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This book is conceived as a companion to standard internal medicine and oncology texts - a comprehensive reference resource for internists caring for cancer patients and oncologists in practice. The text is extensively indexed for easy access and retrieval of information.
Section I: General Principles
1: Introduction to the Care of the Cancer Patient
2: Mechanisms of Complications of Malignancy
3: Long-Term Consequences of Cancer Surgery
4: Collateral Damage Associated with Chemotherapy
5: System Sequelae of Bioimmunotherapy
6: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Care of a Cancer Patient
Section II: Systemic Symptoms Common in Cancer Patients
7: Cancer-Related Fatigue
8: Cancer Pain
9: Cancer and Depression: Phenomenology and Pathophysiology
10: Sleep Disorders in the Cancer Patient
11: Nausea
12: Fever
Section III: Diagnostic Evaluations
13: Imaging
14: Laboratory Investigation
Section IV: Infectious Diseases
15: Risk Assessment and the Management of Neutropenia and Fever
16: Bacterial Infectious Disease Issues: Catheter-Related Infections
17: Viral Infections
18: Fungal Infections in Immunocompromised Hosts with Cancer
19: Parasitic Disease Issues in Cancer Patients
20: Mycobacterial Infections in Patients with Cancer
Section V: Endocrinologic and Metabolic Disorders
21: Hypercalcemia of Malignancy
22: Endocrine Paraneoplastic Syndromes
23: Endocrine Neoplastic Syndromes
24: Diabetes and the Cancer Patient
25: Obesity and Cancer
26: Thyroid Disorders in Cancer Patients
27: Pituitary and Adrenal Complications in Cancer Patients
28: Hypogonadism and Hormonal Replacement in Men with Cancers
Section VI: Disorders of the Digestive Tract and Nutrition
29: Gastroesophageal Issues
30: Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Issues
31: Disorders of the Digestive Tract and Nutrition: Intestinal Issues
32: Graft-vs-Host Disease and Immunologic Complications of Cancer
33: Interventional Gastroenterology
34: Nutritional Issues in Cancer Patients
35: Oral and Orofacial Considerations in Oncology
Section VII: Disorders of the Respiratory Tract
36: Upper Airway Problems
37: Pneumonia in Cancer Patients
38: Non-Infectious Pulmonary Problems in the Patient with Cancer
39: Cancer-Related Issues in Mechanical Ventiliation
40: Bronchoscopy and Lung Cancer: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities
Section VIII: Neurologic and Psychiatric Disorders
41: Direct Neurologic Complications of Cancer
42: Neurologic Toxicity of Radiotherapy
43: Neurologic Complications of Chemotherapy
44: Paraneoplastic Neurologic Disorders
45: Neuropathic Pain
46: Psychiatric Issues in Oncology
Section IX: Nephrologic and Urologic Disorders
47: Renal Failure and Renal Tubular Defects
48: Urinary Tract Infections
49: Urologic Disorders
Section X: Disorders of the Cardiovascular System
50: Ischemic Heart Disease in Cancer Patients
51: Cardiac Manifestations of Malignancy
52: The Pericardium in the Cancer Patient
53: Treatment Induced Arrhythmia, Pacemakers, and Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators
54: Congestive Heart Failure
55: Vascular Disease
Section XI: Hematologic Disorders
56: Hematologic Complications in Patients with Malignancy
Section XII: Musculoskeletal Disorders
57: Rheumatologic Paraneoplastic Syndromes
58: Rheumatologic Issues in Cancer Patients
59: Cancer Rehabilitation
Section XIII: Skin Disorders
60: Skin Neoplasms Related to Internal Malignancy
61: Graft-vs-Host Skin Disease
62: Radiation Dermatitis
63: Alopecia
64: Paraneoplastic Dermatoses
65: Cutaneous Reactions to Medications
Section XIV: Ophthalmogolic Issues in Cancer Patients
66: Orbital Cellulitis
67: Endogenous Endophthalmitis
68: Occular Side Effects Associated with Chemotherapy
69: Vascular Events, Optic Neuropathies, Paraneoplastic Syndromes, and Visual Loss
70: Metastatic Disease to the Eye and Orbit
Section XV: Sexual and Reproductive Disorders
71: Obstetric and Gynecologic Issues
72: Sexual Function Issues
73: Reproductive Issues
Section XVI: Special Issues in the Medical Care of Cancer Survivors
74: Life After Cancer
75: Cancer Screening in Cancer Survivors
76: Disturbances of Growth and Pubertal Development in Childhood Cancer Survivors
Section XVII: Perioperative Management Issues of Cancer Patients
77: Preoperative Considerations in the Cancer Patient Undergoing Surgery
78: Perioperative Nutritional Issues
79: Perioperative Neurologic Issues
80: Hematologic Issues
81: Prevention of Postoperative Venous Thromboembolism and Perioperative Management of Anticoagulation in the Cancer Patient
82: Surgery in the Patient with Endocrine Disease
83: Perioperative Cardiopulmonary Complications and Consideration in the Cancer Patient
84: Psychosocial Issues
Section XVIII: Miscellaneous
85: Emergency Care: Special Considerations in Cancer Patients
86: Geriatric Considerations in the Care of Cancer Patients
87: Integrative Medicine: Complementary and Alternative Therapies
88: Survivorship - A Reversal of Fortune
Indeks: 11338
Autor: Romana Sprawka
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