Following the same format used in written and oral board exams, this handbook is essential whether you are a resident or nurse anesthetist seeking certification or a practitioner studying for re-certification. Concentrating on the most significant near misses, this manual focuses on complications in airways, potential cardiac events, and neurophysiological obstacles.
Like all the books in the Near Missesseries, NEAR MISSES IN NEUROANESTHESIA alerts you to real-life case scenarios with unexpected consequences.
AIRWAY EVENTS: Alterations in Airway Pressures - High Peak Inspiratory Pressure during Craniotomy in the Prone Position, Pneumothorax after Central Venous Catheterization, Biting a Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, Hazard of Surgery in the Prone Position; Alterations in Carbon Dioxide Tensions - Inability to Eliminate Carbon Dioxide during VP Shunt Placement, Loss of CO2 Trace, Loss of CO2 Trace during Pediatric Craniotomy, Air Embolism, Unable to Isolate Lungs with Double Lumen ETT; Awake Intubation - Apnea during Awake Intubation, Patient Uncooperative with Awake Intubation, Retching during Awake Intubation--Failed Nerve Blocks; Postoperative Airway Events - Stridor in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit in a Patient Status Post Anterior Cervical Discectomy, Stridor after Embolization of Vascular Lesions of Oral Pharynx; Atlerations in Blood Pressure - Increase in Arterial Blood Pressure (APB) during Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia, Hypertensive response to Patient Positioning for Lumbar Spine Surgery, Increased Blood Pressure and Bradycardia during Acetabular Repair 2 Days after Emergent Evacuation, Hypertension during Interventional Neuroradiology Embolization Procedure, No ABP Trace after Position in Lateral Decubitus, Gradual Loss of Pulse Oximetry Trace in Down Extremity in the Lateral Decubitus Position, Excessive Hypotension before Surgical Incision (Inadvertent Rapid Infusion of Vancomycin), Iliac Vein Injury During L5-S1 Discectomy, Sudden Decrease in Arterial Blood Pressure during an Anterior Lumbar Disc Fusion, Hypertension during Interventional Neuroradiology Embolization Procedure (Full Bladder), Unable to Float Flow-Directed Catheter in Interventional Neuroradiologic Procedure, Hemodynamic Instability during Resection of Cerebellopontine Angle Tumor (Undiagnosed Glomus Tumor), Severe Hypotension during VP Shunt Revision, CARDIAC EVENTS: EKG Changes - Widened QRS Complex with Rapid Sequence Induction (Hyperkalemia with Motor Neuron Lesion), EKG Changes during Hyperventilation for Craniotomy (Hypokalemia from Acid/Base Shifts), Bradycardia during Posterior Fossa Craniotomy, EKG Changes noted during Preoperative Evaluation for Cerebral Aneurysm Clipping, Asystole during Induction of 2 Month Old for VP Shunt (Inadvertent Carotid Massage with Cricoid Pressure), Arrhythmia in SICU after Excision of Acoustic Neuroma, EKG Changes during Selective Arterial Infusion of Papaverine for Treatment of Cerebral Vasospasm (Papaverine Causing a Decrease in Coronary Artery Perfusion Pressure); Preoperative - Severe Pain Preoperative for Lumbar Disc Surgery, Respiratory Depression in C-Spine Injured Patient on the Night of Surgery, Seizure on Induction for Cerebral Aneurysm Clipping, DIC following Head Trauma, Excessive Patient Movement during Awake Craniotomy, Failure of Uncooperative Trauma Patient to Arouse after General Anesthesia for Orif of Femur; Postoperative - Failure to Breathe after Posterior Fossa Craniotomy, Acute Postcraniotomy Agitation, Diabetes Insipidus after Pituitary Surgery, NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL EVENTS: Changes in Brainstem Auditory Evoked Responses - Ipsilateral Loss of the Auditory Evoked Potential during Acoustic Neuroma Resection; Changes in Somatosensory Evoked Potentials - Loss of Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in a Patient in the Sitting Position, Loss of Amplitude of the Left Ulnar Somatosensory Evoked Potential during Scoliosis Repair, Loss of all Evoked Potentials during Posterior Spinal Instrumentation; Changes in Motor-Evoked Potentials - Sudden Loss of Motor-Evoked Potentials during Posterior Cervical Spine Fusion, Decrease in Amplitude of MEPs Bilaterally, Forane Bolus for Elevated Blood Pressure
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