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Anesthesiology Review

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This is the New Edition of the worlds best-selling review book on anesthesiology, combining comprehensive coverage of essential knowledge with an easy-to-use format. Its in-depth, yet succinct discussions cover all topic areas found on the ABA/ASA exam and make it the ideal way for readers to master the information they need to know.
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    1 Pulmonary Function Test Interpretation
    2 Factors Affecting Pulmonary Compliance and Airway Resistance
    3 Effect of Surfactant on Lung Mechanics
    4 Factors Affecting Pulmonary Ventilation and Perfusion
    5 Clinical Implications of the Alveolar Gas Equation
    6 Measurement and Implications of Qs/Qt
    7 Oxygen Transport
    8 Carbon Dioxide Dissociation Curve
    9 Interpretation of Arterial Blood Gases
    10 Blood Gas Temperature Correction
    11 Central Regulation of Ventilation
    12 Physiologic Effects of Hyper-and Hypocarbia
    13 Sodium
    14 Potassium
    15 Calcium
    16 Electrolyte Abnormalities: Magnesium
    17 Cardiac Cycle: Control and Synchronicity
    18 Physiologic Determinants of Cardiac Output
    19 Myocardial Oxygen Supply and Demand
    20 Monitoring Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation
    21 Pulmonary Hypertension
    22 Bradyarrhythmias
    23 Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias
    24 Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias
    25 Factors Affecting Cerebral Blood Flow and Its Autoregulation
    26 Anesthetic Agents and the Electroencephalogram
    27 Somatosensory Evoked Potential Monitoring
    28 Physiology of Neuromuscular Transmission
    29 Endocrine Factors Affecting Neuromuscular Block
    30 The Sympathetic Nervous System: Anatomy and Receptor Pharmacology
    31 The Parasympathetic Nervous System: Anatomy and Receptor Pharmacology
    32 Mechanisms of Hepatic Drug Metabolism and Excretion
    33 Hepatic Physiology and Preoperative Evaluation
    34 Renal Physiology
    35 Renal Function Tests
    36 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Restrictive Lung Disease
    37 Preparation for Anesthesia: Tobacco and Caffeine Withdrawal
    38 Thermoregulation and Perioperative Hypothermia
    39 Molecular and Celluar Mechanisms of Anesthesia
    40 Cardiovascular Effects of the Inhalation Agents
    41 Central Nervous System Effects of the Inhalation Agents
    42 Renal Effects of the Inhalation Agents
    43 Hepatic Effects of the Inhalation Agents
    44 Nitrous Oxide
    45 Factors Affecting Anesthetic Gas Uptake
    46 Minimum Alveolar Concentration
    47 Effect of Cardiac Shunts on Inhalation Induction
    48 Concentration Effect and Second Gas Effect
    49 Thiopental
    50 Propofol
    51 Ketamine
    52 Opioid Pharmacology
    53 Cardiovascular Effects of Narcotics
    54 Perioperative Narcotic Problems: Muscle Rigidity and Biliary Colic
    55 Nonsteroidal Anti- Inflammatory Drugs
    56 Succinylcholine Side Effects
    57 Prolongation of Succinylcholine Effect
    58 Nondepolarizing Muscle Relaxants
    59 NonRelaxant Side Effects of Nondepolarizing Muscle Relaxants
    60 Neostigmine, Pyridostigmine and Edrophonium
    61 Atropine, Scopolamine, and Glycopyrrolate Pharmacology
    62 Sodium Bicarbonate
    63 Vasopressors and Inotropes
    64 Nitroglycerin
    65 Sodium Nitroprusside
    66 Deliberate Hypotension
    67 Calcium Channel Blockers
    68 Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors and Anesthesia
    69 Benzodiazepenes
    70 Antiemetic Agents
    71 Anti-Aspiration Drugs
    72 Diuretics
    73 Bronchodilators
    74 Effects of pKa, pH, and Protein Binding
    75 Anaphylactic and Anaphylactoid Reactions
    76 Coronary Circulation and the Myocardial Conduction System
    77 Cerebral Circulation
    78 Anatomy of the Posterior Fossa
    79 Spinal Cord Anatomy and Blood Supply
    80 The Autonomic Nervous System
    81 Central Venous Cannulation: Anatomy and Complications
    82 Anatomy of the Larynx
    83 Brachial Plexus Anatomy
    84 Transesophageal Echocardiography: Anatomical Considerations
    85 Transesophageal Echocardiography: Intraoperative Uses
    86 Medical Gas Cylinders: Physics, Handling Safety, Pin Indexing
    87 Flowmeters: Physics of Gas Flow
    88 Vaporizers
    89 Closed-Circuit Anesthesia
    90 Carbon Dioxide Absorption
    91 Causes of Carbon Dioxide Retention in Anesthetic Breathing Systems
    92 Capnography
    93 Disconnect Monitors
    94 Pulse Oximetry
    95 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
    96 Direct Arterial Pressure Monitoring
    97 Pitfalls of Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitoring
    98 Effect of Cardiac Function on Central Venous Pressure
    99 Factors Affecting Thermodilution Cardiac Output
    100 Hemodynamic Monitoring for Patients with COPD
    101 Line Isolation Monitors: Leakage Currents
    102 Microshock Hazards
    103 Laser Combustion
    104 Physics and Physiology of Neuromuscular Monitoring
    105 Preemptive Anesthesia and Perioperative Pain Control
    106 Patient-Controlled Analgesia
    107 Epidural Steroid Injection
    108 Pain Therapy for Patients with Cancer
    109 Neuraxial Opioids
    110 Celiac Plexus Block
    111 Lumbar Sympathetic Block
    112 Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
    113 Posterpetic Neuralgia
    114 Stellate Ganglion Block
    115 Postoperative Headache
    116 Local Anesthetic: Mechanisms of Action
    117 Local Anesthetic Pharmacology
    118 Toxicity of Local Anesthetics
    119 Local Anesthetic Preservatives
    120 Cocaine Pharmacology
    121 Spinal Anesthesia
    122 Epidural Anesthesia
    123 Combined Spinal-Epidural Blockade
    124 Neuraxial Anesthesia and Anticoagulation
    125 Upper Extremity Blocks
    126 Lower Extremity Blocks
    127 Lower Extremity Block: Psoas Compartment Block
    128 Nerve Block at the Ankle
    129 Retrobulbar Blocks
    130 Regional Anesthesia and Pain Relief in Children
    131 Bronchopleural Fistula
    132 Pneumo-, Hemo-, and Chylothorax
    133 Double-Lumen Endotracheal Tubes
    134 One-Lung Ventilation and Methods of Improving Oxygenation
    135 High Frequency Ventilation
    136 Preoperative Evaluation of the Patient with Cardiac Disease
    137 Pacemakers
    138 Automatic Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrilator
    139 Detection and Treatment of Perioperative Acute Coronary Syndromes
    140 Anticoagulation and Reversal for Cardiopulmonary Bypass
    141 Evaluation of the Coagulation System
    142 Causes of Intraoperative Bradycardia
    143 Aortic Stenosis
    144 Heart Failure:Classification, Compensation, and Therapy
    145 Neonatal Cardiovascular Physiology
    146 Congenital Heart Disease: Congestive Heart Failure
    147 Anesthesia for Patient Ductus Arteriosus and Other Neonatal Cardiovascular Problems
    148 Cardiopulmonary Bypass
    149 Anesthesia for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Procedures
    150 Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass and Minimally Invansive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass
    151 Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump
    152 Increased Intracranial Pressure
    153 Anesthesia for Hypophysectomy
    154 Carotid Endarterectomy
    155 Cerebral Aneurysm Surgery
    156 Cerebral Protection
    157 Anesthesia for the Sitting Position
    158 Physiology and Treatment of Venous Air Embolism
    159 Management of Acute Spinal Cord Injury
    160 Autonomic Hyperreflexia
    161 Prematurity: Anesthetic Risks
    162 The Infant Adult Airway Versus the Adult Airway
    163 Congenital Pediatric Airway Problems
    164 Effects of High Maternal Oxygen Concentrations on the Fetus
    165 Fluid Management in Infants
    166 Meconium Aspiration
    167 Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
    168 Other Neonatal Emergencies: Tracheoesophageal Fistula, Omphalocele
    169 Pediatric Neuromuscular Disorders
    170 Pyloric Stenosis
    171 VATER Association and Trisomy- 21
    172 Croup Versus Epiglottitis
    173 Neuromuscular Blockers in Neonates
    174 Pediatric Breathing Circuits
    175 Maternal Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy
    176 Nonobstetric Surgery During Pregnancy
    177 Anesthesia for the Patient With Preeclampsia
    178 Maternal Diabetes: Neonatal Effects
    179 The Pregnant Patient with Cardiac Disease
    180 Drugs Affecting the Uterus: Tocolytics and Oxytocics
    181 Analgesia for Labor
    182 Fetal Monitoring
    183 Anesthesia for Cesarean Section
    184 Neonatal Resuscitation
    185 Peripartum Hemorrhage
    186 Type, Screen, and Crossmatch, and Emergency Blood Group Switching
    187 Red Blood Cell Transfusion
    188 Massive Transfusion
    189 Infectious Transfusion Risks
    190 Occupational Transmission of Bloodborne Pathogens
    191 Autotransfusion
    192 Indications and Risks of Platelet Transfusion
    193 Albumin, Hetastarch, and Pentastarch
    194 Nonhemolytic Transfusion Reactions
    195 Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions
    196 Sickle Cell Anemia: Anesthetic Implications
    197 Issues in Ambulatory Anesthesia
    198 Positioning
    199 Management of the Difficult Airway
    200 Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
    201 Anticholinesterase and Anticholinergic Poisoning
    202 Malignant Hyperthermia
    203 Myastenia Gravis and Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome
    204 Anesthesia for Myotonic Dystrophy
    205 Anesthesia for Patients with Epilepsy
    206 Morbid Obesity and Anesthesia
    207 Anesthetic Implications of Thyroid Storm
    208 Anesthesia for Patients with Chronic Renal Failure
    209 Anesthesia for Patients with Carcinoid Tumors
    210 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithrotripsy
    211 Anesthesia for Laryngeal Surgery
    212 Anesthesia for Brochoscopy
    213 Anesthesia for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
    214 Hyperosmolar Coma
    215 Anesthesia for Patients with Hepatocellular Disease
    216 Acute and Chronic Alcoholism and Anesthesia
    217 Anesthesia for Liver Transplantation
    218 Anesthesia for Tubal Ligation
    219 Complications of Transurethral Resection of the Prostate
    220 Anesthesia for Electroconvulsive Therapy
    221 Anesthesia for MRI
    222 Strabismus Surgery
    223 Oculocardiac Reflex
    224 Anesthesia for Drug Abusers
    225 Chemical Dependency in Anesthesia Personnel
    226 Medical Ethics
    227 Awareness Under Anesthesia
    228 Eye Complications
    229 Complications of Endotracheal Intubation
    230 Pulmonary Embolism: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    231 Intraoperative Wheezing: Etiology and Treatment
    232 Evaluation of Prolonged Postoperative Arousal
    233 Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
    234 Latex Allergy
    235 Medical Legal Principles: Medical Negligence
    236 Periopreative Pulmonary Aspiration
    237 Perioperative Neuropathies in the Upper Extremities
    238 Perioperative Neuropathies in the Lower Extremities
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