In this issue of Surgical Pathology Clinics, guest editor Dr. Christopher J. VandenBussche brings his considerable expertise to the topic of The Current and Future Impact of Cytopathology on Patient Care. Top experts discuss how minimally invasive procedures can provide critical information to guide patient management-for example, cytopathology specimens that allow for the timely and personalized treatment of patients, reducing the number of more costly and invasive procedures. This issue focuses on the recognition of critical cytomorphologic features, current and developing options for ancillary testing, and the potential use of cytopathology specimens in precision medicine (precision cytopathology).
Precision Medicine in Cytopathology Salivary Gland Fine-Needle Aspiration: The Current and Future Landscape Head and Neck Fine Needle Aspiration: Current and Future Impact on Patient Care Thyroid Fine-Needle Aspiration: The Current and Future Landscape of Cytopathology Urinary Tract Cytopathology: Current and Future Impact on Patient Care Pulmonary Cytopathology: Current and Future Impact on Patient Care Pulmonary Cytopathology: Current and Future Impact of Microscopy and Immunohistochemistry Cervical Human Papillomavirus Testing: Current and Future Impact on Patient Care Pancreas Fine Needle Aspiration: Current and Future Impact on Patient Care Minimally Invasive, Maximally Effective: The Power of Precision Cytoanalysis on Effusion Samples-A Comprehensive Exploration from Traditional Methods to Innovative Approaches Soft Tissue Fine-Needle Aspiration: Current and Future Impact on Patient Care The Current and Future Impact of Lymph Node Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology on Patient Care Artificial Intelligence Applications in Cytopathology: Current State of the Art
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