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PreTest is the closest you can get to seeing the USMLE Step 1 before you take it!
500 USMLE-style questions and answers!
Biochemistry and Genetics:: PreTest is a valuable resource for students in their board preparation. The author does a good job of presenting complicated information in an easily accessible format with clinically relevant questions and detailed basic science answers. -- Daniel Eskenazi, Fourth Year MD/PhD Candidate, University of Washington School of Medicine
…most of the questions are quite long, simulating the USMLE exam. I really like the detailed explanations. I think these are the best part of the book because they provide a thorough review of the disease processes and concepts. The topic areas covered are very representative of the high yield biochemistry info on the boards. -- David Scoville, Third Year Medical Student, University of Kansas School of Medicine.
Great for course review and the USMLE Step 1, PreTest asks the right questions so you’ll know the right answers. You’ll find 500 clinical-vignette style questions and answers along with complete explanations of correct and incorrect answers. The content has been reviewed by students who recently passed their exams, so you know you are studying the most relevant and up-to-date material possible. No other study guide targets what you really need to know in order to pass like PreTest!
Content that covers all the must-know topics::
High Yield Facts,Storage and Expression of Genetic Information,DNA Structure, Replication and Repair,Gene Expression and Regulation,Acid-Base Equilibria, Amino Acids, Protein Structure,Protein Structure/Function,Intermediary Metabolism,Carbohydrate Metabolism,Bioenergetics adn Energy Metabolism,Lipid, Amino Acid and Nucleotide Metabolism,Nutrition,Vitamins and Minerals,Hormones and Integrated Metabolism,Inheritance Mechanisms and Biochemical Genetics,Inheritance Mechanisms/Risk Calculations,Genetic and Biochemical Diagnosis
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