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Math and Dosage Calculations for Health Care Professionals with Student CD
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McGraw-Hill has a clear digital advantage in math & dosage calculations with ALEKS Prep, to prepare students with a strong math foundation, and Connect Plus, which includes math, terminology, dosage calculations, interactive exercises and an digital version- a complete course solution. 3D Animations covering pathophysiology and pharmacology as well as a newly filmed Medication Administration Video series are also in Connect Plus with pre-, during- and post-assessment. The 4th edition of Booth has a redesigned table of contents, adding a new chapter of safe medication administration, and breaking larger chapters into smaller, more manageable chapters.
Szczegóły produktu
- Rok wydania
- 2011
- Numer wydania
- 4
- Wymiary (mm)
- 226 x 272
- Waga (g)
- 1477
- Math and Dosage Calculations for Health Care, 4th edition TABLE OF CONTENTSUNIT ONE:: Chapter 1:: Fractions1.1Producing Fractions and Mixed Numbers In the Proper Form
- Common Fractions
- Mixed Numbers1.2Producing and Identifying Equivalent Fractions1.3Determining the Simplest Form of a Fraction1.4Finding the Least Common Denominator1.5Comparing the Value of Fractions1.6Adding Fractions1.7Subtracting Fractions1.8Multiplying Fractions1.9Dividing FractionsHomework AssignmentChapter ReviewChapter 2::Decimals2.1 Writing and Comparing Decimals2.2 Applying the Rules for Rounding Decimals2.3 Converting Fractions into Decimals2.4 Converting Decimals into Fractions2.5 Adding and Subtracting Decimals2.6 Multiplying Decimals2.7 Dividing DecimalsHomework AssignmentChapter ReviewChapter 3::Relationships of Quantities:: Percents, Ratios, and Proportions3.1 Percents
- Converting Values To and From a Percent3.2 Ratios
- Converting Values To and From a Ratio3.3 Proportion
- Writing Proportions3.4 Using Proportions to Solve for an Unknown
- Means and ExtremesHomework AssignmentChapter ReviewUNIT TWO:: Chapter 4::Metric System4.1 Metric System
- Metric Notation4.2 Converting Within the Metric SystemHomework Assignment Chapter ReviewChapter 5::Other Systems of Measurement5.1 Apothecary System
- Apothecary Notation5.2 Household System
- Units of Measure
- Household Notation5.3 Equivalent Measurements for the Metric, Apothecary, and Household SystemsHomework AssignmentChapter ReviewChapter 6::Converting Units6.1 Writing Conversion Factors from Equivalent Measurements 6.2 Converting Units Using the Proportion Method6.3 Converting Units Using Dimensional AnalysisHomework AssignmentChapter ReviewChapter 7::Temperature and Time7.1 Converting Temperature7.2 Converting TimeHomework AssignmentChapter Review UNIT THREE::Chapter 8:: Equipment for Dosage Measurement8.1 Enteral Medication Administration Devices
- Medicine Cups
- Droppers
- Calibrated Spoons
- Oral Syringes
- Other Equipment for Enteral Medications8.2 Parenteral Medication Administration Devices
- Standard Syringes
- Safety Syringes
- Prefilled Syringes
- Insulin Syringes
- Tuberculin Syringes
- Syringes for Established Intravenous Syringes
- Large-Capacity Syringes
- Ampules, Vials, and Cartridges
- Preparing the Syringe
- Needle Gauge and LengthHomework AssignmentChapter ReviewChapter 9::Interpreting Medication Orders9.1 Medical Abbreviations
- Roman Numerals
- Combining Roman Numerals9.2 Components of a Medication Order 9.3 Medication Administration RecordsHomework AssignmentChapter ReviewChapter 10::Interpreting Medication Labels and Package Inserts 10.1 Information on Medication Labels and Package Inserts
- Drug Name
- Form of the Drug
- Dosage Strength
- Combination Drugs
- Total Number or Volume in Container
- Route of Administration
- Warnings
- Storage Information
- Manufacturing Information
- Information About Reconstituting Drugs
- Package Inserts10.2 Label Information Related to Medication Routes
- Oral Medications
- Parenteral Medications
- Medications Administered by Other RoutesHomework AssignmentChapter ReviewChapter 11::Safe Medication Administration11.1 Prescription/Medication Order11.2 Verbal Orders11.3 Safe Medication Order Transcription11.4 Error-Prone Abbreviations and Symbols11.5 Three Checks of Medication Administration11.6 The Rights of Medication Administration11.7 Observation11.8 Patient Teaching
- Medication Reference MaterialsUNIT FOUR:: Chapter 12::Methods of Dosage Calculations12.1 Information Needed for Dosage Calculations12.2 Methods of Dosage CalculationHomework Assignment Chapter ReviewChapter 13::Oral Dosages13.1 Tablets and Capsules
- Calculating Dosages for Tablets and Capsules
- Crushing Tablets or Opening Capsules13.2 Liquid MedicationsHomework AssignmentChapter ReviewChapter 14::Parenteral Dosages and Other Medication Administration Forms14.1 Calculating Parenteral Dosages in Solution
- Syringe Sizes14.2 Medications Expressed in Percent or Ratio Format14.3 Reconstituting Powdered Medications14.4 Other Medication Administration Forms
- Intradermal Injections
- Inhalants
- Drops, Sprays, and Mists
- Vaginal and Rectal Medications
- Topical Medications
- Transdermal SystemsHomework AssignmentChapter ReviewChapter 15::Intravenous Calculations 15.1 IV Solutions
- IV Labels
- IV Concentrations
- Compatibility15.2 IV Equipment
- The Primary Line
- Secondary Lines (Piggyback)
- Monitoring IV Equipment
- Peripheral and Central IV Therapy15.3 Calculating Flow Rates
- Adjusting Flow Rates 15.4 Infusion Time and Volume
- Calculating Infusion Time
- Calculating Infusion Volume15.5 Intermittent IV Infusions
- Secondary Lines (Piggyback)
- Intermittent Peripheral Infusion Devices
- Preparing and Calculating Intermittent InfusionsHomework AssignmentChapter ReviewUNIT FIVE:: Chapter 16::Preparation of Noninjectable Solutions16.1 Preparation of Solutions
- Percent Concentration
- Preparing Percent Solutions and Solids16.2 Preparing a Dilution from a ConcentrateHomework AssignmentChapter ReviewChapter 17::Calculations for Special Populations17.1 Factors That Impact Dosing and Medication Administration
- Pharmacokinetics – How Drugs are Used by the Body
- Working with Special PopulationsoPediatric PatientsoGeriatric Patients17.2 Dosages Based on Body Weight
- Ensuring Safe Dosages17.3 Dosages Based on Ideal Weight17.4 Dosages Based on Body Surface Area (BSA)
- Calculating a Patients BSA17.5 Daily Maintenance Fluid Needs (DMFN)Homework AssignmentChapter ReviewChapter 18::High-Alert Medications18.1 Insulin
- Types of Insulin
- Timing of Action
- Insulin Syringes
- Insulin Combinations18.2 Identifying Information on Heparin Label18.3 Calculating Subcutaneous Heparin Dosages18.4 Calculating Heparin Bolus Dosage and IV Rate Homework AssignmentChapter ReviewChapter 19::Critical Care IV Calculations19.1 Hourly Flow Rates For Dosage Per Time Infusions
- Dosage Per Hour
- Dosage Per Minute19.2 IV Flow Rates Based on Body Weight Per Time19.3 IV Flow Rates for Titrated MedicationsHomework AssignmentChapter ReviewAppendix A::Comprehensive EvaluationAppendix B::Answer KeyGlossaryCreditsIndexReference Cards
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