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Case Studies in Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology
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Keeping up with the use of new technologies in cardiology is becoming increasingly challenging. Case Studies in Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology helps to bridge the gap between knowledge and application with 28 cases spanning both common and uncommon arrhythmias and ablation scenarios, each of which includes the clinical presentation, baseline ECG, ECG during arrhythmia, stepwise electrophysiologic diagnostic maneuvers and some of their pitfalls, and optimal therapy. Online access to the complete contents ensures the information you need is right at your fingertips.
Data sheet
- Publication date
- 2017
- Issue number
- 1
- Cover
- hard cover
- Pages count
- 432
- Dimensions (mm)
- 216 x 276
- Weight (g)
- 1400
Part 1. Sinus Node, AV Node and His-Purkinje System
1. Sinus node and AV conduction dysfunction
Part 2. Supraventricular Arrhythmias
Section 1. AV Junctional Arrhythmias
2. Typical (slow-fast) AV nodal reentry
3. Atypical (fast-slow) AV nodal reentry
4. Accelerated junctional rhythm
Section 2. AV Accessory Pathways
5. Left lateral concealed pathway SVT
6. Antidromic SVT
7. Atriofascicular pathway SVT
8. Slowly-conducting pathway SVT
9. Fasciculoventricular pathway
Section 3. Focal Atrial tachycardias
10. Focal right atrial tachycardia
11. Focal left atrial tachycardia
Section 4. Atrial flutter (AFL) and reentrant atrial tachycardia
12. Typical atrial flutter
13. Atrial reentry after valve surgery
14. Atrial microreentry after lung transplantation
15. Atrial reentry after pulmonary vein isolation for atrial fibrillation
Section 5. Atrial fibrillation (AF)
16. Pulmonary vein isolation for AF
17. Pulmonary vein isolation, rotor mapping and ablation and flutter ablation for AF/flutter
?Video 17-1 Left Atrial Rotor?
Part 3. Ventricular Arrhythmias
Section 1. Ventricular tachycardia in absence of structural heat disease
18. Idiopathic focal RV outflow tract ectopy
19. Coronary sinus ventricular ectopy
20. Papillary muscle ventricular ectopy
21. Focal fascicular VT
22. Reentrant fascicular VT
23. Focal cause of ventricular fibrillation
Section 2. Post-infarction ventricular tachycardia
24. VT after remote infarction
25. Focal VT in the post-infarction patient
Section 3: Non-ischemic Cardiomyopathy
26. Focal epicardial VT
27. VT in dilated cardiomyopathy
28. Bundle branch reentry VT
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