In this book, Professor Kostyuk reviews the progress that has been made in recent years in understanding the mechanisms by which calcium ions regulate nerve cell function. He covers all aspects of the topic, from the interaction of calcium ions with the external surface of the plasma membrane, to the function of transient changes in cytoplasmic calcium concentration. A major part of the book is devoted to a discussion of the different types of receptor- and voltage-operated calciumchannels, and the basis of their selectivity, gating, inactivation, and pharmacological modulation. Professor kostyuk then describes the development of calcium conductance during ontogenesis, before discussing the fate of calcium ions in the cell. He assesses the contribution made by the release ofcalcium from internal stores to cytoplasmic calcium transients, and analyses mechanisms by which this release may be controlled. The first book in the Oxford Neuroscience Series, Calcium Ions in Nerve Cell Function meets the need for a comprehensive book drawing together the enormous body of research on this important topic. It has been written with a wide audience of neuroscientists in mind:: it will be indispensable to specialists in the field, but will also provide an accessible review for non-specialists.
Action of calcium ions on the surface of nerve cells; Calcium conductance of the neuronal membrane; Gating mechanisms of calcium channels; Inactivation of calcium channels; Pharmacological characteristics and molecular structure of calcium channels; Modulation of calcium-channel functioning; Development of calcium conductance during ontogenesis; Fate of calcium ions in the nerve cell; Functional role of calcium ions in the nerve cell; General conclusions; References;Index.
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