Presenting the Human Experience of Psychological Disorders. In Richard Halgin and Susan Krauss Whitbourne's Abnormal Psychology:: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders , students are shown the human side of Abnormal Psychology. Through the widespread use of current and highly relevant clinical case studies, the biographies and first-person quotations in the Real Stories feature, and the unique case media program Faces Interactive Online , students are presented with real-life portrayals of the disorders featured in the text. The new sixth edition includes updated research coverage and increased pedagogy, designed to maximize student comprehension. The text maintains the integrative approach to treatment using the biopsychosocial model, the lifespan approach, and the succinct coverage that have been the foundations of the texts success.
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Chapter 1 - Understanding Abnormality:: A Look at History and Research Methods CASE REPORT::Rebecca Hasbrouck What Is Abnormal Behavior? Defining Abnormality Distress Impairment Risk to Self or Other People Socially and Culturally Unacceptable Behavior Challenges Involved in Characterizing Abnormal Behavior What Causes Abnormality? Biological Causes Psychological Causes REAL STORIES:: Kelsey Grammer Sociocultural Causes Abnormality:: The Biopsychosocial Perspective Abnormal Psychology Throughout History Prehistoric Times:: Abnormal Behavior as Demonic Possession Ancient Greece and Rome:: The Emergence of the Scientific Model The Middle Ages and Renaissance:: The Re-emergence of Spiritual Explanations Europe and the United States in the 1700s:: The Reform Movement The 1800s to the 1900s:: Development of Alternative Models for Abnormal Behavior The Late Twentieth Century:: The Challenge of Providing Humane and Effective Treatment Research Methods in Abnormal Psychology The Scientific Method The Experimental Method The Correlational Method The Survey Method The Case Study Method Single-Subject Design Studies of Genetic Influence The Human Experience of Psychological Disorders Impact on the Individual:: Stigma and Distress Impact on the Family Impact on the Community and Society Reducing Stigma Bringing It All Together:: Clinical Perspectives RETURN TO THE CASE Summary Key Terms Internet Resource Chapter 2 - Classification and Treatment Plans CASE REPORT::Peter Dickinson Psychological Disorder::Experiences of Client and Clinician The Client Definitions Prevalence of Psychological Disorders The Clinician The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders How the DSM Developed Controversial Issues Pertaining to DSM Definition of “Mental Disorder” Assumptions of the DSM-IV-TR Medical Model Atheoretical Orientation Categorical Approach Multiaxial System The Five Axes of the DSM-IV-TR Axis I:: Clinical Disorders Axis II:: Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation Axis III:: General Medical Conditions Axis IV:: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems Axis V:: Global Assessment of Functioning The Diagnostic Process The Clients Reported and Observable Symptoms Diagnostic Criteria and Differential Diagnosis Final Diagnosis Case Formulation Cultural Formulation Treatment Planning Goals of Treatment REAL STORIES:: Patty Duke Treatment Site Psychiatric Hospitals Outpatient Treatment Halfway Houses and Day Treatment Programs Other Treatment Sites Modality of Treatment Determining the Best Approach to Treatment Treatment Implementation The Course of Treatment The Clinicians Role in Treatment The Clients Role in Treatment The Outcome of Treatment RETURN TO THE CASE Summary Key Terms Internet Resource Chapter 3 - Assessment CASE REPORT::Ben Robsham What Is a Psychological Assessment? Clinical Interview Unstructured Interview Structured and Semistructured Interviews Mental Status Examination Appearance and Behavior Orientation Content of Thought Thinking Style and Language Affect and Mood Perceptual Experiences Sense of Self Motivation Cognitive Functioning Insight and Judgment Psychological Testing What Makes a Good Psychological Test? Intelligence Testing Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test Wechsler Intelligence Scales Cultural Considerations in Intelligence Testing Personality and Diagnostic Testing Self-Report Clinical Inventories Projective Testing Behavioral Assessment Behavioral Self-Report Behavioral Observation Environmental Assessment REAL STORIES:: Frederick Frese Physiological Assessment Psychophysiological Assessment Brain Imaging Techniques Neuropsychological Assessment Putting It All Together RETURN TO THE CASE Summary Key Terms