SECTION I THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING MATTER. Introduction. The Chemical Level of Organization. The Cellular Level of Organization. Tissues, Organs, Systems and Homeostasis. SECTION II CONTROL AND CO-ORDINATION. The Nervous System. The Ear. The Eye. Endocrine Glands. SECTION III POSTURE AND MOVEMENT. Development and Types of Bone. Bones of the Head and Trunk. Bones of the Limbs. Joints or Articulations.Muscle. SECTION IV INTERNAL TRANSPORT. The Blood. The Heart and Blood Vessels. The Circulation. The Lymphatic System. The Respiratory System. SECTION V NUTRITION AND ELIMINATION. The Digestive System. The Liver, Biliary System and Pancreas. Nutrition. Digestion and Metabolism. Fluid Balance and the Urinary System. SECTION VI PROTECTION AND REPRODUCTION. The Skin. Non-specific Resistance and the Immune System. The Reproductive System. Bibliography