In this issue of Pediatric Clinics of North America, guest editors Drs. Joel A. Fein and Megan H. Bair-Merritt bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Addressing Violence in Pediatric Practice. Pediatricians can play a major role in violence prevention through recognition of and intervention for inadequate parenting, provision of social support to families, recognition and management of behavior problems, and promotion of preschool and early childhood education programs. This issue provides current information to pediatricians as they seek to support their parents and families and prevent violence against children.
The Epidemiology of Violence Exposure in Children Supporting Intimate Partner Violence Survivors and Their Children in Pediatric Healthcare Settings The Health Care Providers Role in Addressing Adolescent Relationship Abuse Assault Injury and Community Violence Suicide Prevention in Pediatric Health Care Settings Firearm Injury Prevention Child Maltreatment Bullying and School Violence A Developmentally Informed Approach to Address Mass Firearm Violence Violence Exposure and Trauma-Informed Care Mental Health and Violence in Children and Adolescents Media Influences on Children and Advice for Parents to Reduce Harmful Exposure to Firearm Violence in Media Violence Prevention in Pediatrics: Advocacy and Legislation
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