Each volume of the Platinum Vignettes presents 50 classic, ultra-high-yield case scenarios of frequently tested topics to give you a clear advantage on the vignette-based Step 1 exam. Plus, the case discussions provide a wealth of tips, insights, buzzwords, advice on handling distractors, and guidance on just what the boards will ask and how to answer.
Case 1 MRI neuroanatomy Case 2 Sickle cell anemia Case 3 Turner syndrome Case 4 Tetralogy of Fallot Case 5 Bitemporal hemianopsia Case 6 Fetal circulation Case 7 Bones of the hand and wrist Case 8 Carpal tunnel syndrome Case 9 Radial and ulnar nerves Case 10 7th cranial nerve (Bells palsy) Case 11 The rotator cuff Case 12 Down syndrome Case 13 The porta hepatis Case 14 Fetal alcohol syndrome Case 15 Inguinal canal Case 16 DiGeorges syndrome Case 17 Pelvic x-ray anatomy Case 18 Neural tube defects Case 19 Rh factor incompatibility Case 20 Portal hypertension Case 21 Spinal anatomy Case 22 Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) Case 23 Patent ductus arteriosus Case 24 Syringomyelia Case 25 Thalassemia Case 26 Herniated lumbar disc Case 27 Abdominal aorta and branches Case 28 Trigeminal nerve Case 29 Thoracic aorta and aortic coarctation Case 30 TORCH in utero infections Case 31 Heart and septal defects Case 32 Neurofibromatosis Case 33 Hereditary neoplasia Case 34 Circle of Willis Case 35 Innervation of the eye Case 36 CT abdominal anatomy Case 37 Hemophilia and the coagulation cascade Case 38 Cranial nerve VIII Case 39 Neuroembryology Case 40 Innervation of the leg Case 41 Tracheoesophageal fistula Case 42 Skull bones and foramina Case 43 Brachial plexus Case 44 Klinefelters syndrome Case 45 The bones of the foot and ankle Case 46 Cystic fibrosis Case 47 Subclavian and axillary arteries Case 48 Leukocytes Case 49 Genitourinary embryology Case 50 Meckels diverticulum
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