Professionals in todays health services work in a complex and ever-changing world. They have a statutory responsibility to keep up-to-date not only with clinical changes but with changes to the way in which services are delivered, in policy, management, education and professional development.
This book provides a handy A-Z reference source for busy health care professionals. It covers over 200 topics including concepts, organisations and issues which inform health care delivery now. It reflects the multi-disciplinary and multi-agency nature of health services as well as the importance of consumer and patient issues.
Includes information on:: Voluntary organisationsStatutory bodiesHealth service agenciesProfessional developmentPolicy issuesManagement and quality issuesAnd much more!All health care professionals including nurses, PAMs and medical administration personnel working in all aspects of health service delivery will find this book an invaluable source of reference. It will also be a welcome guide for students and for those returning to practice. If youre a health professional - dont go to work without it!
Access to Health Records Act 1990. Accountability. ACHEW (Association of. Community Health Councils for England and Wales). Action for Victims of Medical Accidents. Advance Directives. Advocacy. Ambulance Services. APEL - see CATS and APEL. Association of Healthcare Human Resource Management. Association of Medical Research Charities. Audit. Audit Commission. Backcare Benchmarking. The Baby Network. BDA (British Dental Association). Blood Transfusion Service. British Association for Counselling. The British Dietetic Association. British Heart foundation. British Lung Foundation. The British Nutrition Foundation. British Psychological Society. Capital/revenue. Cancer Bacup. Carers National Association. CATS and APEL. Chaplaincy. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Clinical and performance indicators. Clinical guidelines - see Protocols. Clinical governance. Clinical pathways - see Protocols. Clinical Standards Board for Scotland. Clinical supervision. Cochrane database. Codes of Conduct. Code of openness in the NHS. College of Health. Consent. Commission for Health Improvement (CHI). Commissioning. Community Care. Community and District Nursing Association (CDNA). Community Health Councils. Community Hospitals. Community Hospitals Association. Complaints. Complementary therapies. Confidentiality. Consumer Health Information Centre. Consumer voices Contact a Family. Continuing professional development. COSH regulations. The Council for Complimentary and Alternative Medicines. The Council for the Professions Supplementary to Medicines. Data Protection Act 1984. Department of Health- England. Department of Heath - Northern Ireland. Dentistry. Devolution Distance learning see Open Learning. Education consortia see Workforce planning EEC Directives. Electronic Records. Emotional intelligence. Empowerment. English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting. Equal Opportunities Commission. Ethics. European Community/European Economic Area. Evidence based practice. Family Planning Association see fpa. FPA. Freedom of Information Act. General Dental Council. General Medical Council. General Optical Council General Osteopathic Council. General Social Care Council. Genetic engineering. Genetic Interest Group. Green papers. Grey letter. The Health Act 1999. HAZs. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Health and Safety Commission. Health and Safety Executive. Health Advisory Service. Health Authorities. Health Boards. Health Departments. Health Coalition Initiative. Health Education Authority. Health Education Board for Scotland. Health for All. Healthcare Professionals. Health Professions Council see Council for Professions Supplementary to. Hospices. Medicine. Health Promotion Wales. Health Service Commissioner (see Ombudsman, in Complaints). Healthy living centres. Higher level and advanced practice. HImps. IHSM. Independent health provision. Independent Healthcare Association. Information management. Inspection - nursing, residential homes.. Intermediate Care. International Council of Nurses (ICN). International mobility of health care professionals Kings Fund Leadership and management in health care Legal aspects of care Legislative process of a Government Bill Lifelong learning Living Wills - see Advance Directives Local health councils - Scotland (see CHCs) Local Health Groups - see Primary Care Groups Long term Medical conditions Alliance Managed care Managed clinical networks Medical Defence Union Medical Research Charities Medical Royal Colleges Medicines Control Agency Mental Health Act Commission Mental health national service framework - see national service frameworks Mental Welfare Commission Mentorship Midwifery MIND MSF National Back Pain Association - see BackCare National Electronic Library for Health National Plan National Information Forum National Schizophrenia Fellowship (NSF) Networking NHS Confederation NHS Direct NHS Direct on-line NHS Information Authority NHS IM& T Electronic Library NHS Net NHS - organisation and structures NHS Pension Scheme NHS Terms of Employment NHS Trusts National Association of Patient Participation National Audit Office National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Northern Ireland National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Scotland (NBS) National Confidential Enquiries National Council for Hospice and Specialist Palliative Care Services National Information Strategy National Institute of Clinical Effectiveness (NICE) National Register for Carers National Schedule of Reference Costs National Service Frameworks Nolan report see Standards in public life Nurse Consultants Nurse Prescribing Nurse practitioners Nursing Neurological Alliance Office of the Information Commissioner The Overseas Development Administration - ODA Ombudsman - see complaints Open/distance learning PAMS - professional colleges Partnerships - with voluntary sector Patient Advocacy Liaison Service The Patients Association Patients Charter The Patient Forum Patient Forums Patient Information Forum Personal Medical Services Pilot Portfolio careers Preceptorship/student support PREP Primary Care Groups Primary Care Trusts Primary Immunodeficiency Association Private Finance Initiatives (PFI) Professional conduct/discipline Professional development - the portfolio approach Professional practice Professional regulation Profiles and portfolios Protocols Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 Quality Qualifications and Curriculum Authority(QCA) Queens Nursing Institute Record Keeping Reflective practice Registered Nursing Homes - teaching nursing homes Registered Nursing Home Association Research into Ageing Risk management Royal Colleges Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Royal Institute of Health and Hygiene and Public Health Society Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain Royal Society of Medicine Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health SCOTCATS (see CATS and APEL) Scottish Association of Health Councils Scottish Health Information Network Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) Seamless care Self governance SIGN guidelines Skin Care Campaign Specialist practice Standards in public life Statutory bodies see UKCC, GMC, CSPM, GOC, RPSGB, GDC; GosC Succession planning Support Workers Supporting students- see clinical supervision Teaching nursing homes UNISON United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting(UKCC) UK Council of Health Regulators User involvement/partnership Walk-in centres Welsh Assembly Welsh National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting Welsh Office Welsh Pharmaceutical Committee White papers World Health Organisation (WHO) Workforce planning Working time regulations
Appendix: Unseful addresses and Websites
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