This extensive book provides an up-to-date overview by leading international authorities, spanning the disciplines of neuroscience, psychology, ophthalmology, optometry, and paediatrics, of normal and pathological infant visual development. It covers the development of retinal receptors; infant sensitivity to detail, colour, contrast, and movement; binocularity, eye movements, and refraction, and cognitive processing. Childrens visual deficits, including amblyopia and cataractare covered.
Section 1:: Basic Coding of Spatial and Chromatic Vision; Development of contrast sensitivity in normal and amblyopic monkeys; The development of the visual field:: results from human and animal studies; Development of Primate Rod Structure and Function; Assessing dimensionality in infant colour vision; Spatial and temporal properties of infant colour vision; The development of visual motion processing; Section II:: Refraction and Resolution; Basic considerations when refracting infants; Using near retinoscopy to refract infants; Prediction of myopia in children; Issues in infant vision screening and assessment; Photorefraction for the detection of amblyogenic defects:: past and present; The Rotterdam C-Chart:: visual acuity and interocular differences in very low birthweight and/or very prematurely born children at the age of 5 years; Acuity cards and the search for risk factors in infant visual development; Section III:: Oculomotor and Binocular Processes; Striate cortex, extrastriate cortex, and colliculus:: some new approaches; Eye alignment and convergence in young infants; Eye-head relations in neonates and young infants; Development of binocularity and its sexual differentiation; Dioptric blur, grating visual acuity and stereoacuity in infants; Evaluation of sensory visual development based on measures of oculomotor responses; Section IV:: Perception, the Brain and Clinical Applications; The organization of visual perception in early infancy; Pattern processing in infancy:: Hemispheric differences and brain maturation; Practical application of the visual evoked potential in paediatric neuro-ophthalmology; MRI findings in children with cerebral vision impairment; Occlusion therapy for childhood amblyopia:: current concepts in treatment evaluation; Visual development following treatment of a unilateral infantile cataract; Visual development in children with congenital cataract; Visual instrumentation for use with visually deficient children:: Point Mobile;
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