The first volume of Spinal Cord Dysfunction addressed the problems of assessment of function with particular reference to plasticity in the central nervous system. The second volume was concerned with early intervention and treatment, including the prevention of secondary pathological events following spinal cord injury. In this volume, restoration of function after spinal cord damage is seen from the point of view of identification of impaired or absent function in nervecells and processes which survive after the initial insult, intact but with impaired function. The theoretical premise that part of the neurological deficit produced by a lesion is due to altered function in the intact nervous system is examined and the effect of peripheral and central functional stimulation is described in chapters by international authorities in their field. The first part of the book deals with theoretical, experimental and mathematical aspects. The second and third parts are concerned with peripheral and central functional stimulation, and the volume concludes withpharmacological modulation.
PART I:: EXPERIMENTAL AND MATHEMATICAL ASPECTS:: L.S. Illis:: Recovery in the central nervous system and the experimental background of central functional stimulation; L. Vodovnik, & A. Stefanovska:: Engineering and mathematical aspects of functional stimulation (peripheral and spinal cord); B. Coburn:: A theoretical study of epidural electrical stimulation of the spinal cord; G. Vrbova & M.B. Lowrie:: Experimental nerve-muscle stimulation; R.B. Borgens:: Applied voltages in spinalcord reconstruction:: history, strategies, and behavioural models; PART II:: CLINICAL ASPECTS:: (A) PERIPHERAL STIMULATION:: G.L. Kidd:: Patterned electrical stimulation; M.M. Dimitrijevic & M.R. Dimitrijevic:: Clinical practice of functional stimulation; I.D. Swaine:: Conditioning of skeletal muscle by long-termfunctional electrical stimulation - implications for the development of practical systems; A. Tallala & J.W. Bloom:: Sacral stimulation for bladder control; R.I. Hallan, U.J. Patel, & N.S. Williams:: Functional electrical stimulation of the anal sphincter; (B) CENTRAL STIMULATION:: L.S. Illis, & J-U. Krainick:: Spinal cord stimulation for pain; L.E. Augustinsson, B. Linderoth, & C. Mannheimer:: Spinal cord stimulation in various ischaemic conditions; L.S. Illis:: Spinal cordstimulation in spasticity and bladder dysfunction; R.F. Venn:: Biochemical changes in relation to spinal cord and deep brain stimulation; (C) FUNCTIONAL NEUROCHEMICAL STIMULATION:: R.M. Hermann:: Spinal opioidergic activation:: spinal, somatic, and vesical reflexes, and spasticity.
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