Biological variations in sex development, also known as intersex, are greatly misunderstood by the wider public. This unique book discusses psychological practice in healthcare for people and families impacted by a range of intersex variations. It highlights the dilemmas facing individuals and their loved ones in the social context and discusses the physical and psychological complexities of irrevocable medical interventions to approximate social norms for bodily appearance and function. It exposes the contradictions in medical management and suggests valuable theoretical and practice tools for psychosocial care providers to navigate them. Uniquely featuring theory and research informed practice vignettes, the book explores interpersonal work on the most salient psychosocial themes, ranging from grief work with impacted caretakers to sex therapy with impacted adults. An indispensable resource for working ethically, pragmatically and creatively for a variety of healthcare specialists and those affected by variations in sex development and their families and communities.
Section 1. Ordinary Lives:: 1. Circles and squares; Section II. Medicalization and Resistance:: Introductory notes; 2. Evolving terms and definitions; 3. Medical and psychological controversies; 4. Adult outcome of childhood genital surgery; 5. Advocacy, public engagement and healthcare reform; 6. The new care standard; Section III. Psychological Theories and Applications; 7. Psychological practice:: Epistemic considerations; 8. Psychological practice:: Process considerations; Section IV. Working Psychologically; 9. Choosing normalizing medical interventions; 10. Supporting caretakers in grief and growth; 11. Assigning legal gender; 12. Disclosure; 13. Sexual intimacy; 14. Child freedom.
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