Handbook of Avian Medicine, 2/e has been written to give the small animal practitioner a complete information source for the basics of avian medicine and surgery. It pulls together the international expertise of the avian veterinary community by incorporating the knowledge of authors world-wide. The first six chapters cover the basic medical information needed to run a primary care avian practice. The focus here is on introductory level material and the average companion animal practice. If you see between one and five birds a week, this text is for you. The later chapters are species-specific and help the veterinarian in evaluating, treating, and/or referring various bird species. The new edition builds on the success of the first edition and includes full colour illustrations throughout.
. The development of avian species . Basic anatomy, physiology and nutrition . The physical examination . Clinical tests . Imaging techniques . Nursing the sick bird . Psittacine birds . Passerines . Raptors . Cranes . Ratites . Waterfowl . Galliformes . Ramphastids . Pigeons . Seabirds . The management of a multi-species bird collection in a zoological park . Index
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