accreditation
Product Details

Data sheet

Publication date
Issue number
Pages count
Dimensions (mm)
171.00 x 241.00
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