What produces emotions? Why do we have emotions? How do we have emotions? Why doemotional states feel like something? What is the relation between emotion, and reward value, and subjective feelings of pleasure? How is the value of a good represented in the brain? Will neuroeconomics replace classical microeconomics? How does the brain implement decision-making? Are gene-defined rewards and emotions in the interests of the genes, and does rational multistep planning enable us to go beyond selfish genes to long-term plans and social contracts in the interests of theindividual? This book seeks explanations of emotion and decision-making by considering these questions. The topics covered include::The nature of emotion, and a theory of emotionThe functions of emotion, including a Darwinian theory of the adaptive value of emotion, which helps to illuminate many aspects of brain design and behaviourThe brain mechanisms of emotionAffective states and motivated behaviour:: hunger and sexual behaviourThe pharmacology of emotion, and brain mechanisms for actionNeuroeconomics, and the foundation of economic valueDecision-makingEmotional feelings, and consciousnessNeural networks involved in emotionThe book will be valuable for those in the fields of neuroscience and neurology, psychology, psychiatry, and philosophy
Introduction: The Issues; The Nature of Emotion; The Functions of Emotion: Reward, punishment, and emotion in brain design; The Brain Mechanisms Underlying Emotion; Food Reward Value, Pleasure, Hunger, and Appetite; Pharmacology of Emotion, Reward, and Addiction: The basal ganglia; Sexual Behaviour, Reward, and Brain Function: Sexual selection of behaviour; Decision-Making Mechanisms; Neuroeconomics and Decision-Making; Emotional Feelings and Consciousness: A theory of consciousness; Conclusions and Broader Issues; Neural Networks and Emotion-Related Learning; Decision-Making Models; Glossary; Colour Plates;
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