Every Physical Therapy student will learn how to measure joint range of motion (ROM) at the beginning of his or her education. This text provides clear and comprehensive techniques for the measurement of both joint ROM and muscle length testing. The techniques presented include demonstrating the use of the goniometer, inclinometer, and tape measure for the examination of the upper and lower extremities, spine and temporomandibular joint. This text provides the most complete information on measurement of joint ROM of the spine and muscle length of the upper and lower extremities available to date.
In addition to the comprehensive coverage of the measurement techniques, this text provides valuable information on measuring norms and a critical review on the reliability of those tests.
Section I: Introduction Chapter 1. Measurement of Range of Motion and Muscle Length: Background, History and Basic Principles Chapter 2. Measurement of Range of Motion and Muscle Length: Clinical Relevance
Section II: Upper Extremity Chapter 3. Measurement of Range of Motion of the Shoulder Chapter 4. Measurement of Range of Motion of the Elbow and Forearm Chapter 5. Measurement of Range of Motion of the Wrist and Hand Chapter 6. Muscle Length Testing of the Upper Extremity Chapter 7. Reliability and Validity of Measurement of Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing of the Upper Extremity
Section III: Head, Neck and Trunk Chapter 8. Measurement of Range of Motion of the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Chapter 9. Measurement of Range of Motion of the Cervical Spine and Temporomandibular Joint Chapter 10. Reliability and Validity of Measurement of Range of Motion for the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint
Section IV: Lower Extremity Chapter 11. Measurement of Range of Motion of the Hip Chapter 12. Measurement of Range of Motion of the Knee Chapter 13. Measurement of Range of Motion of the Ankle and Foot Chapter 14. Muscle Length Testing of the Lower Extremity Chapter 15. Reliability and Validity of Measurements of Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing of the Lower Extremity
Appendices A. Capsular Patterns Defined B. Sample Data Recording Forms C. Normative Range of Motion for the Extremities and Spine in Adults